Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It seemed to be a wasted morning. I knew that I should get to my devotions but it just wasn’t happening. I was filling my time doing useless things and just couldn’t get motivated to pray. So I thought that I would go to the church to pray.

When I got to the church, I saw Pastor’s truck and at first, I decided to just leave, but no, I came to pray. “I’ll just go to the door and if he’s not in the Sanctuary I’ll just go into the prayer room and he won’t know I’m there.

I was really dark in there, but I know this place like the back of my hand, I thought. I really don’t need a light. Just go to the right until I come to the wall and follow the wall to the left, right to the prayer room; no problem! As I was groping my way along the wall I began to feel as though I was getting lost and really didn’t know where I was.

“No, you’re fine, just keep heading straight.”  Where is the wall? Is it behind me? Just feel for it. What is that? When did they put a seat along the wall? That shouldn’t be here. Where am I? Why is it so dark in here? I can’t see anything! I am lost and I am getting scared. Where is the prayer room? I should be right there.

As I felt my way I realized that I was at the altar. Now I was really scared and was ready to panic. I tried turning on my phone so I could see but the light from the phone was so dim I couldn’t see much. “Wait, turn around and go straight ahead and you will hit the wall, go to the left and the prayer room is right there.”

As I left the altar I felt like I had stepped off into the darkest space I ever felt. There was nothing to hold onto. I didn’t know which direction I was moving. I was lost right there in the church. The safest place I knew, I was lost and no I was really ready to panic. Just as I was ready to scream, my hand touched the wall. I went to the left and groped my way into the prayer room, found the light switch and turned on the light.

How in the world could I have gotten lost in the church that I have been a part of for so many years?


© 2013 Jean Nichols

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This past week I read an article in API about an artist; Timothy Schmalz who crafted a sculpture of a hooded homeless person on a park bench sleeping. The only identifying features insinuating it was Jesus was markings in his feet, representing nail prints.  Schmalz was wanting the Catholic church of Toronto to accept it and put the sculpture on their church grounds.

Schmalz’s sculpture was rejected by two prominent Catholic churches, St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. Schmalz was angry about their rejection and was noticeably upset at their rejecting his “social justice theology” the sculpture attempted to preach. Schmalz quoted Matt 8:20 as his justification for the sculpture.

I grew up in church hearing that Jesus was homeless. The only Bible verse for this supposition is Matt 8:20 “Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”  Without getting too deep explaining this verse, allow me to debunk the myth that Jesus was homeless:

First, Jesus said; “Foxes has holes and birds has nests, but the Son of Man has not a place to lay his head.” The supposition is that Foxes has homes in holes and birds has homes in nests, but this is a very foolish mistake. Why? Because Foxes do not live in holes, nor do birds live in nests. Foxes have their babies in holes and birds lay their eggs in nests – they don’t live there.  Foxes live in the thicket and birds live in trees, brush, etc.

Jesus explained the connection by saying, “Neither does the Son of Man have a place to lay his head.” The word “head” Jesus used is not a person laying their “head” upon a pillow, but rather the word meaning authority, such as found in Acts 18:6, Rom 12:20, 1 Cor 11:3.  Jesus was metaphorically speaking with respect to spiritually seeding his truth into the hearts of people who would produce his spiritual offspring (Matt 13:37). As Jesus spoke of the foxes and birds birthing offspring, so was he talking about where he could lay his seed.

Contrary to Schmalz and too many other misinformed believers / nonbelievers, Jesus had a home. First of all, Jesus was born and grew up in Mary and Joseph’s home. Joseph was a businessman (Matt 13:55). Another obvious Biblical proof Jesus had a place to live, John and Andrew simply asked him where he lived and Jesus took them to his house (John 1:38). I know, this is the first time you’ve heard this. That is exactly my point. You cannot simply accept false assumptions just because you heard religion spout it off you whole life.

FACT: Jesus was NOT homeless.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure


Sunday, April 7, 2013


   I heard a radio advertisement this week from a local car dealership railing against “my Old Junker” (car).  The tone of the advertisement was laced with the attempt to shame me into buying a New car. I found my mind racing to rebut his comments and then I smiled and said out loud; “Old is luxury – Old is New.”

   Yes, my car has near 140,000 miles, but everything works perfectly on it – A/C, Radio, CD, Electric seats – windows, etc.  Listen, don’t allow the “Debt Driven Devil” to ridicule you into thinking you should trade in your perfectly running automobile that is PAID OFF to go into debt for another “house payment” just so you can alleviate the “shame” those advertisers try to put on you.
   Pick your head up high and say out loud; “I’m free; I’m Debt FREE.” Don’t allow some paid announcer shame you into feeling guilty for being frugal.  Don’t feel bad for being savvy and smart.  Don’t let some shyster manipulate you to going into a five year debt for a vehicle that will cost you another house payment.  Instead, feel proud that you are a smart and wise steward of your life.
   The rest of the day I felt fantastic singing my new song; “Thank God I am free, free, free, from this debt driven craze” (smile).  Humor aside, I drove all over town that day doing business thanking God for the blessing of being debt free. I heard the words whispered into my soul that said; “Old is New – Old is Luxury – Old is Wealthy.”

   “And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward” (Luke 12:42).

© 2013 by Dr Tim McClure