When Elijah did not see the results in others, he became very stressed out. Strange, isn’t it? Just when you find yourself right in the middle of the place you wanted to be for years, it seems like it didn’t give you what you “Expected.”
This is where “Stress” comes to knock you off course. Work attracts attack.
Stress hits the people who want something out of life. Men and women who AIM for something or try to become something are the ones who experience stressed.
I have a “Quick Fix” cure for all stress: “Plan nothing, Desire nothing, Reach for nothing, Have nothing and Do nothing.” The people who get criticized are the people who “Have” something, “Do” something & “Are” something. If you don’t want criticism, Do nothing, Have nothing and be nothing. Notice, it was when Elijah “had done...” he was attacked I King 19:1-4
When Elijah did not see the results in others, he became very stressed out. Strange, isn’t it? Just when you find yourself right in the middle of the place you wanted to be for years, it seems like it didn’t give you what you “Expected.”
This is where “Stress” comes to knock you off course. Work attracts attack.
Stress hits the people who want something out of life. Men and women who AIM for something or try to become something are the ones who experience stressed.
I have a “Quick Fix” cure for all stress: “Plan nothing, Desire nothing, Reach for nothing, Have nothing and Do nothing.” The people who get criticized are the people who “Have” something, “Do” something & “Are” something. If you don’t want criticism, Do nothing, Have nothing and be nothing. Notice, it was when Elijah “had done...” he was attacked I King 19:1-4
Get to doing something and the devil will show up to kill you. If he can’t kill you, get you to backslide, get you to quit - he’ll just give you STRESS !!!!!!!
Notice again, Elijah’s Stress Signs: “When he saw what Jezebel ...” Elijah got his eyes off of revival at Mt. Carmel and focused on what Jezebel was saying she was going to do. Notice, the “Seduction of Stress:”
IKing 19:1-4 ..Elijah had done ... 2 Jezebel put hit out on Elijah 3 “when he saw that”, he ran for his life, and left his servant. 4 went into the wilderness, and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested to die; and said, It is enough;[it’s too much] now LORD.
1.) One of the first things “Stress” will do is cause you to “Leave” your co-workers and spiritual support. Stress irritates until one doesn’t want to be around another person. This is called neurosis in psychology. [It’s my fault]. What was it that Elijah’s servant did that caused Elijah to want to leave him? Nothing! The servant had nothing to do with it. The same thing happens to we today if we let “Stress” get to us.
2.) The second thing which Stress does to us is makes us desire to get alone and “Pout.” Elijah left and went into the wilderness and “Sat” under a Juniper tree. Stressed out people find it easy to make excuse to “Quit” - sit down. Juniper means a pole, stem, broom, yoke, bind.
3.) Thirdly, stress will bring a person to a place where he or she sees no worth or reason of their place in the Kingdom. Not only a give up and quit spirit, but stress takes us so far that we can not see our purpose of living this way of life anymore. “What’s the use?” spirit sets in. The spiritual suicide demon takes over like it did with Cain, Saul, Judas...
4.) Fourthly, stress brings a person to a place where one says, “It’s too much.” This spirit of hoplessness destroys all faith. Healings can’t come to you, miracles have no effect and salvation has lost all power to save. “Stress” is an evil spirit.
Ps 42:1-6
DISQUIETED (H) raw-gaz; to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear): be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, rage, trouble.
Depression is an internal pressure. Oppression is an outside pressure. Oppression is caused usually by the devil; “Jesus healing all that were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38). Oppression is caused by enemies “Jesus was oppressed and afflicted by the Jews” (Is. 53:7). However, depression comes from within. This can be caused by outside pressure until one believes what they say and now join the pressure. “David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him “ (1 Sam 30:6). When his men blamed David, it caused David to feel guilty and depression set in. Saul was depressed over his jealousy of David, God leaving him and Philistines war against Israel. Saul blamed himself = depression (1 Sam 28:15). Depression killed Saul’s destiny. Depression stopped Elijah’s future ministry cold:
Notice again, Elijah’s Stress Signs: “When he saw what Jezebel ...” Elijah got his eyes off of revival at Mt. Carmel and focused on what Jezebel was saying she was going to do. Notice, the “Seduction of Stress:”
IKing 19:1-4 ..Elijah had done ... 2 Jezebel put hit out on Elijah 3 “when he saw that”, he ran for his life, and left his servant. 4 went into the wilderness, and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested to die; and said, It is enough;[it’s too much] now LORD.
1.) One of the first things “Stress” will do is cause you to “Leave” your co-workers and spiritual support. Stress irritates until one doesn’t want to be around another person. This is called neurosis in psychology. [It’s my fault]. What was it that Elijah’s servant did that caused Elijah to want to leave him? Nothing! The servant had nothing to do with it. The same thing happens to we today if we let “Stress” get to us.
2.) The second thing which Stress does to us is makes us desire to get alone and “Pout.” Elijah left and went into the wilderness and “Sat” under a Juniper tree. Stressed out people find it easy to make excuse to “Quit” - sit down. Juniper means a pole, stem, broom, yoke, bind.
3.) Thirdly, stress will bring a person to a place where he or she sees no worth or reason of their place in the Kingdom. Not only a give up and quit spirit, but stress takes us so far that we can not see our purpose of living this way of life anymore. “What’s the use?” spirit sets in. The spiritual suicide demon takes over like it did with Cain, Saul, Judas...
4.) Fourthly, stress brings a person to a place where one says, “It’s too much.” This spirit of hoplessness destroys all faith. Healings can’t come to you, miracles have no effect and salvation has lost all power to save. “Stress” is an evil spirit.
Ps 42:1-6
DISQUIETED (H) raw-gaz; to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear): be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, rage, trouble.
Depression is an internal pressure. Oppression is an outside pressure. Oppression is caused usually by the devil; “Jesus healing all that were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38). Oppression is caused by enemies “Jesus was oppressed and afflicted by the Jews” (Is. 53:7). However, depression comes from within. This can be caused by outside pressure until one believes what they say and now join the pressure. “David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him “ (1 Sam 30:6). When his men blamed David, it caused David to feel guilty and depression set in. Saul was depressed over his jealousy of David, God leaving him and Philistines war against Israel. Saul blamed himself = depression (1 Sam 28:15). Depression killed Saul’s destiny. Depression stopped Elijah’s future ministry cold:
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