Tuesday, July 3, 2012


   I found myself some time ago sitting down by the river doing my morning devotions pondering my evaluating stages I often go through.  I was reminiscing the many opportunities that I had found myself being offered but because of my upbringing, background and training, I either didn’t see it, understand or outright rejected what now I know was God giving me favor.

   Ignorance comes to many of us at a cost that we will never be reimbursed for.  However, if we are so blessed and gifted by grace we can use our failures, mishaps, misunderstandings or ignorance to our future advantage.  I found that on this one morning I had one of those enlighten moments:

   That morning in my devotions I hear the Lord say; “What would you do if you were 35 again?”  Wow, will something like that get your attention or what?  I found myself instantly pulling out things and ideas that I would do and or not do. My mind raced for several minutes before I stopped long enough to start writing down a list of things I would do – if I were 35 again. (I can just hear many of you reading thinking of the questions, “well, what are some of the things would you do?”)

   This short BLOG will not suffice such a list, however, I found myself working with my son, Tim Jr that particular week of which he was going to be having his 35th birthday in just a few weeks away and I said, “Son sit down, we need to have a talk.”  As we sat there, I told him what I had been hearing God ask me and about my list. Then I pulled it out of my pocket and said, “I want to give it to you.”

   I will never be 35 again, but you’re about to turn 35 and you can use this far greater than I could.  As we sat there talking about ministry, family, finances and the future, I tried in a short simple way to suggest the viability of such a thought and the list.  Yes, Tim Jr started the process of the list and is still working it (to my prayer in a far greater success than I could ever make of it).

   With that thought in mind, let me ask you; “What would you do if you were 35 again?  Perhaps you are 35, 40 or 25.  Can I challenge your emotion today and suggest that you can take this simple devotion and start to jot down a few things and make your own list of what you would love to redo, change or start afresh. 

   What would you do different? What decisions would you have made or not have made? What so called friends would you have avoided or gone out of your way to make? What book would you have read or not read? How would you have spent your time more productive and what wasted stuff would you avoid?  Whatever you would do or not do is merely a thought you may wish to ponder for your future and for your success.

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

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