Sunday, April 7, 2013


   I heard a radio advertisement this week from a local car dealership railing against “my Old Junker” (car).  The tone of the advertisement was laced with the attempt to shame me into buying a New car. I found my mind racing to rebut his comments and then I smiled and said out loud; “Old is luxury – Old is New.”

   Yes, my car has near 140,000 miles, but everything works perfectly on it – A/C, Radio, CD, Electric seats – windows, etc.  Listen, don’t allow the “Debt Driven Devil” to ridicule you into thinking you should trade in your perfectly running automobile that is PAID OFF to go into debt for another “house payment” just so you can alleviate the “shame” those advertisers try to put on you.
   Pick your head up high and say out loud; “I’m free; I’m Debt FREE.” Don’t allow some paid announcer shame you into feeling guilty for being frugal.  Don’t feel bad for being savvy and smart.  Don’t let some shyster manipulate you to going into a five year debt for a vehicle that will cost you another house payment.  Instead, feel proud that you are a smart and wise steward of your life.
   The rest of the day I felt fantastic singing my new song; “Thank God I am free, free, free, from this debt driven craze” (smile).  Humor aside, I drove all over town that day doing business thanking God for the blessing of being debt free. I heard the words whispered into my soul that said; “Old is New – Old is Luxury – Old is Wealthy.”

   “And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward” (Luke 12:42).

© 2013 by Dr Tim McClure

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