Saturday, November 10, 2012


“One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after (Ps 27:4). 
“If you had only ONE PRAYER that could be answered, what would it be?”

   I understand that we could over spiritualize this and say; “My one prayer would be that the whole would be saved.”  Now that would also be my SINGLE most important prayer. Let us all agree that seeing Asia, Africa, Europe, or the Americas saved would be the ultimate answer to our One Prayer.

    But apart from such a monstrosity of a prayer, on a more PERSONAL intimate note, what would be your ONE PRAYER you would pray if you could get the answer to it.  If you knew you would get your ONE PRAYER answered, what would that One Prayer be?

   For some, it would be that “My husband or wife be saved. To another it would be that my son or daughter come to Christ. While others, it would be that my brother, friend, or family member be delivered from addiction, bondage, or depression.  Some would pray that they be healed from a horrible disease or sickness. Others would pray for finances to allow them to take care of their babies, family or be free from the debt pressure that is sucking the life out of them. What ONE PRAYER would you pray?

   Stop for 30 seconds and think about that right now.  What One Prayer would you  pray – if you knew you would get the answer? 

   Bartimaeus was the son of Timaeus, a successful, wealthy family. Truth is, Bartimaeus had a very known, affluent family tree. Bartimaeus had everything he could dream of in way of family, prestige, money, connections and admiration. However, there was one thing Bartimaeus did not have – his eye sight. One day, Jesus asked Bartimaeus, "What do you want Me to do for you?" And Bartimaeus said, That I might see” (Mark 10:51).

   There was a man who had a home, job, family and means to meet every need, except one thing, his son was mentally ill- he was a lunatic.  When Jesus asked what One Prayer he could answer, the man said, “that my son be healed” (Mark 9:22).  When Jesus asked the man full of leprosy what One Thing he could do for him, the leper said, “Will you make me clean?” 

   I could site a dozen more scriptures like these. Even a few more shady ones: John and James asked an egotistic request; “Grant that we may sit one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory” (Mark 10:37).  Andrew and John asked Jesus, “Where do you live?” (John 1:38).

   Listen, yes, it is possible to get your ONE PRAYER answered.  Some don’t get their one answer because they DO NOT ASK (James 4:2).  While Others don’t get answers because they pray WRONG” (James 4:3). WHY? Because they “pray to consume it upon their own lust” (James 4:3).

   KEY: To Pray the ONE PRAYER and get your answer you must pray beyond you self.  The only way to get saved is to SAVE OTHERS (Matt 27:42).  The only way to get healed is to HEAL OTHERS (Matt 10:8). And the only way to receive is to Give (Luke 6:38).  In just about every case in Scripture, those who received their One Prayer answered, prayed beyond self indulgence alone (to be continued).

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

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