Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Promiseland Newsletter 4-10

If anyone dares step into a Spirit filled church or listen to a dynamic speaker, be he a preacher or motivational speaker, one will hear something along the line of pressing through where ever they are right now and into where they wish to be. “Press toward the mark of the high calling of God” Paul admonishes. “Forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before” Paul again challenges. Jesus even proclaimed, “No one who has put his hand to the plow and looked back is fit for the Kingdom.”
Webster attempt to define Breakthrough as “an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare, an act of breaking through an obstacle, a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique.” I must admit that after 18 years of growing up in a Baptist preacher’s home and the next 36 years in Pentecost, I have heard 200-300 sermons on “Breakthrough.” However, far too little was given to me of a “step by step” practical system or explained principle of exactly HOW to experience a genuine “Breakthrough.” I’ve heard cheesy gimmicks like, “Turn around three times and shout Jesus.” Or, “tonight if you will just stand on your feet and dance for Jesus, you will dance you way out.” Sorry, but the most common on Christian Television would be something like; “You can give your way into your breakthrough.”
Please, the last thing I wish to do is to offend anyone who holds dear to some of those moments of spiritual euphoria. Maybe it just comes from my years of practical experience and decades of Biblical knowledge, but no one can read very far into the Bible and not acknowledge that God is not some hap-hazard, off the cuff weirdo. God has designed a planet, solar system and universe that has more laws of nature and universe than it seems we can discover. If I have found anything about God in my past 54 years of life circumference about God is He works according to principle.
I have found that if one is going to actually experience a “Breakthrough” in anything of their life, spiritual, relational, emotional, physical or financial, one MUST learn the absolute fundamental principles of HOW to experience such a breakthrough. I call it the “Science of Breakthrough.” If one is going to break through the obstacle of health that is holding one back from health, proper weight, free from disease, then one will be forced to activate the Biblical principles that guarantee such a break through. Such as the Law of Faith (Rom 3:27). The Law of your Mind (Rom 7:23). Such principles as Jesus explained, “I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23).
Please, can we grow up? Stop this foolishness of spin around three times, jump up and down and shout NO at the devil and you will get your breakthrough. I’m not against your shouting or jumping. I do that and love it. But to suggest that our human antics or aerobics will break through the obstacle of sin, Satan or stupid is absurd. It will take nothing less than the absolute laws of God to retrieve the particular “breakthrough” that we need. Let us learn, love and leverage the divine Science of Breakthrough and live the life God intended us to on the other side of whatever it is that’s holding you back.
By Dr. Tim McClure

A Quick Recipe for A Church Split
Take two good rumors, add a little spice, beat in several old accusations, pour in several dissatisfied church members, season to taste and then beat until firm. Spread out the mixture as far as possible throughout the church (the fact that it is thin is okay). Bake at a high temperature until you think it’s done. Serve when ready. This is a meal that should never be found upon our plate.

Proverbs to live by:
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks
Life is not so much a matter of position as of disposition.
The best vitamin for making friends: B-1.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
Seek joy in what you give not what you get.

April 2010 – Breakthrough – Theme for April, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
April 4 – Easter Play - In the Shadow of the Cross – 10:30 am – Promiseland
April 7, 14, 21, 28 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
April 11 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland Café – 6 PM
April 16-18 – Fellowship groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
April 24 – Take a Stand @ Lipscomb St Park – call Kent 321- 750-9925
April 25 – Generation Changers Youth Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
May 9 – Mother’s Tribute – Women’s Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM

Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935

Friday, March 26, 2010

In the Shadow of the Cross

In the Shadow of the Cross Easter Passion play / drama this year is going to be a dramatic presentation of a step by step of the High Priest sacrifice in the Tabernacle of the Wilderness on Passover. Once a year, Moses would go through the ceremony of offering a lamb sacrifice to God for the sins of the whole nation of Israel for Atonement.

Each step had a significant meaning then and also a prophetic meaning to the times of Christ. And the ultimate application to you and I here today is still affecting us and will for all eternity. The first step was the sacrifice on the Altar. The significance of this is found in Jesus' death for us as a substitute. The second step was to wash at the Laver. This was significant of when Jesus died and when they pierced his side and out came water and blood. A type of water baptism when the blood of Jesus Christ washes our sins away. The third step was in the Holy Place where the Table for the Candle stick, and the table of the Bread then the Altar of Incense. Each held a significance of Jesus being the Light of the World, the Bread of life and praying for us as our intercessor. The the final and most important was past the Vail into the Holy of Hollies where the Ark of the Covenant was. This was where Moses stepped into and sprinkled blood on the four horns of the Mercy seat for the offering of the sacrifice to God in heaven. Upon this, God would accept the sin offering and pour out his glory in the tabernacle and the whole nation would see the glory of God shining down upon the Tabernacle. This signified that God accepted their offering and forgave them of their sins.

Join us this Easter Sunday for one of the most powerful presentations of the significance of the Cross of Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Easter. You will learn some of the most powerful biblical principles ever. You will get an Associate Degree in Theology in one illustrated sermon. The visual effects and power point will leave you awe struck. We promise you will be glad you took time this Easter to come experience one of the most powerful presentations on Easter you will ever witness.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


When Elijah did not see the results in others, he became very stressed out. Strange, isn’t it? Just when you find yourself right in the middle of the place you wanted to be for years, it seems like it didn’t give you what you “Expected.”
This is where “Stress” comes to knock you off course. Work attracts attack.
Stress hits the people who want something out of life. Men and women who AIM for something or try to become something are the ones who experience stressed.
I have a “Quick Fix” cure for all stress: “Plan nothing, Desire nothing, Reach for nothing, Have nothing and Do nothing.” The people who get criticized are the people who “Have” something, “Do” something & “Are” something. If you don’t want criticism, Do nothing, Have nothing and be nothing. Notice, it was when Elijah “had done...” he was attacked I King 19:1-4

Get to doing something and the devil will show up to kill you. If he can’t kill you, get you to backslide, get you to quit - he’ll just give you STRESS !!!!!!!
Notice again, Elijah’s Stress Signs: “When he saw what Jezebel ...” Elijah got his eyes off of revival at Mt. Carmel and focused on what Jezebel was saying she was going to do. Notice, the “Seduction of Stress:”
IKing 19:1-4 ..Elijah had done ... 2 Jezebel put hit out on Elijah 3 “when he saw that”, he ran for his life, and left his servant. 4 went into the wilderness, and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested to die; and said, It is enough;[it’s too much] now LORD.
1.) One of the first things “Stress” will do is cause you to “Leave” your co-workers and spiritual support. Stress irritates until one doesn’t want to be around another person. This is called neurosis in psychology. [It’s my fault]. What was it that Elijah’s servant did that caused Elijah to want to leave him? Nothing! The servant had nothing to do with it. The same thing happens to we today if we let “Stress” get to us.
2.) The second thing which Stress does to us is makes us desire to get alone and “Pout.” Elijah left and went into the wilderness and “Sat” under a Juniper tree. Stressed out people find it easy to make excuse to “Quit” - sit down. Juniper means a pole, stem, broom, yoke, bind.
3.) Thirdly, stress will bring a person to a place where he or she sees no worth or reason of their place in the Kingdom. Not only a give up and quit spirit, but stress takes us so far that we can not see our purpose of living this way of life anymore. “What’s the use?” spirit sets in. The spiritual suicide demon takes over like it did with Cain, Saul, Judas...
4.) Fourthly, stress brings a person to a place where one says, “It’s too much.” This spirit of hoplessness destroys all faith. Healings can’t come to you, miracles have no effect and salvation has lost all power to save. “Stress” is an evil spirit.
Ps 42:1-6
DISQUIETED (H) raw-gaz; to quiver (with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear): be afraid, stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, rage, trouble.
Depression is an internal pressure. Oppression is an outside pressure. Oppression is caused usually by the devil; “Jesus healing all that were oppressed of the devil” (Acts 10:38). Oppression is caused by enemies “Jesus was oppressed and afflicted by the Jews” (Is. 53:7). However, depression comes from within. This can be caused by outside pressure until one believes what they say and now join the pressure. “David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him “ (1 Sam 30:6). When his men blamed David, it caused David to feel guilty and depression set in. Saul was depressed over his jealousy of David, God leaving him and Philistines war against Israel. Saul blamed himself = depression (1 Sam 28:15). Depression killed Saul’s destiny. Depression stopped Elijah’s future ministry cold:

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rediscovering Church

“Upon this Rock, I will build my church” (Matt 16:18). Church is defined as; n 1. A building for public worship 2. People who demonstrate their love for God by loving and serving others. Tabernacle in the Wilderness was a “type and shadow” metaphor of the Church that Jesus Built. No, the church is not perfect, but the designer is.
Angie pulls into the parking lot as she does every Monday night, but on this night she drives past her usual parking area and parks her car by the maintenance building. Walking back toward the church, she silently thanks God – again for the mechanics who volunteer their time & talent on Monday nights. While Angie attends the ministry for single mothers and her daughter attends a class for children of divorce, a grease smeared hero replaces her U-joints on her car. This is church
Peanut butter, Spaghetti, Baked beans, Powdered milk, Coffee, Cereal, Soup, Diapers, Shampoo, Toothpaste… Sue continues down the list, buying three of each item requested. The checkout clerk comments on her triplicate buying, but Sue just chuckles. On Sunday, Sue wraps the bags of groceries in garbage bags and leaves them on the pavement behind her car while she attends church. During service, volunteers gathers them all and stocks the food pantry for needy families. This is church
The young man weeps as he reveals a story of child hood abuse so cruel that its victim, his wife buried the memories in her subconscious mind for 15 years. But now the surfaced tormented memoires shattered the tranquility of their home till it is now threatening the security of their marriage. Both husband and wife are leaders but feel helpless. The husband sits alone in the middle of his peers. When he finishes his story, one man reaches out and tests his hand on his shoulder, while another grips his arm. Soon he’s wrapped in a corporate embrace. With passion they all begin to pray for over an hour while tears soak him with deep heartfelt love. This is church
“But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to guilt. Therefore is you are offering your gift before God and you remember that your brother has been wronged by you, leave your gift there and go to your brother and be reconciled, then come back to the altar and worship God.” You know what these words mean, the pastor asks? Can we honestly love God while we hold a grudge against someone? As he speaks the rustle begins in the pews. Within minutes hundreds have left their seats. Some are weeping with each other asking for forgiveness, while others kneel at the altar making things right. This is church
“They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to communion and prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and did business, they gave to the ministry of need. Every day they continued to meet together in the church. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47) This is church

Friday, March 12, 2010


Whether you're making a PBJ sandwich or an airline reservation, you're coming into close contact with invisible charges that make goods and services more expensive. Everyone knows there are federal taxes on tobacco and alcohol, but did you know the feds take a bite out of your afternoon candy bar? There are plenty of unexpected taxes that raise the price of goods and services -- sin taxes, import duties, user fees and excise taxes on things as varied as gas guzzlers, firearms, communications services and air travel. "The less visible a tax is, the less likely taxpayers will be aware of it, unsettled by it and advocate against it," says economist Jared Bernstein of the Economic Policy Institute in Washington, D.C. You may feel lucky in Las Vegas, hit the lottery or have a good day at the racetrack, but all winnings are taxable as regular income. There's a tax on the life insurance policy that your employer so generously gives you as a benefit if it is over $50,000. "Most of the hidden taxes pertain to products we buy rather than wages we earn," adds Pete Sepp, a spokesman for the National Taxpayers Union, a watchdog group in Washington, D.C.
Think going “American First” is better, well look closer and find the Government tax policy is part of the problem of destroying “America First.” Goods from brooms to bicycles may carry excise taxes to make them more expensive. It's one way the government keeps the price of imported products artificially high and makes it easier for domestic ones to compete for business. "You are paying more than you would otherwise pay," says Patrick Fleenor, an economist for the Tax Foundation, a Washington, D.C., group. Here are some items whose prices are jacked up with import taxes: Bicycles at 11%, School supplies 5%, Hammock 15%, Infant formula 18%, Linens 12%, Flashlights 18%, Brooms 32%, Girdles 24% and Peanut Butter 143%.
Our own Federal Government is manipulating our economy so much till there is almost no such thing as a “Free Market.”



An interesting letter in the Australian Shooter Magazine this week, which I quote: "If you consider that there has been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the past 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers. The firearm death rate in Washington, DC is 80.6 per 100,000 for the same period. That means you are about 25 percent more likely to be shot and killed in the US capital, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the US, than you are in Iraq Conclusion: The US should pull out of Washington D C." (Australian Shooter Magazine).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Promiseland Newsletter 3-10

The day was beautiful. The sun was out offering a warm coating across my skin. The wind was mild providing enough movement that made the clouds looked like they were dancing. You could hear the laughter of the children playing all across the church parking lot. The chatter of adults offered just enough tone to secure any concerns this unusual day might offer. As I looked around, I was impressed at the massive crowd of church families who came out to the small pond that was situated in the back lawn of the church. Yes, today was the day Pastor Slaggle of First Baptist in Essex, Maryland had been pushing for more than a month.
However, as a kid of 12 years of age, I paid little attention to the significance leading up to this day with exception to the fact, I was one of the ones who was going to be baptized. You see, Pastor Slaggle and the church leadership had outlaid a month long vision of growing the church with the notion of adding 100 to the church membership. Baptism was the crowning ceremony of this month long vision.
I recall my mother being right there at my side while my father was caught up in the energy of the service and ceremony. “Well glory” you could hear him shout at times through his unique tearful expression he could share. I glanced over to see who Dad was talking with at the moment I saw him lightly slap the deacon on the chest with the back of his hand. It raised a small smile to my face as I was taken in from all the hundreds of people all over the parking lot and church grounds. “Wow, mom look at all the people,” I said.
There were more than 100 people that were lined up to be baptized with me. I still recall looking around trying to capture the picture of what all of this was about. My young mind was so enthralled by the whole event. Wow and I was a part of it. I felt like I was one of those who were making all this possible as I walked down into the water. I could feel my soul rise to this grandiose vision until I caught a glimpse of all the leaves in the water. I put my hand down under the water and realized how dirty the water was.
I can’t even remember the pastor taking me by the hand and reciting the baptismal words over me. My eyes were wide open when he put me under. I was totally engulfed in the “millions” of leaves as I was plunged under the water, looking up. He brought me up while my family was rejoicing, I could think of nothing except “all them leaves and this water is dirty.”
Amazing, when I recall that story it reminds me of so many today in the church. Some of the most dynamic moments God offers us each and every service and all we can see is the dirt. Shocking isn’t it that just when God draws us into his arms for a powerful experience we lose sight of the Vision because of the distractions that fills our surroundings. Just about the time we step into “our moment” that will make history, some dirt draws us away.
God knows how many times the Vision – the Big Picture is lost because of some stupid dirty mess around us knocks us off focus. How many have lost their footing just about the time they were about to reach their Mt Everest! Look at the marriages that came tumbling down the cliff just before they reached their apex all because of some filthy mess distracted them.
Don’t allow one dirty pond filled with nasty leaves ruin your once in a life time moment in God, church or life. Please, don’t allow the dirt around us knock us off focus from this God given VISION we have received. Stay focused on the event, not the dirt. Maintain your gaze on the next five years, not the next hour of trash. Don’t allow the five words of slander destroy 10 years of sermons. I know it might be hard, but resist the scaring pain from abuse wreck 20 years of marriage. Reject the poisonous thought of moving 10 hours away from your family to save 10 minutes of discomfort.
Yes, I agree with you, the water is dirty and the leaves are nasty. Please, don’t misunderstand me. I hate the filth too, but I refuse to through the baby out with the bath water. Let me ask you now, what are you looking at? The dirt, the leaves or the ceremony?
By Dr. Tim McClure

Fishing Preachers
There were three pastors, a Baptist, Methodist and Pentecostal all sitting in a boat, fishing. "I'm thirsty," said the Methodist. "I'm gonna go get myself a Coke." So he got out of the boat, walked across the water, and came back with his Coke. "Ooh, that looks good," said the Baptist and got out of the boat. He walked across the water, got his Coke, and came back. Surprised that they could be so supernatural, and he being a Pentecostal that was not going to be out done said, You're right, I think I'll get one too." He steps out of the boat and sinks like a rock. "Hey," said the Methodist to the Baptist, "should we tell him where the rocks are?"

Proverbs to live by:
Children need more models than critics.
Jumping to conclusions can be bad exercise.
You will not raise your reputation by lowering others.
Success is … more attitude than aptitude.
Behave as you wish your children would live.

March 2010 – Vision – Theme for March, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
March 7 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland Café – 6 PM
March 13 – Ladies Outing – for more info call 321-216-8030
March 16 – First Lady’s birthday (Jenny) – show her you appreciate her
March 19-21 – Fellowship groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
March 26 – Youth Fun night @ Promiseland Café – call Lena 321- 848-6001
March 26 – Young adults fellowship – call Tim Jr 321-591-6708
April 4 – Easter Play - In the Shadow of the Cross – 10:30 am - Promiseland

Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The Law of Opposites is just a variation of the Law of Unintended Consequences. Such an idea is easily seen in Hot and Cold, Rough and Smooth and millions of similar comparisons. Therefore, if there is good, then there must be evil. The other side of the coin of God is evil is one philosophical way of trying to understand the existence of evil.
Or from another perspective, because evil exists, good in humans and nature will manifest itself to help to prevent evil or assist with the effects of evil. Thereby solidifying the absolute need for God (good) in the earth that is plagued with evil. Because there is hatred in the world, this of necessity demands for love to exist. Without love, hatred would neither exist. This in some twisted way leave the world to be no more than a robotic, unchanging mass of existence. Such illogical existence would leave life void of reason or purpose.
However, evil is not the opposite of God. In this mythological science it would give way to the notion that evil is fighting God and God is fighting evil as if evil is the opposite equivalent to God. As love is the opposite of hate, hot is the opposite of cold, and so on, some assume that the opposite of evil is God – NO. One can say that the opposite to evil is good and that all good is created by God.
Good is a creation of God while evil was the creation of the devil and choice of mankind. Evil is not an omnipresence of eternal existence, but rather a byproduct of disobedience. No one has ever known of evil until the rippling choices of bad has manifested itself in one’s life.
Evil came into existence as a result of disobedience. Now evil becomes an adverse consequences of disobedience (bad choices). The evidence of this truth is found within the ability of one or society to chose good, create and develop laws that govern one or one’s family or one’s society. Upon the obedience to such laws of good, love, truth, kindness, joy, etc. then the one, family or society will live with the benefits of such.
If one chooses to “disobey” such laws of good, then evil is the reactive effect. Evil is not an eternal existence that “brings balance” to the earth, but rather a disease that is the result of disobedience from either the one or the many.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We have all heard the famous quote, “If there is a God, why is there evil?” Truth is, for we who believe in the Bible find the answer readily explained. God is the creator of all that is good and perfect. And found within creation is what we call, Free Will. Even Angels had the power to chose and Lucifer chose to create pride within him (Ez 28:15). With this, Lucifer created SIN and from sin came all that is evil.
Lucifer (Satan) came into the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve and succeeded in having her and Adam to eat the forbidden fruit (Gen 3:1-6). From this, sin was born into the human family. From Sin has come everything that is evil (Rom 5:12-21). Through man’s choice does evil come upon all, whether they are good people or bad people (Matt 5:45). Sin is the cause of all “evil” that comes upon earth, whether that evil comes from nature, human behavior, whether premeditated or accident. Evil does not come as a decision of God, but as a reaction of SIN.
This truth is found within the laws that govern the universe. Take for an example the law of gravity. This law exists whether a person believes in gravity or not, or whether a person is good or evil. As an example, let’s say these two people (good and evil) are standing out on a ledge of a 40 story building and they both fall or jump. Which one dies? Both of them do. God didn’t make a decision to “kill” them, the laws of gravity holds the power to enact its repercussion upon violators of its law.
The law of gravity is not bias nor prejudice. It would not save the good man and kill the evil man. The law of gravity has no bias choice within itself. If I realize there is such thing as the law of gravity and learn to understand how it works and then respect it, then I reap the benefit from my respect. If I chose to ignore it or to disobey it, I will reap the judgment of its repercussion.
If I wish to say, God is the creator of the Law of Gravity and thereby credit him to such deaths to the good and evil person who suffered from their ignorance or arrogance, then my credit (though wrongfully assigned) may well be a twisted attempt to affix God as the “fault” of such tragedy.