Sunday, March 11, 2012


ABC (owned by Disney World) has attacked Christianity again in their new TV series: “GCB,’’ which is from the series by the name of the 2009 novel that inspired it, “Good Christian Bitches.’’ The series began airing last Sunday. ABC’s website describes the series as a “funny, sassy and heartwarming drama.’’ Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich says “No network would run a show with such a title if the word ‘Muslim’ were used in place of Christian.’’ Gingrich says anti-Christian bigotry is considered acceptable by the entertainment industry but Islam is protected.

“Here’s to show you the biases of the elite media, look at the new show that’s on that has the word ‘Christian’ in it and I want you to take the exact name, drop out Christian and put in Muslim,” Gingrich said. “And ask yourself, is there any network that would have dared to run a show like that and you know the answer is not a one because anti-Christian bigotry is just fine in the entertainment industry but they have to be very protective of Islam.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see just how corrupt and Anti-Christian the media elites are depicted in this filthy assault on our Christian faith. One must ask, why? The answer to this can be many, but one simple truth is the Media represents everything opposite of Christianity. Hollywood has become the promotion of the antithesis of the Family, marriage, church, God and morality. Why would any media establishment want to create a series that costs hundreds of millions of dollars that attempts to create a filthy portrayal of Christianity unless their purpose is to attack Christianity.

Not only do I abhor this “rot” but I also call on everyone to slam it, expose it for its true intention and FB, Tweet, etc. your voice against this kind of slander against Christianity. Write ABC and Disney World and demand they cancel this filth as well as write, call their sponsors and demand this series be taken off. Disney World (owner of ABC) is supposed to be a “Family” park. If enough people contacted Disney and ABC and voice your disgust for their Attack on Christianity, they would cancel this show to save their pocket book.
ABC 818-460-7477 Phone: 212-456-7777 Fax: 212-456-1424 77 W. 66th St., 3rd Fl. New York, NY 10023. Walt Disney World 500 S Buena Vista St MC 9722 Burbank, CA 91521-9722 Phone (818) 553-7200* Fax (818) 553-7210 Email:

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

1 comment:

  1. [Amen, Tim. I spotted this piece on the web.]

    Boycott GOOD CHRISTIAN B****** !

    Which group is worse - the Good Christian B****** or the Bad Jewish Blasphemers producing it? This TV series comes soul-damningly close to what Jesus warned is the Unpardonable Sin Against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:32), and this production even backstabs millions of evangelicals who are Israel's best friends! Zechariah 13 and 14 predicted in 487 BC that after Israel becomes a nation, all other nations will eventually be against it and that two-thirds of the Jews will die. Malachi 2 reveals that God will allow this because Jews will be dealing "treacherously every man against his brother."
    Another goal of anti-Christian moguls is to see who dares to be first to portray, on newsstand covers featuring women, the TOP of the "lower cleavage" hiding behind the already skimpy bikini bottoms which could be called "satan-itary napkins" since they seem to cover less flesh than sanitary napkins! (Guess who really wants to exploit and degrade females in the War on Women?)
    For more unique and energizing reading, Google or Yahoo "Mikey Weinstein, Jesus-Basher," "Separation of Raunch and State," "The Earliest Hate Criminals," "Pretrib Rapture Politics" and "Islam will purify Jews and Christians."
