It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of doubt, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. That is the opening lines of "A Tale of Two Cities" Charles Dickens; One of the most famous openings in English literature. The two cities are London and Paris. And it was during the time of the French Revolution, just 15 years after our Revolution. The lines serve as Prophecy of the very times we are living now.
Yes, we are surly living in a moment when for many it is the worst of times and for others it is the best of times. The paradox of this hour serves as one of the highest volatility in our nation. There has been a major rise of frustration and even anger over the belligerent aggressive thrust of political quest at the expense of the needs and desires of the American people. The raping and pillaging of the Federal Reserve system, Banks and Wall Street has decimated our economy. The polarization of our media and public has spawned enough rage, distrust and outright contempt till nerves have flared and respect gone.
My friends, we are living in the Times that Ezekiel and Daniel saw. We are living in the times that John wrote about on the Isle of Patmos. Your very life today, your days, your words, your thoughts and ideas are the Brick and Mortar that is building your future. Today, 2011 is the very moment we all must take a stand on letting go of whatever is making us stop. Let go of the pains, mistakes, failures, regrets and Yesterday. Today is a NEW DAY a New Year. This is your moment to start over. Christine McVee writes; “If you wake up and don't want to smile, If it takes just a little while, Open your eyes and look at the day, You'll see things in a different way.” Today is the moment to look ahead – raise your eye brows and see your future – see your faith – see your opportunity. My friend, You need a Prophecy. You need a tap on your shoulder from an angel to whisper in your ear about the opportunity God has given you in this year.
Over 100 studies of the best minds and researchers in America have revealed that the majority of people spend 90% of their time thinking about their past. Less than 3% of people think about the future. Faith is about the future not the past. Nowhere in the Bible do we find faith displayed for yesterday. Vision is always for your future, never your past. Prophecy means to fore tell (foresight). The first name for the Prophet was a “Seer.” He foresaw the future. A prophet would give a word about your future. God wants you to know that 2011 is your opportunity. You can chose to let 2011 consume you or you can look beyond the troubles and capture possibilities.
When Jesus told his disciples about their future and the blight of the world to come, he said; “Look Up” (Luke 21:28). We cannot live another day with our head down. Let us turn our Misery into a Miracle – first in our heart – then in our mind and then it will appear in our lives. Stop looking back over Yesterday wishing it were different, it will not change. Yesterday is GONE. Come on WAVE at your Yesterday and shout with me BY – BY. Now lift up your eyes and gaze into your tomorrows of opportunities and confess; “God has a great future for me” (Jer 29:11).
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
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