Friday, June 7, 2013


FREE LOVE – The biggest Paradox of the last Century. The two words in the same sentence, Free Love is a misnomer; let alone using Free as an adjective describing the noun LOVE.  It’s as false as saying “Dry Water.”  Just because Galileo or Sir Isaac Newton didn’t charge the world to use their discovery, it didn’t mean that their discovery came FREE. The cost and value of such wisdom is priceless and extremely expensive to those who invested life to discover it, even though we enjoy their discoveries without cost.

            However, those who have dared to use Einstein’s Theory of Relativity without the reality that such expensive knowledge has brought the world to a near peril. This single piece of FREE knowledge has a cost and is still costing the world $trillions (Nuclear Weapons).

            Trying to teach a parent to give a child love unconditionally will cost that parent his life. For I as a Preacher of the Bible or counseling Psychologist try and teach a man or woman to love their spouse unconditionally will advise them in the Art of Sacrifice.

            “For God so loved the world that he gave…” is still the most expensive “unconditional Love” known to all. True, it cost YOU nothing for God to LOVE you unconditionally. It cost YOU nothing for God to display his love when you were unloving. Yes, it is true, “God loved us in while we were yet sinners” (Rom 5:8). When we could not love him, he loved us. Not because we deserved it but when we were at our worse: “Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6).

            However, even when Jesus loved us and gave his life for us, yet his death could have or would have done us NO good unless we would have RECEIVED his gift. “And whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

            What are you saying pastor? I’m saying that LOVE, true love is real. It is not mere words on a card. It is not a flower in a vase. True love is blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, true love and selfishness cannot be in same room. Unconditional love is expensive. It is self sacrificing and can hurt. But the rewards are unparallel.

            Every Blessing comes with Brokenness. Every gift comes with a price. Every love comes with a sacrifice. It is impossible for me to give or receive “Unconditional Love” by itself. I must RECEIVE unconditional love if it is to impact me.  God can give unconditional love, but it will never reach me until I Receive it. The condition is “Whosoever believes.” The dynamics work in the Ebb and Flow. “We love him because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).

            There is no greater subject in the world like that of LOVE. Love is the greatest feeling for feeling. Love is the eternal motive and cause for all creation. Love is seen in the father’s eyes and the mother’s embrace. Love is known by many and craved by all. Love is the most common subject yet one of the most perplexing subjects.

            Love has been the cause of wars and the cause of peace. Love has been the death to many and the life of all others. Love is seen in the face of a two year old with his daddy. Love, true love is WORSHIP. To love God is to worship God. “Great love has no one than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus loved you so much he did MORE than just TALK. He GAVE – His all. Unconditional Love has a condition…

© 2013 By Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


   I have been feeling a gnawing grind inside my soul over the past few weeks. Usually, the Lord will speak a word in my mind or demonic presence manifests itself. However, neither has appeared this time. I have been awaken in the middle of the night with this spiritual ache, so I arise and go pray and read the Bible for clarity.

   This past week, a clearer revelation had begun to emerge. As I was praying one morning the Lord spoke to me; “there is Spiritual Inflation occurring.”  I began to search the Scripture for understanding as well as relating the natural state of economic inflation as a metaphor for clarity.

   The economic definition for Inflation is ‘a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling.’  Even I get sidetracked with all the economic jargon surrounded with the explanation of economic policy. So I will not even try here. Suffice it to say, the metaphor was very powerful to me in my prayer. Allow me to share some:

   Case in point: 40 years ago, we could have bought a new car for as little as $2000. Today, the same car sells for $15,000 and up. That would be about 800 times “inflationary growth.” In simple layman terms, we can only buy a candy bar today what we bought a bag of groceries 40 years ago.

   To make it even simpler, the cost of goods has risen dramatically while the value has decreased.  It takes 800 times more money power to buy today what we bought 40 years ago.  The quality and value of life 40 years ago has shrunk with respect to how much more time, energy and effort it takes today.  Our money doesn’t go as far today as it did 20, 30 or 40 years ago. 


   What the Lord was showing me in this simile is that it takes a great deal more Spirituality today to produce what we received 40 years ago.  One sermon 40 years ago would have convicted a man to turn his life around and live fervently for God for decades. However, now one sermon doesn’t even seem to scratch the surface to such deep seated sin, doubt or apathy.

   Jesus said; “because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt 24:12). Meaning, that with the rise of iniquity, spiritual fervency would decrease.  Simply put, Spiritual Value doesn’t purchase as much against sin, sickness and Satan today as it did years ago.  We are living in a kind of “Spiritual Inflation.”

   It seems to take 800 times more prayer today to overcome what we did 40 years ago.  It takes 800 times more sermons, programs, worship, ministry and spiritual power to bring people to a strong spiritual walk with God. 


   I know, what do we do in this bleak scenario?  Just as in economics, we are forced to “work smarter rather than harder.”  Today’s economic success is depended upon innovation, entrepreneurism and networking.  The same is with Spiritual Success.  I simply cannot pray 800 times more today to get the same amount of results I did 40 years ago. I must pray innovatively and with greater wisdom.  Simply put, I must get 800 people to join me in the same prayer to produce the kind of results today that I did 40 years ago.

   Jesus explained it: “if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them” (Matt 18:19).  And Moses said it well: “five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword” (Lev 26:8). 

   My call to you is to JOIN me in praying, worshiping, giving and serving.  Join me in sharing your faith to someone today. Invite someone to church this Sunday. Read a chapter in the Bible today. Teach a Bible study this week. One man’s service pales in comparison to 80 of us or 800. Let’s get together and bring revival.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


It seemed to be a wasted morning. I knew that I should get to my devotions but it just wasn’t happening. I was filling my time doing useless things and just couldn’t get motivated to pray. So I thought that I would go to the church to pray.

When I got to the church, I saw Pastor’s truck and at first, I decided to just leave, but no, I came to pray. “I’ll just go to the door and if he’s not in the Sanctuary I’ll just go into the prayer room and he won’t know I’m there.

I was really dark in there, but I know this place like the back of my hand, I thought. I really don’t need a light. Just go to the right until I come to the wall and follow the wall to the left, right to the prayer room; no problem! As I was groping my way along the wall I began to feel as though I was getting lost and really didn’t know where I was.

“No, you’re fine, just keep heading straight.”  Where is the wall? Is it behind me? Just feel for it. What is that? When did they put a seat along the wall? That shouldn’t be here. Where am I? Why is it so dark in here? I can’t see anything! I am lost and I am getting scared. Where is the prayer room? I should be right there.

As I felt my way I realized that I was at the altar. Now I was really scared and was ready to panic. I tried turning on my phone so I could see but the light from the phone was so dim I couldn’t see much. “Wait, turn around and go straight ahead and you will hit the wall, go to the left and the prayer room is right there.”

As I left the altar I felt like I had stepped off into the darkest space I ever felt. There was nothing to hold onto. I didn’t know which direction I was moving. I was lost right there in the church. The safest place I knew, I was lost and no I was really ready to panic. Just as I was ready to scream, my hand touched the wall. I went to the left and groped my way into the prayer room, found the light switch and turned on the light.

How in the world could I have gotten lost in the church that I have been a part of for so many years?


© 2013 Jean Nichols

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This past week I read an article in API about an artist; Timothy Schmalz who crafted a sculpture of a hooded homeless person on a park bench sleeping. The only identifying features insinuating it was Jesus was markings in his feet, representing nail prints.  Schmalz was wanting the Catholic church of Toronto to accept it and put the sculpture on their church grounds.

Schmalz’s sculpture was rejected by two prominent Catholic churches, St. Michael’s Cathedral in Toronto and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. Schmalz was angry about their rejection and was noticeably upset at their rejecting his “social justice theology” the sculpture attempted to preach. Schmalz quoted Matt 8:20 as his justification for the sculpture.

I grew up in church hearing that Jesus was homeless. The only Bible verse for this supposition is Matt 8:20 “Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”  Without getting too deep explaining this verse, allow me to debunk the myth that Jesus was homeless:

First, Jesus said; “Foxes has holes and birds has nests, but the Son of Man has not a place to lay his head.” The supposition is that Foxes has homes in holes and birds has homes in nests, but this is a very foolish mistake. Why? Because Foxes do not live in holes, nor do birds live in nests. Foxes have their babies in holes and birds lay their eggs in nests – they don’t live there.  Foxes live in the thicket and birds live in trees, brush, etc.

Jesus explained the connection by saying, “Neither does the Son of Man have a place to lay his head.” The word “head” Jesus used is not a person laying their “head” upon a pillow, but rather the word meaning authority, such as found in Acts 18:6, Rom 12:20, 1 Cor 11:3.  Jesus was metaphorically speaking with respect to spiritually seeding his truth into the hearts of people who would produce his spiritual offspring (Matt 13:37). As Jesus spoke of the foxes and birds birthing offspring, so was he talking about where he could lay his seed.

Contrary to Schmalz and too many other misinformed believers / nonbelievers, Jesus had a home. First of all, Jesus was born and grew up in Mary and Joseph’s home. Joseph was a businessman (Matt 13:55). Another obvious Biblical proof Jesus had a place to live, John and Andrew simply asked him where he lived and Jesus took them to his house (John 1:38). I know, this is the first time you’ve heard this. That is exactly my point. You cannot simply accept false assumptions just because you heard religion spout it off you whole life.

FACT: Jesus was NOT homeless.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure


Sunday, April 7, 2013


   I heard a radio advertisement this week from a local car dealership railing against “my Old Junker” (car).  The tone of the advertisement was laced with the attempt to shame me into buying a New car. I found my mind racing to rebut his comments and then I smiled and said out loud; “Old is luxury – Old is New.”

   Yes, my car has near 140,000 miles, but everything works perfectly on it – A/C, Radio, CD, Electric seats – windows, etc.  Listen, don’t allow the “Debt Driven Devil” to ridicule you into thinking you should trade in your perfectly running automobile that is PAID OFF to go into debt for another “house payment” just so you can alleviate the “shame” those advertisers try to put on you.
   Pick your head up high and say out loud; “I’m free; I’m Debt FREE.” Don’t allow some paid announcer shame you into feeling guilty for being frugal.  Don’t feel bad for being savvy and smart.  Don’t let some shyster manipulate you to going into a five year debt for a vehicle that will cost you another house payment.  Instead, feel proud that you are a smart and wise steward of your life.
   The rest of the day I felt fantastic singing my new song; “Thank God I am free, free, free, from this debt driven craze” (smile).  Humor aside, I drove all over town that day doing business thanking God for the blessing of being debt free. I heard the words whispered into my soul that said; “Old is New – Old is Luxury – Old is Wealthy.”

   “And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward” (Luke 12:42).

© 2013 by Dr Tim McClure

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


   Did you know that you can have breakfast with a successful millionaire every morning if you really want to and it will only cost breakfast? Want to know how?

   I woke up the other morning and this statement was ringing in my spirit. I got up and walked around the house for a while pondering it and simply asked God How? The answer was so simple but so profound that literally 99% of everybody would have never thought about it or never try it.

   Think with me just for a moment of the single most common factor difference between the millionaire and the poor. According to Oxford University study, the single common factor that gave people the undeniable edge to gain wealth was their knowledge. And University studies after another along with the US Government findings has unequivocally exposed that ignorance or lack of fundamental education is the #1 cause of poverty among the poor.

   So, with that obvious truth in mind, the easiest and cheapest way to take a millionaire to breakfast or dinner is to read their book.  Why- How? Because every successful person who has documented his or her lifelong success, wealth or advantage has been put inside a 100 or 200 page book. In just a few short hours, anyone of us can “take a millionaire to breakfast” and glean from him or her the greatest nuggets of truths they have about how they obtained what they have.

   Don’t waste another moment watching some “stupid” sitcom, soap opera or reality show.  Entertainment is the single largest force of bondage in our world.  Instead of “Entertaining” yourself, why not “Empower” yourself with knowledge?

   “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6).
   “You shall KNOW the truth and the truth shall make you FREE” (John 8:32).

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure


Friday, February 22, 2013


Jesus taught his disciples to follow his Principles, not just his Person. I grew up in church. I heard a lot about traditions, religion and emotions, but very little about the Principles of Jesus. As you may agree with me, it was a surprise to me when I first read the verse: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed” (John 8:31).

While it is true, salvation is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, however, there is another side to this relationship that cannot be ignored. The other side of the Person of Jesus is the Principles of Jesus. The true value of any coin includes both sides of the coin. And if you receive a minted coin with only one side stamped, then it’s either fake or wrongfully minted.

The same could be said of a relationship with Jesus Christ. If we confess we believe in Jesus Christ but DO not follow his Principles, then what actually is it that we believe? Jesus explained this in a very strong way:

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  22 Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?'  23 And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!' (Matt 7:21-23).

It is possible for we to want to accept and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ but reject his call for how we are to live. I have confronted this my whole Christian life. Literally in every church, every state, and over thirty countries I’ve ministered in, it is the same. It is easy to accept the Person of Jesus and reject the Principles of Jesus. Loving Jesus’ Person is easy, loving his Principles – well, now that is tough.

To fully follow Jesus Christ and enjoy the benefits of such a divine personal relationship is impossible without following his divine Principles as well. To know and have a personal relationship with Jesus is wonderful, but likewise to know and have a relationship with his Principles; how he thinks, talks, behaves, gives, serves and love is the real relationship.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure

Friday, February 8, 2013


I woke up this morning and was doing some research for a counseling session and the Lord spoke to me and said; “Every expert started as a beginner.”  This wasn’t my topic of counseling, but I wrote it down anyway.  As I went on through the day, this word continued to speak to me.

Listen, perhaps you like me many years ago have found yourself today, not in the place where you thought you would not be nor where you want to be.  Perhaps you are mauling over the many mistakes, failures or even failed attempts at what you “would have liked to have accomplished” and just don’t have the Oomph to move forward. I have a word from God for you: “Every Expert started as a Beginner.”

That’s right, Abraham had to take his first step and move away from his failed past in order to “search for a city whose builder and maker is God.”  Even Moses had to leave Egypt before he could think of moving into the Promiseland.  Yes, even David had to pick up a simple stone before he ever slew a giant. 

Dare I attempt to walk through history and bring up the thousands of philosophers, inventors, generals, Kings and Queens, Prime Ministers or Presidents who before their fame was ever known, they took one step forward. Einstein had to learn addition before he ever invented the “Theory of Relativity.”

You, and I do mean you can become an expert at whatever your heart’s passion and life long quest has unfolded before you – if you dare mustard up enough courage to take your first step.  Experts are not born, they begin.  Go ahead and begin today.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure

Monday, January 21, 2013


   All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” (Edmund Burke).  So much of the history of the struggle between good and evil can be explained by Edmund Burke's observation. Time and again those who profess to be good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to prevail far too often. Seldom is it the numbers that determine the outcome, but whether those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what they know to be right. There are numerous examples of this sad and awful scenario being played out over and over again in the scriptures.

   When good men fail to do good, there is a vacuum that is left open for evil to fill. The Lord commands his people to do good (Luke 6:35; Eph. 2:10). Christ "gave himself for us that he might redeem us to be zealous in good works" (Titus 2:14).  In the parable of the talents, Jesus described a man who did nothing. The Bible says that the evil man “hid the Lord's money" (Matt. 25:18). When his Lord returned, the evil man gave to the Lord just what he had been given (Matt. 25:25). Notice, the man was called evil by Jesus simply because he refused to do any good with the money. The man was evil because he did nothing with what was given him. Jesus said he was a "wicked and slothful servant" (Matt. 25:26). 

   Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea for doing nothing. "I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot: I would that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:15-16).  Too many “good people” are doing way too little. They are standing idly by being mere spectators. They sit on the sidelines instead of actively working for good.

   When Jesus found a fig tree with "nothing thereon but leaves only;" He cursed it (Matt. 21:19). What will happen to those who claim to be good and yet do nothing? God knows that the church today desperately need Men and Women who will roll up their sleeves and go to work for the good. Jesus even prayed; "Lord send laborers in the field to help us work" (Luke 10:2).

   If we who are believers in good sit back and do nothing, than evil will continue to press forward until our girls become court prostitutes and our boys become slaves to substance abuse. If we who promote the good of moral absolutes say nothing while filth run ram shod over our schools, then our children will fall back into moral, economic and spiritual slavery. As the Prophet so challenged us centuries ago; “Blow the trumpet, sound the alarm, lift up your voice” Joel 2:1. This is no time for good to be silent.

© 2013 Dr Tim McClure

Friday, January 18, 2013


   I heard a radio advertisement this week from a local car dealership railing against “my Old Junker” (car).  Yes, my car has near 140,000 miles, but everything works perfectly on it – A/C, Radio, CD, Electric seats – windows, etc…
   The tone of the advertisement was laced with the attempt to shame me into buying a New car. I found my mind racing to rebut his comments and then I smiled and said out loud; “Old is luxury – Old is wealthy.”
   Listen, don’t allow the “Debt Driven Devil” to ridicule you into thinking you should trade in your perfectly running automobile that is PAID OFF to go into debt for another “house payment” just so you can alleviate the “shame” those advertisers try to put on you.  Pick you head up high and say out loud; “I’m free; I’m Debt FREE.”
   The rest of the day I felt fantastic singing my new song; “Thank God I am free, free, free, from this debt driven devil” (smile).  Humor aside, I drove all over town that day doing business thanking God for the blessing of being debt free. I heard the words whispered into my soul that said; “Old is New – Old is Luxury – Old is Wealthy.”
   “In everything, give thanks” (1 Thes 5:18).

 © 2013 by Dr Tim McClure