In the Shadow of the Cross Easter Passion play / drama this year is going to be a dramatic presentation of a step by step of the High Priest sacrifice in the Tabernacle of the Wilderness on Passover. Once a year, Moses would go through the ceremony of offering a lamb sacrifice to God for the sins of the whole nation of Israel for Atonement.
Each step had a significant meaning then and also a prophetic meaning to the times of Christ. And the ultimate application to you and I here today is still affecting us and will for all eternity. The first step was the sacrifice on the Altar. The significance of this is found in Jesus' death for us as a substitute. The second step was to wash at the Laver. This was significant of when Jesus died and when they pierced his side and out came water and blood. A type of water baptism when the blood of Jesus Christ washes our sins away. The third step was in the Holy Place where the Table for the Candle stick, and the table of the Bread then the Altar of Incense. Each held a significance of Jesus being the Light of the World, the Bread of life and praying for us as our intercessor. The the final and most important was past the Vail into the Holy of Hollies where the Ark of the Covenant was. This was where Moses stepped into and sprinkled blood on the four horns of the Mercy seat for the offering of the sacrifice to God in heaven. Upon this, God would accept the sin offering and pour out his glory in the tabernacle and the whole nation would see the glory of God shining down upon the Tabernacle. This signified that God accepted their offering and forgave them of their sins.
Join us this Easter Sunday for one of the most powerful presentations of the significance of the Cross of Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Easter. You will learn some of the most powerful biblical principles ever. You will get an Associate Degree in Theology in one illustrated sermon. The visual effects and power point will leave you awe struck. We promise you will be glad you took time this Easter to come experience one of the most powerful presentations on Easter you will ever witness.
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