Monday, June 27, 2011


Sunday morning at Promiseland this past June 26, 2011 started out like we usually do. Great friendly greeting of everyone who walks through the doors. Fellowship and fun social conversations throughout the building. Others visiting the Information counter in the back of the church to get the latest information of what is coming. Maybe get a nice cup of coffee and share the latest testimony of what God has been doing.
Then this Sunday was a bit different. The music began to rumble while Pastor Tim Jr took the microphone and began to pray and edify the congregation. Quickly the whole church came to attention and suddenly everyone was on their feet responding to the anointed challenging prayer, exhortation. In just a few minutes it looked like everyone had their hands raised and joining in the prayer, exhortation. About that time, Tim Jr was back on the drums the praise team launched into a stand on your feet, clap your hands praise song.
About the third song, Senior Pastor McClure took to the platform and began to join the praise team in singing and explaining the difference between Praise and Worship. "Worship is a vertical intimate interaction with God personally” Pastor McClure explained. Worship comes from the Hebrew word meaning to lay prostrate, or to come up under. It is a meaning as to surrender or submit up under God. True worship is an intimate relationship with God saying to him, I surrender to you and submit my life to you” Pastor McClure continued.
Praise on the other hand is a horizontal interaction with the others as unto God” Pastor McClure spoke. True praise is giving God thanks by saying to others what God has done in your life and how awesome the Lord is through the personal experiences that one has experienced. At the same time Pastor was motivating the congregation in their worship, the praise team was singing in the back ground “No other name” while the congregation was clapping their hands, singing and responding to Pastor’s explanation of what they were actually doing in the heavenlies while they were in service praising God.
Before long, you could see the many come out of their pews and into the aisles, some dancing, others hands raised, while some had their arms around someone else helping them touch the throne of God. What normally takes about thirty minutes of praise and worship, continued on for an hour and then another half hour. The whole service became engulfed into a “Glory Charged” atmosphere where one altar cal after another was released. First for those who needed a job, come down and we will lay hands on you for your miracle. Then for those who needed a break through from the enemy who was holding them back from their deliverance. Then for those who needed to be healed from some sickness or disease. After an hour and a half of power packed presence, we were walking out saying, “Wow we had a Holy Ghost Blow Out” today.

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