Jared Loughner wrote that the Mars rover landing was faked. He believed George Bush orchestrated the 9/11 terrorist attack. His favorite books include 'The Communist Manifesto' and 'Mein Kampf'. In fact, The Washington Post wrote that “Loughner's You Tube profile listed Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels's 'The Communist Manifesto' and Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' among his favorite books.” Even Mamta Popat with the AP wrote; “It seems clear based on Loughner's YouTube videos and MySpace page that he held a grudge against the U.S. government.”
Many today wish to write away the realities of “Evil beliefs” such as Adolf Hitler proposed in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle) and Karl Marx Communist Manifesto. When you read these two books and then watch what they did in the name of their evil beliefs, you easily come to the conclusion that some beliefs are EVIL, not simply another opinion. When you research even further and see what and how these two men did in murdering millions of people to fulfill their demonic beliefs, you can conclude to nothing else other than they were EVIL. And their writings and beliefs were diabolical let alone birthed from Satan himself.
I know it seems everyone wishes to declare who and what Loughner is, but the fact remains none of us know the whole truth yet. However one fact remains true, Laughner read, heard and believed some of the most corrupt, twisted evil doctrines on this planet (Fascism and Communist Socialism). Whether Laughner was mentally insane, psychologically deranged or just plain evil, time will tell. But for sure, we all can conclude that such evil influences as Fascism and Communist Socialism will pollute, deceive and damage any person’s psyche in one way or another.
What is scary beyond reality is to hear, watch or read the corrupt attempts to use Laughner’s actions as a foundation to promote their political opinions or worse to cover up ideologies and destructive dogmas such as Fascism and Communist Socialism. John B. Watson, America’s Father of Behavioral Psychology wrote about the power of behavioral influences that can and do train anyone and everyone to “act out” what they have been raised to believe. Truth is, the power of indoctrination training will influence anyone to act out on their deep beliefs, no matter how evil and violent they are.
Don’t fall for the corrupt political and liberal media’s attempt to bash opposing views to their own by using Laughner’s actions by turning your attention off the real crime and evil. Today’s media seems bent on preaching a doctrine more than reporting the news. Don’t get side tracked off the real evil; killing people who opposes your views. Today’s mantra seems to present that if you can’t win in the debate of ideas, just kill your opponent. That is and has always been the doctrine of dictators and tyrants. Jesus won a million times more people to his cause than Hitler or Stalin without hurting or killing one single person while Fascism and Communism has killed millions or millions of people.
The bottom line is simple, what Loughner did was evil and wicked to the core. And to use this horrific evil as a platform to promote one’s views or to attack one’s political enemies is evil in of itself. My friend, it is twisted stories like we have seen, heard and read over the past few days is what has made 90% of Americans not trust or believe the main stream media nor politics. I pray and ask everyone to pray for the parents of Loughner for they do not deserve the heart broken trauma they are suffering. Pray for the victims and families as for they did not deserve such loss either. And please, take time to call your loved ones and tell them how much you love them and take time today to DO some loving act to share the Love and grace of truth.
By Dr Tim McClure, www.drtimmcclure.blogspot.com
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