Friday, August 12, 2011



You can almost hear the parade of noise and clatter of conversations emanating from the company of friends and family of Mary. All attention was upon the services, parties and excitement of it all. They seemed to have forgotten Jesus, the main attraction. Luke writes, “They, supposing [Jesus] to have been in the company, went a day's journey and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance” (Luke 2:44). Somehow, Jesus got lost in the ceremonies. Somehow, festivities, candles, rituals and celebrations overshadowed the most important subject of the whole celebration – Jesus.
How can we go an entire day and not miss Jesus? How can we sing, shout, dance and still lose sight of Jesus? Obviously, Joseph was too busy explaining to his family the plans he had already proposed for his new “J&J Carpentry” business. Everyone was noticeably excited, especially Mary. “Perhaps you can start a franchise and begin marketing J&J Carpentry Shops all over Judea,” remarked one of his dear friends. “What a great idea,” Joseph thought, until Mary turned to run it by Jesus.
“Jesus? Jesus? Where is Jesus” Mary questioned? “Oh, he is with his friends,” answered Joseph. The whole day had slipped by without anyone noticing Jesus not being in their presence. How could it be that after days of celebration, they lose track of Jesus? After days of religious services centering upon Jesus, an entire day passes and no one recognizes Jesus was missing. How could they go to the Temple, pray, worship and participate in service, and not even notice that Jesus was not there with them? Jesus, the focus of attention, became lost in the ceremony. The excitement of celebration clouded the reason for the service in the first place. Jesus wasted no time in starting his life’s purpose, while his family had lost sight of his true work. Jesus was not found in their service. How can we lose sight of the most valued subject of all that we are doing? Is it possible that we can go about out day and forget the very source our celebrations?
How often has Jesus become lost in our home? How many times has He become lost in our church? How often has the many benefits we’ve received from Jesus gotten lost in our daily routine? How many offering plates have passed by us without giving our Tithe? How many lonely, lost men and women have been overlooked at our altars? How many tragedies have been avoided by God’s covering but we have failed to notice? I’m afraid, that while we have sung our songs, preached our sermons and performed our rituals, we have lost the true meaning of church.
I am afraid that we, like Mary and Joseph have become lost in our daily celebrations of our families and materials but lost track of God’s provision. I fear lest we continue to go about our enjoyable lives, celebrating our children, careers, homes and cars but forget to see the Jesus who has made it all possible. Did you go to church last week without paying your tithe? Did you go to your job this past week in a nation of 20% unemployment and not give God thanks? Have we Christians lost sight of the One who has made all our blessings possible?
Please, this month make sure you get to church every Sunday and thank God for his covering. Please, make sure you set aside 10% Tithe to give to God that you can have a church to worship in. Please, make sure you share your faith and do your part to grow your church. Because if we fail to do so, one day we may find that Jesus is no longer in our crowd. Because one day, we may drive to church and find it boarded up because there was no money to keep it open.

© By Dr Tim McClure
(From Beyond Church Walls, 2011, Truth Publication)
(for more articles, see my blog):

Mansion is not ready:
Billy Graham, Benny Hinn and Oral Roberts were all flying together to do a crusade when the plane suddenly crashed, killing all three. Upon arriving to heaven, Saint Peter said, “We were not expecting you this soon and your mansion’s are not ready yet.” Peter thought to himself and didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t send them back and they couldn’t stay there yet. So Peter called the devil and asked him if he wouldn’t mind keeping them for a week until they finished their mansion. He reluctantly consented.
After the fifth day, Satan called Peter and said, “Look you got to get these guys now.” Peter said, “What’s wrong?” Satan said, “Well Billy Graham has won half of hell to Christ. Benny has healed everyone and Oral Roberts has raised enough money to air condition the whole place.”

Take a tour of the ALL NEW Promiseland Church web site:
* New Format – New Pictures – New Layout
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August 2011 – Value – Theme for August, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Aug – Wednesday nights – How to Stop what’s Stopping You 7-8:15 PM
Aug – Youth JAM Night – Friday @ Café 7-9 PM call Kent 321-750-9925
Aug – 6 Community Concert – Lipscomb Park @ 4-8 PM 321-750-9925
Aug 19, 21 – Fusion Groups - @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
Aug 28 – Deliverance Sunday –@ Promiseland 10:30 AM

September 2011 – Blessings – Theme for August, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Sept – Youth JAM Night – Friday @ Café 7-9 PM call Kent 321-750-9925
Sept – 4 Giveaway Sunday – $100’s of Gift cards given out- Promiseland 10:30 AM. The one who brings the most visitors can win FREE $Gift cards. $100 1st prize, $50 2nd prize & many more. For more information, go to
Sept 16, 18 – Fusion Groups - @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
Sept 24-25 – Anniversary– Guest Pastor Anthony Knotts – Sat 6 PM Sun 10:30 AM

Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935

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