Sunday, December 30, 2012


Phil 3:13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.


Here we are at the last day of the year 2012. At the end of each year, I have gone through a routine over the past 30 years to evaluate my past year. I compare what I have accomplished with respect to the goals I had set before the New Year to see what I could have done differently or better.


Inevitably I find several things that I thought were of value were not and things I didn’t consider were valuable. I almost always find things that were obstacles that hindered my ultimate goal and purpose in life. I also find many things that came to me from experiences, people and life that attached themselves to me.  Call them spirits, ideas, feelings, memories or failures.


I have found after 40 years that many of these “attachments” often pile up and cause a combination effect that drags me down with preoccupation of stuff that does more harm than good. These “attachments” the Bible calls us to “forget.” Simply, we must “let go” of those things that are in our past that hinders us. I know it is easier said than done. So allow me to suggest a few things or ways to “Letting go of the past.”


#1 Forget means to place in a hidden place or to consider it ignorant or of less value. True we do not possess the power to wipe out of our mind the memory of bad things in our past, but we can place a value mark of it in our mind. Take everything that God’s word has labeled destructive or bad for your divine purpose and label it ridiculous, ignorant or stupid. By doing this, you put a “Value” mark of worthlessness upon that experience, issue, hurt or thing from your past.


#2 Forget means to put it behind you. Please get this: Putting those things in your past means to put it out of your fore thought – your focus – your directive. Take everything that was bad for you and remove it from your forward sight that it no longer becomes your primary vision. Do not allow those things that have made you less than what God has designed for you to lead you, define you or control you. Forget it! Put it behind you and make your failures, pains and troubles push you instead of control you.


© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Thursday, December 13, 2012


    “Why are you crying GP” the little voice asked as Aurora rubbed my arm with her caring concern? Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve bring on many emotional moments. The many nostalgic Christmas movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown’s Christmas and Home Alone spark such emotional memories while sitting with friends and family during the Holidays.  Crying (again) during the emotional moments and laughing with kids and grand kids make the last six weeks of each year so special. Nothing in the whole world is more important than our Faith, Family and Future.

    Like always, I take these six weeks at year’s end to recap my life, reevaluate what I have or have not done with regard to my purpose and goals.  Like Clarence (the angel in It’s a Wonderful Life) reminded George Bailey (Character Jimmy Stewart played) what life was all about, so has these past few weeks given me an “Angelic” moment.

    Please allow me to share my heart and say to you that there is nothing more important than our Church family to share spiritual moments or worship, prayer and divine experiences with.  We need Jesus, prayer and faith.  I love my family more than life itself.  My family is the most important part of life.  My children and grand children make life worth living and worth becoming better. 

    Take this moment to make a phone call, write a letter, send a card or email to your family and friends and tell them how you feel.  Envelope this time to get alone with God and say a prayer for your family, your church and your future.  Let me wish you a very Merry Christmas.


© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Monday, November 12, 2012


John 6:66-67 From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67 Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?

2 Tim 4:9-11 Timothy, be diligent to come see me soon 10 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and Only Luke has stayed and supported me.

   A close observation may shock you. In the end of the greatest Apostle and pastor in the New Testament was forsaken by everyone except Timothy and Luke.  Demas has forsaken me. We have always interpreted Demas forsaking God when we read this verse. However, Demas actually forsook Paul.

   Shocking is that the church members of Crete left the church of Crete pastored by Titus and moved over to Galatia church. Look at a scary verse: Titus left to Dalmatia: his home. Titus, the great pastor and spiritual son of Paul quit pastoring and went home because the saints of Create left and went to Galatia. We read this and interpret it as the first church Abandonment.

   During Jesus ministry, the real 666 “Mark of the Beast” was Abandonment: “many of his disciples went back and walked no more with Jesus” (John 6:66). To make matters worse, Jesus knew in his heart that the twelve disciples were even thinking of leaving also.

   The Post World War II generation of fathers and husbands spent 8 years overseas away from their wives and children. They lived 8 years with the “guys.” They came home to spend every evening with the guys at the bars. This produced a generation of father and husband Abandonment.

   Abandonment escalated in the 60’s. Children were abandoning their parents, their schools and their laws. The law no longer was important. No longer were loyalties important. The 60’s youth were no longer loyal to their school, traditions, church or their faith.

   The 60’s produced the Baby Boom generation who became parents that abandoned their children, their marriages, their jobs and their morality. Fatherless children are now out numbering the two parent children. Over 50% of children born today are born to single parent homes without a father. US Correctional institute numbers reveal that 87% of all American prisoners grew up without a father.  We are living in a Generation that is Lost because of Abandonment.

   What if Abraham Lincoln left America because of the division among our own people?  Would there be an America today?  Was it right that young men abandoned America during the Viet Nam War just because they didn’t believe in the politics?  Was it morally right for a soldier to abandon his fellow soldiers in their bunker just because they didn’t want to fight anymore?  Any soldier who leaves his country, his platoon, his fellow soldiers in war or peace time is considered AWOLAbsent With Out Leave. 

   Abandonment is not the answer to a nation just because you disagree with some politicians.  Abandonment is not the answer for a man who just had a child simply because he doesn’t want to take responsibility.  Abandonment is not the answer to a husband who doesn’t feel romantically attracted to his wife anymore.  Jesus is asking believers all across America, “Will ye also go away?” 

Ó 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Saturday, November 10, 2012


“One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after (Ps 27:4). 
“If you had only ONE PRAYER that could be answered, what would it be?”

   I understand that we could over spiritualize this and say; “My one prayer would be that the whole would be saved.”  Now that would also be my SINGLE most important prayer. Let us all agree that seeing Asia, Africa, Europe, or the Americas saved would be the ultimate answer to our One Prayer.

    But apart from such a monstrosity of a prayer, on a more PERSONAL intimate note, what would be your ONE PRAYER you would pray if you could get the answer to it.  If you knew you would get your ONE PRAYER answered, what would that One Prayer be?

   For some, it would be that “My husband or wife be saved. To another it would be that my son or daughter come to Christ. While others, it would be that my brother, friend, or family member be delivered from addiction, bondage, or depression.  Some would pray that they be healed from a horrible disease or sickness. Others would pray for finances to allow them to take care of their babies, family or be free from the debt pressure that is sucking the life out of them. What ONE PRAYER would you pray?

   Stop for 30 seconds and think about that right now.  What One Prayer would you  pray – if you knew you would get the answer? 

   Bartimaeus was the son of Timaeus, a successful, wealthy family. Truth is, Bartimaeus had a very known, affluent family tree. Bartimaeus had everything he could dream of in way of family, prestige, money, connections and admiration. However, there was one thing Bartimaeus did not have – his eye sight. One day, Jesus asked Bartimaeus, "What do you want Me to do for you?" And Bartimaeus said, That I might see” (Mark 10:51).

   There was a man who had a home, job, family and means to meet every need, except one thing, his son was mentally ill- he was a lunatic.  When Jesus asked what One Prayer he could answer, the man said, “that my son be healed” (Mark 9:22).  When Jesus asked the man full of leprosy what One Thing he could do for him, the leper said, “Will you make me clean?” 

   I could site a dozen more scriptures like these. Even a few more shady ones: John and James asked an egotistic request; “Grant that we may sit one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory” (Mark 10:37).  Andrew and John asked Jesus, “Where do you live?” (John 1:38).

   Listen, yes, it is possible to get your ONE PRAYER answered.  Some don’t get their one answer because they DO NOT ASK (James 4:2).  While Others don’t get answers because they pray WRONG” (James 4:3). WHY? Because they “pray to consume it upon their own lust” (James 4:3).

   KEY: To Pray the ONE PRAYER and get your answer you must pray beyond you self.  The only way to get saved is to SAVE OTHERS (Matt 27:42).  The only way to get healed is to HEAL OTHERS (Matt 10:8). And the only way to receive is to Give (Luke 6:38).  In just about every case in Scripture, those who received their One Prayer answered, prayed beyond self indulgence alone (to be continued).

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Sunday, October 14, 2012


     Life is a series of problems.  Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life’s problems.  Without disciplines we can solve nothing, with discipline we can solve all types of problems.

     Life is difficult, this is true. Many have complained that “Life isn’t fair.”  I simply reply, who said the life was supposed to be fair?  What makes life difficult is solving problems is very painful.  Problems evoke in us a great deal of emotional pain, such as sorrow, fear, anger, anxiety, sadness, etc.  These are uncomfortable emotions.  It is in meeting and solving problems that life takes on a greater meaning.  Since life invokes a series of problems, life also unleashes a series of pain.

     Problems are the cutting edge that distinguishes success and failure.  Problems are what cause us to grow mentally and spiritually.  Without growth, we’re doomed to stay as we have always been.  Wise people learn not to dread problems, but to welcome and expect problems.  Fearing the pain involved from problems causes most people to avoid problems.  Most people do anything to attempt to avoid confronting problems.  They avoid problems because they wish to avoid pain.

     Avoiding problems is the root to all psychological, emotional and mental illness.

Most who avoid problems build elaborate fantasies to hide behind or live within the false sense of protection.  Those who create such fantasies also escape reality.  Psychoneurosis is a substitute to legitimate suffering.  But the substitute becomes more of a suffering than the pain one seeks to avoid.

     Then people will build another layer upon layer of fantasy to avoid the emotional instabilities, pretending everything is alright.  In avoiding the problem, we stop growth which we learn from the problems that life brings.  Therefore, we avoid real life for the replaced fantasy.  When we stop the growth, we also stop the healing we could have attained if we faced our problems and pain with proper responses.  When we stop growing, we also stop the very meaning and purpose that problems can bring to us.

     Problems are a part of real life.  Avoiding problems is our attempt to avoid true life’s learning opportunities. True emotional and spiritual health comes from acknowledging that life is full of problems.  And with this truth, we discover the tools to dealing with these problems.  The tools we must discover is found inside discipline.  When we develop discipline within every area of our life, we also develop the tools we shall need to successfully confront and overcome all problems.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Monday, October 1, 2012


            "Search the scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life:  and they (scriptures) are they which testify of me" (John 5:39).  Search the scriptures yea, the deep things of God (I Cor. 2:10).  Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Tim. 2:15). 

            We are to inquire, research, meditate the Word of God (I Tim. 4:15).  We are called to read the Bible (I Tim 4:13).  The three main ways of studying the Word is SEARCH as if we are looking for treasure, STUDY, that is run reference, comparing scripture with scripture and READ; just simply reading the Bible with no intended purpose in mind.


1.      Who is the author writing to?  Who is he talking about?

2.      What is the author writing about?  What is the subject or his main thought.  What is he trying to get across to his readers?

3.      When was it written?  Was it in time of freedom, oppression?  Was it before Jesus Christ or after.  Was it under the Law or under Grace?  Was it during the church age or after the rapture?

4.      Where were the people at?  Were they in heaven or in earth?  Where was the author at and where was the subject at that he was writing about?  Was he writing to someone there present or future.

5.      Why did the author write the letter?  Why is he saying what he is? Is he commanding them or reprimanding them.  Was he prophesying or instructing?

For example, let me show you how to use the "5 Inspector W's" method:  "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Rom. 10:9).  Many today try to use this passage of scripture in dealing with sinners, trying to bring them to salvation.  Using the "5 Inspector W's" method you ask:

a.  WHO is the author of Romans?  Paul (Rom. 1:1).  Who is Paul writing to?  Christians in Rome - Rom. 1:7; 6:4; 8:9, not sinners.

b.  WHAT is Paul saying?  That if "thou" (believers) shalt confess with your mouth, (it must be public, voiced, said, exposed, can't just be in the heart or mind only (Rom. 10:6) the Lord Jesus (no one can say that Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Ghost (I Cor. 12:3). 

c.  WHEN was it written?  After Pentecost, therefore after the church was established.  No longer were they under Old Testament jurisdiction but under grace.

d.  WHERE?  The church at Rome (Rom. 1:7).

e.  WHY was it written?  There were Jewish people telling these gentile saints that they had to be physically circumcised in order to be saved (Rom. 4:1-10).  These Roman believers were being confused in thinking that their salvation was dependant on a Jewish ordinance instead of the "GOSPEL" - Death, Burial and Resurrection (Rom. 6:1-6, 8:1-11, 21-23, 10:16)

© 1996 by Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Prov 4:25-27 Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. 26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. 27 Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil

            Everything God does in your life he will do to increase your concentration and focus on your assignment – single most purpose in life. Everything Satan does will seek to clutter and fragment your focus.

            The only reason men fail is because of broken focus. Every time God speaks to you, writes you or appears to you, it is to support your focus so that your focus will facilitate your assignment in life (Prov 4:25-27). As hard as it is for me to accept, God will move things I love out of my life to keep me Focused on my single most definite purpose in life.

            Satan cannot destroy you, he can only distract you. Anything Satan says to you, reveals to you or attracts to you will be to break your focus. Just as the devil showed up in the Garden to get Adam to break his focus by looking at the fruit God said to stay away from, so will the devil come at you for the purpose to break your focus: Get you to look at something that will cause you to be disobedient.

            Focus is the absolute Criteria of all relationships in your life.  All and any relationships in your life that enhance, support, add, grow and promote the Focus in your life are the relationships that are permitted.  All relationships that break, subtract or diminish your focus away from your purpose or assignment are the relationships that you need to reject. Anybody that breaks your focus on God is being used of the devil. Anybody that increases your focus on your assignment is being used of God.

            Those who are attracted to you that subtract, weaken or hinder your focus, they are the people you should restrict your relationship with. Those who enhance, add, inspire and encourage your focus, they are the people you are to have a relationship with. If they’re rebellious, leave them. If they’re sinful, shun them. If they’re negative, upsetting, hate or against what you are for, disconnect from them. You can be respectful but not submissive.

            Focused light turns into energy. Focused attention turns into talent. Focused faith turns into a miracle. Focused work turns into prosperity. Focused prayer turns into availing much. And focused planning turns into accomplishment. Turn away from distraction and FOCUS. You can DO what God has placed inside your heart to do.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Sunday, July 8, 2012

IF I WERE 35 AGAIN- Part 2

   One morning in my devotions I do every morning, God asked me the question: “What would you do if you were 35 years of age again?”  Wow, what a great question to get you thinking and reevaluating!  I wrote in my first BLOG that such a short blog would not allow me to share the list that I created over the following months. However, with many emailing me and requesting me to share with them some of my thoughts, I offer you a few things on my list in this blog that I pray you can use.

   KNOWLEDGE- I would place the greatest value upon WHAT information I would obtain and place inside my soul (mind). Jesus said, “The truth you know shall make you free” (John 8:32). The Bible reveals that we are saved by knowledge and knowledge is the first principle to life (Prov 1). The principle is this; the measurement of knowledge we have equals the measurement of life we shall enjoy.  Ignorance is the key to sin and being lost. If you do not know God, you are lost. If you do not know how to communicate, you will be alone. If you do not know business or economics, you will always exchange a lot of your time for a little bit of someone’s money. 

   Ignorance and deception are the core of every destruction known to man.  Ignorance is the key to poverty, sickness and psychosis. The right kind of knowledge is power. The right kind of knowledge is essential to freedom.  One can know all there is to being a drug dealer, but that will not lead one to a secure freedom.  People possess a lot of wrong or bad knowledge that leads to false beliefs and this has lead many of us to live a strained, hurtful and difficult life. 

   As I look back over the past 20 years and think of the many things I never was able to have or had lost, it almost all had to do with the wrong kind of knowledge which created wrong set of beliefs.  If I were 35 again, I would be very studious and scrupulous about what I allowed into my soul (mind).

   1.) I would take careful time to research and discover my single most definite purpose in life and give myself to study the right kind of information / knowledge that would facilitate my success in that purpose.  I would study to know the right kind of information that would move me towards the ultimate purpose that I was placed on this planet. I would give myself to know the best information for the use of my purpose for the betterment of myself and everyone else I came in contact with. I would not waste my time learning to know information that mattered little to nothing to me nor those around me. 

   2.) I would read the top ten books on any one given subject of my passion and purpose.  We will all have the same life, same conditions and same results of life if we do not increase the quality of information and knowledge.  It has been said, “If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we shall get what we’ve always gotten.” If I were 35 again, I would pick very carefully the time and energy I would invest in growing myself, my mind and my soul in order to become exactly what God had intended on me to become. If I were 35 again, I would not just allow every fly by night junk that the world, television, Hollywood, so-called news, neighbors, associates and friends said I should allow into my mind and soul. (to be continued…)

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


   I found myself some time ago sitting down by the river doing my morning devotions pondering my evaluating stages I often go through.  I was reminiscing the many opportunities that I had found myself being offered but because of my upbringing, background and training, I either didn’t see it, understand or outright rejected what now I know was God giving me favor.

   Ignorance comes to many of us at a cost that we will never be reimbursed for.  However, if we are so blessed and gifted by grace we can use our failures, mishaps, misunderstandings or ignorance to our future advantage.  I found that on this one morning I had one of those enlighten moments:

   That morning in my devotions I hear the Lord say; “What would you do if you were 35 again?”  Wow, will something like that get your attention or what?  I found myself instantly pulling out things and ideas that I would do and or not do. My mind raced for several minutes before I stopped long enough to start writing down a list of things I would do – if I were 35 again. (I can just hear many of you reading thinking of the questions, “well, what are some of the things would you do?”)

   This short BLOG will not suffice such a list, however, I found myself working with my son, Tim Jr that particular week of which he was going to be having his 35th birthday in just a few weeks away and I said, “Son sit down, we need to have a talk.”  As we sat there, I told him what I had been hearing God ask me and about my list. Then I pulled it out of my pocket and said, “I want to give it to you.”

   I will never be 35 again, but you’re about to turn 35 and you can use this far greater than I could.  As we sat there talking about ministry, family, finances and the future, I tried in a short simple way to suggest the viability of such a thought and the list.  Yes, Tim Jr started the process of the list and is still working it (to my prayer in a far greater success than I could ever make of it).

   With that thought in mind, let me ask you; “What would you do if you were 35 again?  Perhaps you are 35, 40 or 25.  Can I challenge your emotion today and suggest that you can take this simple devotion and start to jot down a few things and make your own list of what you would love to redo, change or start afresh. 

   What would you do different? What decisions would you have made or not have made? What so called friends would you have avoided or gone out of your way to make? What book would you have read or not read? How would you have spent your time more productive and what wasted stuff would you avoid?  Whatever you would do or not do is merely a thought you may wish to ponder for your future and for your success.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Luke 18:8 when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?

            Jesus posed this question just after the story of the widow woman who cried “Avenge me of my adversary.” Trying to teach his disciples the warning of this earth becoming so detached from God and Moral absolutes, Jesus lead them to the thought and question: “Will there come a time on this planet that we humans disconnect ourselves from FAITH? Can we become so carnal that we disrespect the spiritual?

            The Humanist Francisco Petrarch in the 14th Century coined the Name Dark Ages though speaking of the falling and loss of the Italian Culture and Literature upon Europe: his hypothesis soon was used by the church to explain the decay of the Moral and spiritual truth in society.

            This FEAR was Real since we first read of this very disconnect from God during the days of Noah: “GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented God that he had made man on the earth (Gen 6:5-6).

            This was later repeated by man in Gen 11 when they thought to create a way by imagination to eradicate the very thought of God, his laws and truth from earth. They even thought to make their OWN heaven. Could they have so disconnected themselves from spirituality till they would have built an earth void of FAITH?

            Journey through the Bible and find every great man of God became great by challenging man to repent, fleeing from sin and stop selfish destructive living.  Read history and find every great Philosopher or inventor who challenged the status quo such as the Earth is round, not flat; we can fly, or germs were the cause of illness.  They were ridiculed, imprisoned, and even killed.  Nostradamus, George Washington and Booker T Washington called Nations to change from evil ways. Sir Winston Churchill, Dr Martin Luther King and hundreds of men and women who became great did so NOT by becoming LIKED, but by doing RIGHT.

            It is possible in 2012 that we are on our way in America – in Europe and the world that our fallacious flirtation with funny, fancy and filth is pushing Faith right OUT of our Families, Finances and Future.  America just 50 years ago had a deeper and higher respect and appreciation to church, preachers and faith than they do today.  Ladies and Gentlemen; “When the Son of Man cometh, shall he FIND Faith on earth?”

            This sobering question is not meant to leave us depressed, but rather to shake us away from following the “cows to the slaughter.”  Allow me to challenge you to leave off the excuses why you don’t attend church like you should anymore.  Let me provoke you to find your faith, increase your faith and add to your faith.  We cannot just sit by and allow the Faith of God and faith in God to disappear.

            “Faith comes by hearing a preacher preaching what thus saith the Word of God” (Rom 10:17).  Let me motivate you to tune your ear to hear a real man of God today seeding the word of God into your spirit till you can rise to BELIEVE that God can and will bring a miracle crusade of Faith back to America again.

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


FREE LOVE – The biggest Paradox of the last Century. The two words in the same sentence, Free and Love is a joke. Let alone using Free as an adjective describing the noun LOVE.  It’s as false as saying “Dry Water.”  Just as Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton didn’t charge the world to use their discovery, did not mean that their discovery came FREE. The cost and value of such wisdom is priceless and extremely expensive to those who invested life to discover it. Even though we hold it free.

            However, those who have dared to use Einstein’s Theory of Relativity without the reality that such expensive knowledge has brought the world to a near peril. This single piece of FREE knowledge has cost and is still costing the world $trillions (Nuclear Weapons).

            Trying to teach a parent to give a child love unconditionally will cost that parent his life. For I as a Preacher of the Bible or counseling Psychologist try and teach a man or woman to love their spouse unconditionally will advise them in the Art of Sacrifice.

            “For God so loved the world that he gave…” is still the most expensive “unconditional Love” known to the world. True, it cost YOU nothing for God to LOVE you unconditionally. It cost YOU nothing for God to display his love when you were unloving. Yes, it is true, “God loved us in while we were yet sinners” (Rom 5:8). When we could not love him, he loved us. Not because we deserved it but when we were at our worse. “Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6).

            However, even when Jesus loved and gave his life for us, yet his death could have or would have done us NO good unless we would have RECEIVED his gift. “And whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

            What are you saying pastor? I’m saying that LOVE, true love is real. It is not mere words on a card. It is not a flower in a vase. True love is blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, true love and selfishness cannot be in same room. Unconditional love is expensive. It is self sacrificing and can hurt. But the rewards are unparallel.

            Every Blessing comes with Brokenness. Every gift comes with a price. Every love comes with a sacrifice. It is impossible for me to give or receive “Unconditional Love” by itself. I must RECEIVE unconditional love if it is to impact me.  God can give unconditional love, but it will never reach me until I Receive it. The condition is “Whosoever believes.” The dynamics work in the Ebb and Flow. “We love him because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

            There is no greater subject in all the world like that of LOVE. Love is the greatest feeling for feeling. Love is the eternal motive and cause for all creation. Love is seen in the father’s eyes and the mother’s embrace. Love is known by many and craved by all. Love is the most common subject yet one of the most perplexing subject.

            Love has been the cause of wars and the cause of peace. Love has been the death to many and the life of most. Love is seen in the face of a two year old with his daddy. Love, true love is WORSHIP. To love God is to worship God. “Great love has no one than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus loved you so much he did MORE than just TALK. He GAVE – his all.

By Dr Tim McClure

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I was driving home from a trip the other day when I heard a clip of “so called news” on the radio that quoted: ‘Many people have turned to exercise to lose weight and get healthier, but EXPERTS say that exercise can cause death.” 

Crazy isn’t it? I have heard all kinds of “Nutty professor” advice from these “Experts” – so called that want to get another face time in the spotlight.  I heard one that said; “More Americans have turned to vitamins to supplement their nutritional health, but experts say that vitamins can be harmful…”   I know you have heard the daily barrage of “Experts say” – but who exactly are these EXPERTS?

I have been hearing these quackery commercials (news so called) spew out their “expert” advice for more than 40 years.  Amazing, more than 90% of the “experts” are anonymous.  And those who offer a name come mainly from University study geeks who have never been past the college parking lot of the real world.

I know, I am a tad bit sarcastic with these “so called experts” but when they spout off such stupidity I just can’t sit back and let it go unchallenged.  Hear me out: I can prove my stand easily.  Have you ever sat and watch a TV commercial trying to sell you on taking their DRUG that can help with your cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression, etc?  And then at the end of their commercial, they give you this list of 50 side effects on how this drug has been found to cause and even KILL you?  BUT, the experts say it may help with your ingrown toenail.

The next time you hear any “news, commercial” or otherwise anonyms “Expert” trying to sell you something, just count the number and severity of side effects and think of my rant and your good dose of COMMON SENSE.

© 2012 By Dr Tim McClure

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


John McDevitt, an Army reservist who served for one year in Afghanistan is staging a protest outside of a local Bank of America branch in Utica, New York after he claims the bank refused to reimburse him for supposedly fraudulent charges he incurred while on two weeks leave in Athens, Greece, a local NBC affiliate, WKTV reports.

McDevitt says he was charged more than $25,000 by an Athens nightclub even though he claims he only bought a few drinks there, but BOA's investigation has concluded that he'll have to take the charges up with the Greek Nightclub if he hopes to recoup the lost funds, according to WKTV. McDevitt says he planned to use that money for his daughter's wedding but now, he will have to use another credit card and go in debt.

Personally, I don’t doubt at all that a Nightclub in Greece stole his money, seeing that the nation of Greece is in the worst economic state of all the nations of Europe. It doesn’t take an economics professor to see that Greece is one of the worst nations to visit let alone use your ID or credit card information.

LESSON: However, whether McDevitt spent $25,000 on a drunken, stupid night or the Greece Nightclub stole from him, we must walk away from the lesson STAY AWAY FROM NIGHTCLUBS. I mean, come on now! Especially these days where we hear of Identity thief is happening 24 hours a day. And worse, VISA and MasterCard just reported they were HACKED and millions of card information was stolen.

Moral of this story is; 1) stay away from places that attract criminals; 2) When using your credit card or ID, never let it out of your sight and; 3) Check your online bank / credit card accounts every day – especially when you are in another country. Ask me how I know!!!

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Monday, April 2, 2012


Another “Snake Oil Remedy” quack has come forward trying to get “we the people” to buy their modern “so called drug science.” Dr David B Agus, professor of Southern California wrote in his book, The End of Illness some of the most bizarre “remedies” to prevent and or cure cancer.

Agus suggests that if a woman would wear comfortable shoes she would have a less chance of dying from cancer. This kind of “Snake Oil” indoctrination is just one of the failure deception of modern day “so called” medical science. What kind of “medical science” is suggesting what kind of shoes you should or should not wear will prevent cancer?

Agus also sites some bizarre elusive study by some research group (who is funded by pharmaceutical company) that taking vitamins may cause cancer. This is blatant evidence that modern day “so called medical science” is either brain dead or their hidden agenda is obvious in wanting the public NOT to live in health.

Any amateur person who has read just one article about human health knows that our biological system feeds on and essentially must live on minerals and vitamins. And for any “so called medical professional” to suggest that taking vitamins will cause cancer is the worst kind of “Snake Oil Remedy” quack.

Truth; it is such modern day “so called medical science” that is ALL about proscribing and forcing the human population to take their drugs for life all in the name of “staying healthy. For every ONE Snake Oil Quack like Agus, there are hundreds of real health professionals who can and have done ten thousand scientific research proving the REAL medicinal and health benefits of vitamin supplements and exercise. Additionally there are tens of thousands of evidence that DRUGS KILL; whether sold by drug dealers on the streets or in the doctor’s office.

FACT: there has been hundreds of thousands of people who have DIED by drug prescriptions and under a doctor’s “care” in a single year in America and NOT even 100 has died from taking vitamins in TEN YEARS. Next time you see a “Prescription drug” advertisement on the television, listen to the 30 side effects – even death that one will suffer from taking their “prescription drug.”

And these people want to preach to me about what shoes to wear and why I should NOT take vitamins!!! Sorry “Doc” go sell your Snake Oil Remedy to someone else. I will match up MY health against yours and anyone of your patients any day of the week. And I attribute my health to godly living, happiness, great family, taking VITAMINS and exercise – and NEVER TAKING DRUGS from the streets or doctor’s office.

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Monday, March 26, 2012


As I drove through the parking lot of the shopping lot and the traffic was absurd, I looked to see why – the Movie theatre. The new movie; “Hunger Games” was released. Being the family man, community watch that I am, we went to see it and was I shocked.

The TV writer and author of the Hunger Games Suzanne Collins hooked up with her Hollywood elites of “Lions Gate Entertainment” have given America one of the worse assault on our teenagers in years. Yes, I saw it just to see and prove to myself the idea that the elites are still exploiting our culture with this filth.

The Hunger Games plot is a very sick, weak plot with a perverted suggestion that teenagers are weak, stupid, manipulative and extremely vulnerable to whatever the “State” demands of them. And even more sick is the notion that all the parents sit by and do NOTHING while the State kills their kids one by one.

What parent, what adult, what American citizen would sit by and allow this kind of perverted “suggestion” be aired – (Marketed toward the Teenagers) in a time when school killings and teen violence is on the rise? Where is the outcry? Where are the teen advocates in our nation? SHAME on you Suzanne Collins for your corruption you have sown into the minds of our children. Shame on you!!!

Obviously, DO NOT see this movie!!! Not only is the story plot extremely weak, the acting is a B- and the dialogue is 6th grade (or less). Scholastic, Inc. is the publisher of “The Hunger Games” books and I pray you contact them and offer your opinion of this book: You also can find their phone numbers and address on their website also. I could not find Suzanne Collins email or contact info.

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure

Friday, March 23, 2012


Luke 14:20-23 0 Still another said, 'I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come.' 21 So that servant came and reported these things to his master. Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servant, 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lame and the blind.' 22 And the servant said, 'Master, it is done as you commanded, and still there is room.' 23 Then the master said to the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.
1. ANGER – You must get fed up with incompetence, irresponsibility. Anger is the highest emotion = gives you all the fuel you need to take charge. We need high power to overcome selfish chains of superiority. “Let him who thinks he stands, take heed, lest he fall (1 Cor 10:12). Be angry & sin not (Ep 4:26). Excuses are the tools of the weak and incompetent. Used to build monuments of nothingness. Those who excel in it seldom excel in anything else but excuses.
2. GO QUICKLY – Take action NOW. Procrastination is the womb of excuses. Jesus was teaching that if any of us is ever to break the chain of excuses that is stopping us from our God given goal, we must act quickly. Now perform the doing of it (2 Cor 8:11). Most people live and die without their music ever being played. No action, no change. Limited action, limited change. Take action, Change occurs. Until you spread your wings, you’ll never know how far you can fly. Go beyond yourself. Lance Armstrong: “Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever.
3. BRING THE POOR – See beyond yourself. Excuses elevate self above, To break these chains we must see the big picture. Reach outside of your own world and touch a life, heal the sick, save the lost and you will be FREED from excuses. Luke 14:13-14 invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. 14 And you will be blessed. Jesus knew that if we help those worse than ourselves we could not be irresponsible, we must sacrifice. Look at that little baby and make excuse why you don’t have time; No, you will pay the price. Hungry baby, deceived teen, abused woman = You will reject cheap excuses & do your DUTY. Opportunities are never lost; someone will always take up what others fail to take.
4. COMPEL – get passionate, outrageous insistence, strong arm (G). "to put constraint upon, 'necessity', to constrain, whether by force or persuasion"; Jesus "constrained" the disciples to get into a boat (Matt 14:22). Saul of Tarsus "strove" to make saints blaspheme (Acts 26:11) "compelled"; Peter "compelled" Gentiles to live as Jews (Gal 2:14); Paul was "constrained" to appeal to Caesar (Acts 28:19). Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you’re right.
5. FILLED – Ultimate purpose of life. Jesus knew that if we were going to Break the chains of Excuses off of us, we must have an ultimate purpose above ourselves. When fulfilling your divine duty, obey your heavenly call hits home so hard that the devil puts Excuses in your mouth, look up and see the BIG picture and your excuses will flee. When we can see how God is to get glory through our fulfilling our Duty, all excuses will sound so cheap. Why compare yourself with others? NO one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than YOU.

Failure is often the result of continual excuses that justify un-involvement and selfishness, while success always is a product of personal responsibility. Excuses only reveal our weaknesses and demonstrate our unwillingness to take action. In fact, believing we are incapable of greatness is merely a cover-up for avoiding personal responsibility. Worse, excuses subordinates God’s ability to work in our lives.
NO MORE EXCUSES – 1) Get fed up with irresponsibility, 2) Take action NOW, 3) Reach beyond yourself and help someone worse off, 4) Get passionate about life, 5) Realize that your Big or Little part in life is all about God getting Glory through YOU.
© 2011 Dr Tim McClure

Sunday, March 11, 2012


ABC (owned by Disney World) has attacked Christianity again in their new TV series: “GCB,’’ which is from the series by the name of the 2009 novel that inspired it, “Good Christian Bitches.’’ The series began airing last Sunday. ABC’s website describes the series as a “funny, sassy and heartwarming drama.’’ Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich says “No network would run a show with such a title if the word ‘Muslim’ were used in place of Christian.’’ Gingrich says anti-Christian bigotry is considered acceptable by the entertainment industry but Islam is protected.

“Here’s to show you the biases of the elite media, look at the new show that’s on that has the word ‘Christian’ in it and I want you to take the exact name, drop out Christian and put in Muslim,” Gingrich said. “And ask yourself, is there any network that would have dared to run a show like that and you know the answer is not a one because anti-Christian bigotry is just fine in the entertainment industry but they have to be very protective of Islam.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see just how corrupt and Anti-Christian the media elites are depicted in this filthy assault on our Christian faith. One must ask, why? The answer to this can be many, but one simple truth is the Media represents everything opposite of Christianity. Hollywood has become the promotion of the antithesis of the Family, marriage, church, God and morality. Why would any media establishment want to create a series that costs hundreds of millions of dollars that attempts to create a filthy portrayal of Christianity unless their purpose is to attack Christianity.

Not only do I abhor this “rot” but I also call on everyone to slam it, expose it for its true intention and FB, Tweet, etc. your voice against this kind of slander against Christianity. Write ABC and Disney World and demand they cancel this filth as well as write, call their sponsors and demand this series be taken off. Disney World (owner of ABC) is supposed to be a “Family” park. If enough people contacted Disney and ABC and voice your disgust for their Attack on Christianity, they would cancel this show to save their pocket book.
ABC 818-460-7477 Phone: 212-456-7777 Fax: 212-456-1424 77 W. 66th St., 3rd Fl. New York, NY 10023. Walt Disney World 500 S Buena Vista St MC 9722 Burbank, CA 91521-9722 Phone (818) 553-7200* Fax (818) 553-7210 Email:

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


According to AOL, (Mar 6, 2012) their Autos Staff wrote that “Every day, law enforcement hands out an estimated 100,000 tickets to American motorists, resulting in about $6 billion in fines annually. According to a recent report from Trapster and, it seems a large portion of these tickets come from 10 metropolitan areas.”

For more than five decades, many national community advocates have complained that the “speeding violations” (tickets) are more about scamming the public of their hard earned money than it is about “safety.” More and more advocates these days are questioning the excessive money laundering from the common working public.

“I had to pay $250 for a speeding ticket that I got for just going seven (7) miles per hour over the speeding limit. I tried to reason with the officer but he was having nothing to do with it” said Robert B of Georgia. Literally hundreds of thousands of letters, emails and phone messages come into our offices all across America just like Robert B.

Many social scientist and activist have questioned the statistic reports from the government concerning the true number of accidents due to minimal speed variations. “The numbers we have tried to verify were greatly exaggerated” wrote one anonymous specialist. It is not my assertion that speeding is an accepted thing and that we should not worry about law breakers and reckless driving. However, most everyone would tell you that only a very small percentage of the “so called” speeding violations are excessive. So then, is the hundreds of thousands of speed traps set up to “save lives” or simply to fleece the public of their hard earned money? You chose

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Imagine you are walking the beach in some beautiful secluded spot and came upon what looked like a small vase or some kind of tea pot. You pick it up and rub off the grim and “Poof” out popped a – yes a Genie. And she indeed asks you; “What is your wish that I may grant it you?” Now think past the long history of this fairytale and take a moment to answer it for real. What really would you ask for?
Wow – this is a mind bender for over 90% of American people. Contrary to popular opinion, most would not just rattle off the precise item, venture or long life dream. Studies have revealed that far too many would knee-jerk answers like, “I want $1 Million dollars” with no thought of the more than 95% of those who win such amount in a lottery blow through it in less than a year. And sad, after they blow through their $million, they are worse off afterwards than they were before they “won” the cash.
As the studies have it, many (most married) wish for a “hot chick” or “man” of their dreams. Such requests are void of the reality of not being in the good health both financially or physically to “keep” such a “hot” woman or man. Others quickly wish for a “big house on the ocean” without the knowledge of the $50,000 a year in taxes, insurance and maintenance such a house would cost (at minimum).
It doesn’t take long to read through the hundreds of “wishes” to the imaginary genie such university studies have exposed to realize that more than 90% of Americans DO NOT KNOW what they really want in life or from life. The proof of such bewilderment from most Western civilizations is sadly evidenced by what we have done with our time, energy, resources, relationships and life thus far.
Let me give you a few things to ponder in making a list to help you prepare for your beach walk experience when your genie arrives. Ultimately all humans are searching for happiness. We all want to be happy and fulfilled in life on a daily bases. Everybody wants to have good healthy relationships where they can receive and give love. We all want friends and family members to share our happiness with. Everyone desires to have peace of mind, contentment and spiritual tranquility that can only come from faith in God. And literally everyone knows that without the financial or resource means to obtain, maintain, and secure such healthy aspirations, none of us can reach our goals.
In short, most everyone desires reside within the subjects of Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Future. With this simple story and challenge, allow me to inspire you to sit down NOW and begin drafting your “WISH” of a life time. Take time today and write your thoughts down of YOUR goals in life. What is it exactly that YOU WANT?

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Monday, February 27, 2012


Robert Pavlik, Chief Market Strategist for Banyan Partners said on FOX Business channel February 27, 2012 said; Upon the rising prices of oil, will the rising prices of gasoline “ring the retail spending out of the equation” of the national economic health. Pavlik went on to say, “Gasoline prices are rising, however it is a small piece of equation when gasoline prices only go up a dime or twenty cents. You know you really are talking about a fifth teen gallon tank; you know it really isn’t that much money.”

It is aloof, out of touch elitist on Wall Street who are so disconnected from the real world that squeeze out every “dime and twenty cents” from the poor while they rake in 50 million dollars in bonuses. People like Pavlik, who are “strategist” and advisors to Bankers, Corporate executives and Government politicians about setting economic policies for the public. And those policies that are put in place come from the opinion and suggestions of the likes of Pavlik who say that gasoline prices of over $4.00 a gallon isn’t that much. No wonder the Bible condemns these elitist by prophesying: “you rich insult the poor man! Isn't it the rich who oppress you and drag you into court? (James 2:6).

No, it certainly is not wrong to become wealthy, but to become wealthy with no regard to the poor or the economic disability that such obsessive price increases is evil. To suggest that paying $50 more a month on gasoline is no big deal is blinded aloof insult against the poor of the worse kind. Let’s see what Robert Pavlik would say about the price of gasoline if Pavlik worked at Walmart for $8.50 an hour while trying to pay rent, electric, food and household goods. Yes, Pavlik would not say that twenty cents extra in gas is no big deal.

© by Dr Tim McClure

Saturday, February 25, 2012


The interstates, highways and roadways were already built when I started driving. Most of us today are driving in the directions that are already PAVED for us to drive. Every city was mapped out before it was ever created. What is known as the city grid (the roadways going east, west, north and south) were designed usually around a particular theme, landscape, resource or plan. Many cities were developed around rivers, ocean bays for shipping routes, scenic places, valleys or other themes. Each of these themes used to involve trade routes, interstate access, on or nearby already existing travel routes. Other cities were built around the land best for farming, timber or particular crop needs.

The highways, interstates and city roads is what is used to this day as ways and means by which we move, do commerce, work, shop, and engage in relationships. Our behavioral lives are set up around common metaphoric connections and interactions. Relationships are designed around previously “designed and proposed” presets for culture to follow. It is like we were born into an already created system by which we must squeeze our likes, dislikes, passion or purpose into.

Influence is like the road systems. We WILL be influenced by these cultural “grids,” it's just a matter of our choosing who and what we will be influenced by. These “Intersection Influences” were already set in place, therefore, we must chose how, who or what will become the pattern that we build our life around. Choose wisely.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


#1 - Set Your Goals
Buy yourself a copy of “Goals” by Brian Tracy and learn to define your priorities and what you want to achieve in life. You may be surprised that you are spending your energy chasing things that are not what you really want to achieve. You may be sabotaging the things that are important to you. One technique that Brian Tracy suggests doing is writing out your top 10 goals on a 5x3 piece of card, do this action daily for 30 days without looking at your previous day's card. By the end of the 30 days if your goals have settled down then you will find you have probably got a better idea of what is important to you.

#2 – Change your Mindset
By changing your mindset you can achieve so much more, moving yourself from limitation to possibility. This is generally hard for people to accept; namely that there are far more limitations in your mind than outside of you. These self limiting beliefs mean that people choose not to take action as they have convinced themselves it will not work for them or they cannot do it. Rather than thinking about the reasons why you can't do something, think of all the HOW you can get around your limitations and do what is possible. Remember, if you think you can or think you cannot, you are correct.

#3 - Stop Blaming Others
I know a number of people that spend much of their life blaming others for the situation that they find themselves at any point in time. In some way this is linked to the limitations issue described above. This is a very corrosive state of mind to be in, by constantly blaming others for things that happen to us is defeatist. It is to say that we are victims of things around us, and have a lack of control. Be accepting of others, and instead of blaming others of where you find yourself or what has happened or is happening to you, it is better to ask yourself what the best thing you can do now to be in a better place. You see now here's the thing, it has to be stated in the positive as well. It is believed that our unconscious mind acts far better in this frame of mind.
By the way, I do no endorse the happy clappy positive mental attitude movement, however in general there is still something to be drawn from this. It is generally better to be positive than negative in state of mind, and by no longer looking to apportion blame you are less likely to slip into an unhelpful negative state.
to be continued...
By Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


When anyone, religious or not hear the name of Billy Graham, they instantly think of no doubt the most popular preacher in America and the world. Question most never seem to ask is; How did he become so popular? Was it because Graham is the best preacher or religious speaker in the world? No one would assert this, not even Graham himself. Was it because Graham is highly gifted in persuasion, personality or power? He is gifted, but there are hundreds more just as gifted and some more and we have never heard of them. So what was it that turned the tide that allowed Billy Graham to become so popular?
It started when Billy Graham scheduled a series of revival meetings in Los Angeles in 1949, for which he erected circus tents in a parking lot. When Graham started preaching under the tent, he received the attention of several prominent media moguls. Graham gained the attention of William Randolph Hearst when Graham spoke out against communism as an evil of the devil.
Graham's rise to national prominence came from the assistance he received from news mogul, William Randolph Hearst. Most observers believe that Hearst appreciated Graham's patriotism and appeals to youth and thought that Graham would be helpful in promoting Hearst's conservative anti-communist views. Hearst sent a telegram to his newspaper editors reading "Puff Graham" during Billy Graham's late 1949 Los Angeles crusade.
In 1949, for example, William Randolph Hearst, head of one large publishing empire, and Henry Luce, chief of another, Time, Inc., were both worried about communism and the growth of liberalism in the United States. Hearst and Luce interviewed the obscure preacher and decided he was worthy of their support. Billy Graham, an obscure evangelist holding poorly attended tent meetings in Los Angeles suddenly gained the power backing from the largest news outlets in California.
Billy Graham became an almost instantaneous national and later international figure preaching anticommunism. In late 1949, Hearst sent a telegram to all Hearst editors: “Puff Graham.” The editors did – in Hearst newspapers, magazines, movies and newsreels. “Within two months Graham was preaching to crowds of 350,000." (Ben Bagdikian, The Media Monopoly, Boston, Beacon Press, 2000 6th ed., p. 39 ff).
Most agree that if it wasn’t for Hearst and Luce, Billy Graham might have become no more than a good country preacher with menial success. It is my belief that Graham has become more than a spiritual giant from his networks than from any other single natural assistance – besides the divine hand of God. Never underestimate the Power of Networks.

© By Dr Tim McClure

Sunday, February 5, 2012


The year 2012, represents the actual hinge-point time of this century that even the Mayan calendar predicts this as well. In numerology the year 2012 simply adds each number together: 2+0+1+2= 5. The number 5 is a pivotal number because of all the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 5 is the transitional number in the middle of the four numbers before and the four numbers after. In a prophecy sense, 5 is the Pivotal year of going forward or backward.

Today in 2012 our world is not unlike what Charles Dickens wrote in his Tale of Two Cities; “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way.” The way Dickens saw the world during the pre days of the French revolution is similar to the way it is today. Not necessarily in economics alone, but in the exact time where the world could go either way: Forward to a drastic change for the better, or worse to the continued downward destructive path of Malays.

In this pivotal year of 2012, there will be change, change and more change, covering everything under the sun: the economy in U.S., Europe, Asia and the Middle East predominantly. The Politics like the Arab unrest, election results in the US, escalating unrest in the UK and Europe’s economic meltdown. Nothing will be as expected. Economic power slips from the Elites to the populist and back again. The largest economies in the world are held hostage to their own corruption of power. The political arena, already a three-ring circus, continues to get sucked deeper into the mire of selfish greed at the peril of the common people of the world. Worse is the devastation of America because of its $17 trillion Debt.

2012 is the pivotal year of all our lives. Virtually everyone, everywhere agrees that if America, Europe and Asia continue down this vile economic slavery, there will be no America, freedom and life as we have come to know and love for the past 200 years. If we have ever dreamed of being someone good, doing something great, changing something in our life, 2012 is the year we must do so. 2012 is your year of change. Do not delay, start your change today.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Today we mourn the passing of a beloved friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for generations upon generations. No one knows for sure how old he was as his birth records were lost long ago in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the only way to get ahead is to get out of bed and our favorite; you become what you hang out with most.
Common Sense lived by simple sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations and political correctness were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their disrespectful children. It declined even further when schools replaced the Bible with sex books and replaced prayer with propaganda. We knew common sense was failing fast when we started seeing Hollywood make movies excoriating preachers and exonerating pimps.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became entertainment halls and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee from McDonalds was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement for her stupidity. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents Truth and Trust, his wife Discretion, his daughter Responsibility and his son Accountability. He is survived by three stepbrothers: I Know My Rights, Someone Else Is To Blame and the worse, Entitlement.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and do nothing.

By Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


There are those whom, like I did until recently; boast of being a “self made man.” The notion of this ideology is rooted in the belief that there was no one present to assist or help in the development and promotion of one’s pursuit or accomplishments. I have come to realize however, there were many who were present and many people and things that were present in way of connections, networks and influences.
In understanding successful people, we have come to focus far too much on their intelligence and ambition and personality traits. Instead, Malcolm Gladwell argues in Outliers, we should look at the world that surrounds the successful, their culture, their family, their generation and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. (Gladwell, Outliers, 2008, Back Bay Books). Malcolm explains with scientific evidence that it is our networks – those in and around our own lives as well as our cultural and circumstantial surroundings that are more powerful at making and defining who and what we are than our talents alone.
With Gladwell’s works as well as much other research I have given myself to uncover, I have been able to believe whole heartedly in the Power of Networks. In simplicity, network (the use in my essay) is defined as a group of structure elements attached to each other at regular intervals. These said structure elements can be people, place or things that are uniquely intertwined at various intervals whether seen or unseen.
Let me explain: A “Family Network” is comprised of parents, grandparents and siblings. Woven from there are the aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and other second and third blood ties. Coupled with those are their friends and families. With one family comes a Network of intimate family ties that number over 200 (by a standard average).
Allow me to take this a step further: For example, if one person in an average family dies and holds a funeral, there are about 200 people who are contacted or notified of the family member’s passing. Meaning, there can be upwards of 200 people attending the funeral or sending condolences. This “Social average” is used by virtually every kind of people business in America.
In more than 1000 University studies over the past 50 years, every people industry such as Insurance, Banking, Commerce, Retailing, Sales and others have used this “Network” model as their rule to market by. Meaning, every single person has the ability to “connect” to 200 friends and family members.
And each of these connecting family and friend networks unleashes a power that allows each of us to become and do far more than we could ever do by our self. Each of those 2 to 200 have likewise had experiences, beliefs, likes and dislikes that has shaped our perceptions as well as our convictions. The Power of Networks have consciously or unconsciously made us who we are and have given us the opportunities to accomplish what we have or have not done.
My summation is to not fall into the heresy of thinking you are a loner. Even the “Lone Ranger” was not alone. He had “Tonto.” As well, realize that you can and will do a multiplied amount more with a Network than you could without one. Tap into your Network in your family, at work, in school, at play or in your community. You have before you an untapped Power of Networks.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure