The Law of Opposites is just a variation of the Law of Unintended Consequences. Such an idea is easily seen in Hot and Cold, Rough and Smooth and millions of similar comparisons. Therefore, if there is good, then there must be evil. The other side of the coin of God is evil is one philosophical way of trying to understand the existence of evil.
Or from another perspective, because evil exists, good in humans and nature will manifest itself to help to prevent evil or assist with the effects of evil. Thereby solidifying the absolute need for God (good) in the earth that is plagued with evil. Because there is hatred in the world, this of necessity demands for love to exist. Without love, hatred would neither exist. This in some twisted way leave the world to be no more than a robotic, unchanging mass of existence. Such illogical existence would leave life void of reason or purpose.
However, evil is not the opposite of God. In this mythological science it would give way to the notion that evil is fighting God and God is fighting evil as if evil is the opposite equivalent to God. As love is the opposite of hate, hot is the opposite of cold, and so on, some assume that the opposite of evil is God – NO. One can say that the opposite to evil is good and that all good is created by God.
Good is a creation of God while evil was the creation of the devil and choice of mankind. Evil is not an omnipresence of eternal existence, but rather a byproduct of disobedience. No one has ever known of evil until the rippling choices of bad has manifested itself in one’s life.
Evil came into existence as a result of disobedience. Now evil becomes an adverse consequences of disobedience (bad choices). The evidence of this truth is found within the ability of one or society to chose good, create and develop laws that govern one or one’s family or one’s society. Upon the obedience to such laws of good, love, truth, kindness, joy, etc. then the one, family or society will live with the benefits of such.
If one chooses to “disobey” such laws of good, then evil is the reactive effect. Evil is not an eternal existence that “brings balance” to the earth, but rather a disease that is the result of disobedience from either the one or the many.
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