Once you understand that profits are better than wages, then and only then will you become wealthy. Nobody will teach you this entrepreneurial principle from any government school. You will not learn this philosophy of success in any high school or a public college. I remember when I was 21 and broke. I wasn’t destitute, but I had too much month at the end of the money. I call this being broke.
Wages make you a living; which is fine. Profits make you a fortune; which is super fine. Fact is, you now have a choice to live fine or super fine. You now have a philosophy with “Profits are better than wages” to become wealthy and live super fine. Socialism and Communism taught the world that Capital belongs to the state and not to the people. This was evil as well as a lie. My “Uncle Harry” taught me to have two bicycles, One to ride and one to rent.
Socialism says that the people are too stupid to handle their own capital. The people must give the capital to the “All wise state” and they will take care of you. That philosophy destroyed every nation Communism philosophy touched. Let me ask you, has the “State” taken care of your grandparents, parents or anyone you know? Absolutely NOT! My father died with nothing in the bank. My mother was left to work cleaning houses up into her 70’s because she could not live on the $800 a month the “State” gave her to “live on.” NOT, more like to die on.
How long does it take to make a wage? In order to make a wage, you must lone out a whole lot of your time for just a little bit of the employer’s money. They call those who get money this way: “Wage earners.” That has become a code for an economic slave. How long do one have to work in order to become wealthy? With the present “Wage earner” system, one will work his whole life and never become wealthy. Most people today – even in America will die in the category of being POOR. We say it like this, “He died dead broke.”
Allow me to challenge you to look beyond the repetitive cycle the world and government offer you. Permit me to motivate you with a gleam in your eye for what can be and not simply what is. Concede to the possibility that you can use your talents, skills, knowledge and drive to earn profits instead of simply exchanging a lot of your time for a little bit of their money. Accept this proverb: “Profits are better than Wages.” Take these few words and put your mind toward the possibility that you could become wealthy over the next 10 years instead of just earning wages.
By Dr Tim McClure
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