Sunday, February 22, 2009

Taking the Plunge

There I was at age 13 on Sue Creek Ave in Baltimore, MD trying to learn to swim off my neighbor's peer. Scared to "take the dive" or even jump off the doc. And all of a sudden, one day while running out to the front of the doc to climb down the ladder to take a swim, my foot found the "shorted" plank on the doc and over I went. Bam, a head dive into the water. Of course, it was only about 3 feet deep. Wow, I didn't die! was my thoughts. So I walked out of the water onto the shore and ran down the end of the peer and jumped in, no, dived in. Wow, look at me now. Who would have ever thought that in just a few decades an unknown, small quiet boy excited to be alive would be sitting here "blogging" to the whole world? I've taken the dive. Look at this place! Millions of millions of people from all around the world, sitting at their computers talking with people they can't even understand their language. Cultures from high rise metropolis to back woods villages. Sharing their heart, their thoughts and their expertise. OK, here we go. I'm running down the peer ... jump. OK, it's not that big of a deal I know. But the story was fun. Now the real key is to do this every day or at least every week.

Dr Tim

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