Sunday, January 22, 2012


This is the book of the genealogy of Adam (Gen 5:1). The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: 2 Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers (Matt 1:1-2).
Genealogy is defined as a descent from an original lineage; connection to the first. Over and over will you read of the importance of CONNECTIONS in the Bible. Truth must be connected with the right voice. Jesus said, “You Pharisees are like your father the devil and there is NO truth in him” (Jn 8:44).
WHY; Because Prophecy can only come through Connections. “Word of the Lord came precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little” (Is 28:10. We cannot get salvation from a bird, a flower or cow. Salvation must come through Jesus Christ. Truth cannot come from a Newspaper or Novel. Truth can only come through the Bible. CONNECTIONS
Prophecy came through CONNECTIONS of truth. God Connections cannot break & start back up from a lie. Genealogy that is to say, Connections are essential. Your DNA defines your LIFE connections. Your DNA defines where you came from.
Whether you are dealing with Politics, the Media, Wall Street, Penthouse Banking Moguls, Hollywood or Music Industry of Nashville: It’s not WHAT you know but WHO you know that will open doors for you.
No one really knows Ananias of Damascus, Syria, right outside of Joppa; but we all know Paul the Apostle. It was Ananias who baptized Paul. We may not have known Ananias, but Ananias had CONNECTIONS. Ananias introduced Paul to Barnabas who introduced Paul to Peter, James & John; and that’s how Paul got into the ministry.
What is the most prestigious restaurant in the world; The most powerful, the most known, or the most economically viable? Is it Aragawa in Tokyo; he most expensive restaurant in the world? You’ve never heard of it even though their entrĂ©e’s start near $500 a plate. No, the most powerful, economic, & most known restaurant in the world is McDonalds.
Why? Because there is only ONE Aragawa, but there are over 30,000 McDonalds. Yes, Aragawa can seat 100’s while McDonalds will seat only 30-50. However, McDonalds is a “Chain – Franchise” a fancy way of saying CONNECTIONS.
Our connections are the link to where ever we desire to go and whatever we desire to do. God has ordained connections to link us to the right people in the right place at the right time. This is one of the fundamental reasons why it matters who we hang out with and who we align ourselves with. Our connections determine who we become and how we live our lives. Take great care in how and who you foster your connections.
By Dr Tim McClure

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