Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It seemed to be a wasted morning. I knew that I should get to my devotions but it just wasn’t happening. I was filling my time doing useless things and just couldn’t get motivated to pray. So I thought that I would go to the church to pray.

When I got to the church, I saw Pastor’s truck and at first, I decided to just leave, but no, I came to pray. “I’ll just go to the door and if he’s not in the Sanctuary I’ll just go into the prayer room and he won’t know I’m there.

I was really dark in there, but I know this place like the back of my hand, I thought. I really don’t need a light. Just go to the right until I come to the wall and follow the wall to the left, right to the prayer room; no problem! As I was groping my way along the wall I began to feel as though I was getting lost and really didn’t know where I was.

“No, you’re fine, just keep heading straight.”  Where is the wall? Is it behind me? Just feel for it. What is that? When did they put a seat along the wall? That shouldn’t be here. Where am I? Why is it so dark in here? I can’t see anything! I am lost and I am getting scared. Where is the prayer room? I should be right there.

As I felt my way I realized that I was at the altar. Now I was really scared and was ready to panic. I tried turning on my phone so I could see but the light from the phone was so dim I couldn’t see much. “Wait, turn around and go straight ahead and you will hit the wall, go to the left and the prayer room is right there.”

As I left the altar I felt like I had stepped off into the darkest space I ever felt. There was nothing to hold onto. I didn’t know which direction I was moving. I was lost right there in the church. The safest place I knew, I was lost and no I was really ready to panic. Just as I was ready to scream, my hand touched the wall. I went to the left and groped my way into the prayer room, found the light switch and turned on the light.

How in the world could I have gotten lost in the church that I have been a part of for so many years?


© 2013 Jean Nichols

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