Monday, July 18, 2011


Change the way you THINK. Think forward, not backward. Think ahead towards a plan, goal or a dream. Think positive. Think creatively. Think with knowledge toward wisdom.

Change the way you SPEAK. Let your yeah be yeah and your nay be nay. Speak the truth in love. Speak with confidence. Speak positively. Speak honestly and with integrity. Speak only with knowledge, never assumption.

Change the way you SEE. See in retrospect only to improve on your forward vision. Always take the look ahead of you, never behind you. See the best, never the worst in yourself and others. See with the vision of expectation. See the future, not the past.

Change the way you ACT. Act only in the manner of the character you desire to become, not what you were. Act with respect and honor towards yourself and others. Act in a way that a child or a grandmother could appreciate. Act with enthusiasm.

Change the way you DRESS. Dress for success. Dress the way you want to become, not what you are or were. Dress in the attire that best defines where you’re going. Dress with respect of those inside and outside of your familiar world. Dress with dignity.

Change the way you PRAY. Pray specific. Pray in faith and assurance. Pray to God, not to man. Pray to be heard, not to be seen. Pray positively, not negatively. Pray to encourage, not engage. Pray to impact, not to impress.

Change the way you WORSHIP. Worship upwards, not downwards. Worship with joy. Worship with excitement and enthusiasm. Worship with a thanksgiving heart. Offer praise to those who deserve it and your praise to God will be accepted. Offer reverence to those who deserve it, not to those who demand it.

Change the way you PLAY. Have fun with life. Play with your spouse or significant loved one. Play with your children and grandchildren. Play with your friends who you enjoy mutual respect. Play on purpose. Play regularly. Plan your play times. Make sure your entertainment is playful and your play is entertaining.

Change the way you GIVE. Commit now to Give the Tithe to the house of God or man of God that offers you a spiritual covering. Give to God what is in your hand and God will give you what is in his hand. Give cheerfully. Give in faith. Give generously. Give from your heart.

By Dr Tim McClure

Thursday, July 7, 2011


As Jesus entered the elaborate decorated home of Levi, he couldn’t help but notice the well-dressed pious priests who were already seated at the fully dressed dinner table, which Levi prepared in honor of Christ. This was no ordinary dinner, nor was it a simple family meal with a few invited guests. No, this was an all out, to the hilt, great feast. Luke records, “And Levi made him a great feast in his own house; and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them” (Luke 5:29).
Jesus was amazed to see so many Gentiles present at a Jewish feast. Of course, they were referred to as “Publicans” by the Jewish hierarchy in public, but sinners in private. Sinners for dinner was the price Pharisees had to pay in order to gain privileges from the Roman Government, who by the way was in charge of things those days. Jesus soon learned that it was not uncommon to witness Publicans and Pharisees together over elaborate dinners. Business only, you see, in hopes to gain more political power within the Jewish infrastructure that Rome set up. Even though Pharisees and Publicans were together at the same feast, it did not mean they liked each other. The Scribes especially harbored a disdain for these Gentile rulers, who because of them the Scribes’ Hebraic duties were hindered.
The scribes and Pharisees were not well respected by the Jewish community, due to their hypocritical nature. The compromising characters gained the Jewish leaders little respect in Rome except for a few hired spies and conspirators. The Pharisees made no real change, or difference with the populous. All they had to offer was a pious prayer in the market place, or a pretentious presentation of religion among the people. Oh yes, these Pharisees mastered the art of performing their rites, but couldn’t seem to do what was right in regard to justice, judgment or mercy.
Jesus walked over to the table, at Levi’s bidding, and passed the proposed seat prepared for him. He smiled as he greeted the many publicans and their friends. Striking up a conversation with them, one publican moved over to make room for Jesus. He wasted no time telling these Gentiles about the prophecies of Isaiah, how that “the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising” (Isa 60:3). You could see these Publicans lean over the table, straining to hear every word, while the Pharisees and Scribes fumed. Levi gazed back and forth at Jesus and the Pharisees, noticing the rising disgust of the Scribes.
One Scribe got up from the table and found one of Jesus’ disciples and began to complain. Soon a Pharisee or two joined in with a complaint. Suddenly, the Pharisees and Scribes were murmuring against Jesus to His disciples, saying, “Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?” (Luke 5:30). It didn’t take a prophet to see that the traditions of the Pharisees were not working to reconcile the world back to God. Jesus’ ministry centered first around the lost and hurting. Being excused from the table, Jesus walked right into the controversial debate and said, “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32).

© By Dr Tim McClure
(From Beyond Church Walls, 2011, Truth Publication) (coming)


There were two things about the 98 year old Verna Oller that just about anyone in her little town Long Beach, Washington could tell you: Verna was feisty and frugal. So frugal she never went to a hair dresser, ever. Why, she could cut her own hair for free. She even refused to buy shoe laces, instead she improvised with a zipper from wore out coat. She would buy her clothes at a thrift store. Verna never made much money earning an hourly wage filleting fish till she was in her 70’s. She cut her own firewood until she was in her 90’s.
But Verna Oller had a secret that no one knew of except her closest two friends, Carolyn and Guy Glenn, whom she entrusted to carry out her wish. Guy revealed the secret that shocked her town and the nation: Guy said Verna went to the library religiously and studied for herself how to become wealthy. Oller read Barrons and the Wall Street Journal voraciously until she became a master investor. That’s right, the shocking secret of Verna Oller’s multi-million dollar wealth secret was her passion to LEARN how to become wealthy.
Nobody knew Oller's knack for playing the market except for her friends,
In 2007 footage from the two-minute video, Oller urges the Glenns' son to buy AT&T stock, bragging about her large return. Apparently she had plenty of other profitable ideas as well. Not bad for a small-town gal with no formal education. No one gave her the money. Verna didn’t demand her old boss or company to take care of her. She didn’t have family to have support her. No, she didn’t adopt the Socialist philosophy that the government is supposed to pay her housing, food, medical or long term care. No, the Mastermind secret Verna Oller left us is: The only real way to become wealthy as a “peasant” is to LEARN HOW.
The amazing story of Verna Oller is that she didn’t start learning how to become wealthy until she was a “Senior Citizen.” And what is totally amazing is that she gained all the education one would need to become a multi-millionaire FREE. That’s right, FREE from her local library. Fact is all the millions of money you could or would ever want is all out there awaiting you to find it, and anyone can HOW through knowledge. The mastermind secret to getting wealth, lots of it is not for the already rich, nor for the famous or the “Fat Cats” on Wall Street. No, not just those with the silver spoon in their mouth can amass wealth. The average little old lady with zippers for shoe strings can become RICH. And the Secret to Amassing such wealth is FREE to those who READ.
Verna Oller, little old lady from Long Beach, Washington when she died left her small town $4.5 million. Verna Oller was a proud cheapskate to the very end of her 98 years -- and the children of Long Beach, Washington will forever be grateful. The sassy former fish filleter amassed $4.5 million through savvy stock picks -- and she donated all of it to her town so it could build the swimming pool she never had as a kid. She also had some left over for scholarships and teaching grants. What if every little town had a Verna Oller? Better yet, why don’t you become a Verna Oller?

By Dr Tim McClure