Sunday, May 20, 2012


Luke 18:8 when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?

            Jesus posed this question just after the story of the widow woman who cried “Avenge me of my adversary.” Trying to teach his disciples the warning of this earth becoming so detached from God and Moral absolutes, Jesus lead them to the thought and question: “Will there come a time on this planet that we humans disconnect ourselves from FAITH? Can we become so carnal that we disrespect the spiritual?

            The Humanist Francisco Petrarch in the 14th Century coined the Name Dark Ages though speaking of the falling and loss of the Italian Culture and Literature upon Europe: his hypothesis soon was used by the church to explain the decay of the Moral and spiritual truth in society.

            This FEAR was Real since we first read of this very disconnect from God during the days of Noah: “GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented God that he had made man on the earth (Gen 6:5-6).

            This was later repeated by man in Gen 11 when they thought to create a way by imagination to eradicate the very thought of God, his laws and truth from earth. They even thought to make their OWN heaven. Could they have so disconnected themselves from spirituality till they would have built an earth void of FAITH?

            Journey through the Bible and find every great man of God became great by challenging man to repent, fleeing from sin and stop selfish destructive living.  Read history and find every great Philosopher or inventor who challenged the status quo such as the Earth is round, not flat; we can fly, or germs were the cause of illness.  They were ridiculed, imprisoned, and even killed.  Nostradamus, George Washington and Booker T Washington called Nations to change from evil ways. Sir Winston Churchill, Dr Martin Luther King and hundreds of men and women who became great did so NOT by becoming LIKED, but by doing RIGHT.

            It is possible in 2012 that we are on our way in America – in Europe and the world that our fallacious flirtation with funny, fancy and filth is pushing Faith right OUT of our Families, Finances and Future.  America just 50 years ago had a deeper and higher respect and appreciation to church, preachers and faith than they do today.  Ladies and Gentlemen; “When the Son of Man cometh, shall he FIND Faith on earth?”

            This sobering question is not meant to leave us depressed, but rather to shake us away from following the “cows to the slaughter.”  Allow me to challenge you to leave off the excuses why you don’t attend church like you should anymore.  Let me provoke you to find your faith, increase your faith and add to your faith.  We cannot just sit by and allow the Faith of God and faith in God to disappear.

            “Faith comes by hearing a preacher preaching what thus saith the Word of God” (Rom 10:17).  Let me motivate you to tune your ear to hear a real man of God today seeding the word of God into your spirit till you can rise to BELIEVE that God can and will bring a miracle crusade of Faith back to America again.

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

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