Monday, February 27, 2012


Robert Pavlik, Chief Market Strategist for Banyan Partners said on FOX Business channel February 27, 2012 said; Upon the rising prices of oil, will the rising prices of gasoline “ring the retail spending out of the equation” of the national economic health. Pavlik went on to say, “Gasoline prices are rising, however it is a small piece of equation when gasoline prices only go up a dime or twenty cents. You know you really are talking about a fifth teen gallon tank; you know it really isn’t that much money.”

It is aloof, out of touch elitist on Wall Street who are so disconnected from the real world that squeeze out every “dime and twenty cents” from the poor while they rake in 50 million dollars in bonuses. People like Pavlik, who are “strategist” and advisors to Bankers, Corporate executives and Government politicians about setting economic policies for the public. And those policies that are put in place come from the opinion and suggestions of the likes of Pavlik who say that gasoline prices of over $4.00 a gallon isn’t that much. No wonder the Bible condemns these elitist by prophesying: “you rich insult the poor man! Isn't it the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? (James 2:6).

No, it certainly is not wrong to become wealthy, but to become wealthy with no regard to the poor or the economic disability that such obsessive price increases is evil. To suggest that paying $50 more a month on gasoline is no big deal is blinded aloof insult against the poor of the worse kind. Let’s see what Robert Pavlik would say about the price of gasoline if Pavlik worked at Walmart for $8.50 an hour while trying to pay rent, electric, food and household goods. Yes, Pavlik would not say that twenty cents extra in gas is no big deal.

© by Dr Tim McClure

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