Saturday, May 21, 2011


CBS News reported this evening; “Rapture prediction fails, doomsday averted. If you're reading this, Family Radio Network owner Harold Camping's much-ballyhooed prediction that the world would end on May 21, 2011 did not come true.” Many major News outlet reported yesterday of Harold Camping’s second failed bizarre prediction of the End of the World. Amazing, literally no one has ever heard of Harold Camping in the Christian world let alone the secular world but still almost all the News agencies thought it “relevant news” to air Camping’s strange ramblings.
As you read through the Web, you’ll find hundreds of agnostics dancing with excitement to the tune of humiliating faith off the back of uneducated men like Camping. Why did the News agencies take $billions of dollars of air time to report another weird prediction of Harold Camping knowing the media doesn’t believe? Was it to warn or inform the world? Or was it to use an opportunity to lampoon the Christian faith? The Bible even charges us that there would come those who would use occasions like this to proclaim to each other, “Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:4).
Rather than waste my time repudiating Harold Camping and his Heretical notions, allow me to set the record straight for the two billion Christians who believe in the Bible and some form of prophecy. Without belaboring your time with the Biblical Thesis about Eschatology, please accept my simplistic few words to state my case. First and foremost, NO man, not a Jew, Christian, Priest, Reverend, Clergy, Prophet, Apostle, Preacher or Pope can usurp the Authority of the Bible and contradict the Bible. “No prophecy of the Scriptures are of any private interpretation” (2 Pet 1:20).
Second, we are admonished not to receive anyone, not a prophet, worker of miracles or whoever that offers us a word or prophecy that is contrary from the Bible (Duet 13). Moses went on to say that God will use such deceivers to “prove us” whether we believe the [Bible] or superstitions. Jesus even thought “many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (Matt 24:11). It is not to say that there are real and true prophets today, but NO true man of God will ever usurp his “prophecy” above the Bible and declare his word equal to the Bible or God.
Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows , not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” (Matt 24:36-37). Very simple and straight forward. No one really means no one. Not even Harold Camping. Don’t allow angry men like Camping who has a grudge against the church or the News Media who are propagators of everything against Jesus to manipulate your faith or confidence in God or the Bible. Jesus warned us that this would come and these such events would take place – all in the name of trying to “shake your faith.”
By Dr Tim McClure

Monday, May 9, 2011


There is no purer feeling and experience for a Christian than to get outside the church walls and “do Jesus stuff.” No Christian has ever experienced the true nature of Jesus in their life until they go beyond the safe church. When a believer walks beyond church walls and dare demonstrate their faith in public, then that believer will see, hear and feel the real Jesus in action. Your faith will soar. Your spirituality will erupt. Your anointing will pour out like a summer rain. The glory is like nothing you’ve ever felt.
I’m afraid that centuries of doing faith behind church walls have turned Christianity into a club for religious people. Church is not supposed to be a building we attend, but a life we live. Salvation is not something we believe, but a way that we live. We must do more than believe IN Jesus, we must be LIKE Jesus. The Bible is not supposed to simply be a book we read, but an example we mimic. Church is supposed to be the metaphor of the actual, living, breathing body of Jesus Christ.
After two millenniums the church has become known more of a building with stain glass and a steeple than a living body of Christ. Where did we get this building worship? Don’t get me wrong, we are commanded by Christ and the Apostles to assemble weekly to worship, but Church must be more than simply getting together. Yes, we are “not to forsake the assembling ourselves together and so much more as you see the day of God approaching” (Heb 10:25). Please tell me that the church has become no more than a religious Adult daycare. I cannot believe that the church was supposed to be a religious museum.
The gospel is meant to be “preached” (shared) with those who do not believe, not merely those who already believe. I don’t believe the church was meant to be a “Cathedral” or a Solomon’s Temple where only a select few Levi priests can enter and perform their day long ritual that 99% of the world never can see or experience. I see the church assembly to be modeled after Jesus and his followers. He would go to a place and mostly unbelievers would come and stay a while and hear him teach only to come back again and again until they either rejected or accepted Christ and his teaching (Matt 5-7).
Yes, Jesus would attend the Synagogue weekly, but in every case, the religious “Pharisees” would give him fits and sometimes try to kill him. I like to look at the church “building” as a “school house” where Christians hear the Word preached / taught in order to renew and build their faith, and learn how to share it. Jesus would teach daily saying, “Come learn of me” (Matt 11:29). Paul even explained that “we have so learned Christ” in order to know how we are to live (Eph 4:20-24).
After we attend a “school” and learn a trade, then we are to go out into the “real world” and put what we learned to practice. The same is with church. We are to first learn how we are to live and then go out and “demonstrate it” (1 John 2:6). Surely the Lord did not mean for we Christians to go behind church walls and sing, pray and preach to each other then keep it hidden behind church walls. We must take church out of church and practice what we preach.
More than ever, today is the time to for we Christians become “the temple of the Holy Ghost” (1 Cor 6:19). Getting Church out of church is a way of saying let us get what we have learned in the school house out into the work force. Let us take the grain out of the barn and sow it in the fields (Matt 13:38). The church was never meant to be a Cathedral where we relic the holy. The church was meant to be the extended body of Christ where we go out and make people whole-ly. Let us take the cross off our steeple and put one on our backs and go save someone.
By Dr Tim McClure (from Beyond Church Walls, coming soon).
(for more articles, see my blog):

David & Goliath Story
Angela, my daughter in law had bought a new Children’s Bible story book for Amiley, her 3 year old daughter. Sitting down with Amiley, Angela begin to read the story of David and Goliath to her. As she read about Goliath, Amiley said, “He’s the bad man, isn’t he mommy?” As Angela read onto the next page where David threw the rock and knocked Goliath down, Amiley paused and thought. She turned the page back to see Goliath. Seeing the picture of Goliath with his armor and big shield, Amiley asked, “What is that Mommy?” That is Goliath’s shield” Angela answered. “What is it for?” Amiley asked. It’s to keep from getting hit by things.” Amiley turned the page back to where Goliath was lying down on the ground and simply said, “It not work for him.”


May 2011 – Multiplication – Theme for May, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
May – Wednesday nights – Mind Control- controlling power of faith 7-8 PM
May 8 – Mother’s Day – Promiseland 10:30 AM
May 20, 22 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
May 23 – Last day of School
May 29 – Sacrifice Sunday – Memorial Tribute- Promiseland @ 10:30 AM

June 2011 – Ministry – Theme for June, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
June 6 – July 29 - Surf Camp – for Kids 6 & up:
June – Wednesday nights – all New Learning environment 7-8 PM
June 10 – Youth JAM Night – Friday @ CafĂ© 7-9 PM call Kent 321-750-9925
June 17, 19 – Fusion Groups - @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
June 19 – Classic – Father’s Day celebration @ Promiseland 10:30 AM

Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Once you understand that profits are better than wages, then and only then will you become wealthy. Nobody will teach you this entrepreneurial principle from any government school. You will not learn this philosophy of success in any high school or a public college. I remember when I was 21 and broke. I wasn’t destitute, but I had too much month at the end of the money. I call this being broke.
Wages make you a living; which is fine. Profits make you a fortune; which is super fine. Fact is, you now have a choice to live fine or super fine. You now have a philosophy with “Profits are better than wages” to become wealthy and live super fine. Socialism and Communism taught the world that Capital belongs to the state and not to the people. This was evil as well as a lie. My “Uncle Harry” taught me to have two bicycles, One to ride and one to rent.
Socialism says that the people are too stupid to handle their own capital. The people must give the capital to the “All wise state” and they will take care of you. That philosophy destroyed every nation Communism philosophy touched. Let me ask you, has the “State” taken care of your grandparents, parents or anyone you know? Absolutely NOT! My father died with nothing in the bank. My mother was left to work cleaning houses up into her 70’s because she could not live on the $800 a month the “State” gave her to “live on.” NOT, more like to die on.
How long does it take to make a wage? In order to make a wage, you must lone out a whole lot of your time for just a little bit of the employer’s money. They call those who get money this way: “Wage earners.” That has become a code for an economic slave. How long do one have to work in order to become wealthy? With the present “Wage earner” system, one will work his whole life and never become wealthy. Most people today – even in America will die in the category of being POOR. We say it like this, “He died dead broke.”
Allow me to challenge you to look beyond the repetitive cycle the world and government offer you. Permit me to motivate you with a gleam in your eye for what can be and not simply what is. Concede to the possibility that you can use your talents, skills, knowledge and drive to earn profits instead of simply exchanging a lot of your time for a little bit of their money. Accept this proverb: “Profits are better than Wages.” Take these few words and put your mind toward the possibility that you could become wealthy over the next 10 years instead of just earning wages.

By Dr Tim McClure