Thursday, January 19, 2012


I want to officially welcome you to 2012. This is going to be an exciting year. It is my belief that we will look back 20 years from now; your children will look back 40 years from now; and your grandchildren will look back 50 years from now with amazement
They will wish that they were YOU sitting where you’re sitting now with the greatest opportunity you have NOW. I’m telling you we are in the Times History will record as the greatest opportunity surpassing the Post Depression of Culture, Personal, Economic & Business BOOM.
YES, we are in the worse time of our generation: But as God would say it; “Where sin abounds, God’s Provision does MUCH MORE abounds” Rom 5:20. I’m telling you – the Seed changes that has taken place over the past 20 years has created a field of opportunity unlike ever before. Now is the time, this is it. Do not delay a day – “Today is the day, NOW is the time for change” (2Cor 6:2). This is a prophetic year.
Not only are we experiencing the tectonic plate shift of an ending Era, the crumbling of an Industrial age corporate structures & Monolithic systems, Dethroning those who had power & control: Whipping the board clean & putting everything back up for Grabs. The Internet, Google, World info at your fingertips from the Star Track- Dick Tracy techno gadgets have empowered YOU with the ability that the Elites exclusively had
We are now wired to every individual human in the world. No one has exclusive to markets or distribution channels. We all have access to all at the tip of our fingers. Your local community is not your potential marketplace, the entire world is: instantly 24 hours a day- 7 days a week. The playing field is FLAT of opportunity and the game has only begun. BUT you have to get in the GAME.
But here is the catch- YES there is always a catch. You can’t WIN the game alone. You MUST be a part of a TEAM. You must join a NETWORK. A network going where you want to go & becoming what you want to become. All of us have 5, 10, 20, 40 years of experience to PROVE to us what we have done gets us. NOW the “Catch” is to CHANGE positions.
We must get off the SIDE lines, out of the Bleachers and OUT on the PLAYING FIELD if we want to win. Turn off the TV and open your eyes and wake up the dream passion inside of you & do what you’ve been wanting to do your whole life – WIN.
This is why I believe the GAP between the Haves & Have Not is widening. The Gap that divides the “Class- Money- Control- Information- Opportunity” is going to widen. But if you want to, you can step OUTSIDE of the “GAP” systems and WIN. HOW?
JOIN FORCES with those around you who likewise want out of this “Rat Race” and get on the “Highway to Heaven.” The single most powerful tool hidden from all of us for centuries is the POWER OF NETWORKS- TEAMWORK. “What’s gonna work?- TEAMWORK.

By Dr Tim McClure

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