Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Promiseland Newsletter 7-10

Where did the phrase, “The American Dream” come from? If you give any attention to the liberal media today, you will believe that “The American Dream” is all about greed, corporate corruption and the evils of capitalism. However, if you take some time and research the real history and find the facts, you will find that the origin of “The American Dream” dates back over a century before Independence Day, July 4, 1776.
In fact, the phrase “American Dream” can be discovered in cottage prayer meetings and campfire stories from the hundreds of thousands of peasants who were nothing more than slaves to the Barons and Land Lords of Europe. Stories are written of many who would tell of Bible Prophecy of a land that “flowed with milk and honey” in opportunity for the common man to own his own home. Sermons in the hidden corners of cities all across Europe compared going to America like God’s people being freed from Egyptian slavery and going to the Promiseland. Songs and Hymns were written of going to the “Glory land” and being “Set free.” Years later those without knowledge of the original singer’s social plight thought the songs were about heaven. But biographies and writings revealed their songs were about freedom.
For centuries, and even millenniums before America was discovered, all of Europe’s people were held in slavery to the tyrannical rule of the Barons, Land Lords, Aristocrats and Bankers. The few elites who owned everything had made it illegal for the common people to own property. Only the few who lorded over the rest controlled all the land, business, trade and money till no one outside their circle could “get a piece of the pie.” No average common person could even start a business, nor even buy property if they had the means. Only the Nobles declared that they had the rightful heir of all the land and no one outside their heirs could ever own it.
The same historical evidence is found in Babylon, Persia, Egypt and literally every continent on planet earth throughout Bible history, let alone world history. Every continent during the past 5000 years has suffered slavery at the hands of tyrants from Asia, Persia, Africa, Europe and the Slovaks. No, it is neither right nor just, but every land has been enslaved by those who had the power and control over the land. If you owned land, you were in control. If you did not own property, business or freedom, you were a slave to those who did.
When America was discovered and opportunity was broadcasted to any European that they could own their own land, build their own house and farm their own land if they dared to take the trip. Hundreds of thousands risked their lives and many thousands died all to take the risk to own their own land. – So they could be FREE. Hence, “The American Dream” was named. For once in over a thousand years a peasant could change the destiny of his family.
The original American Dream was born from the hearts of common people who took the risk to change the course of their future. That dream is still alive today. Yes, we still are enslaved by the tyrannical suppressive “Barons, Bankers and Government Lords” through their tight grip on Real Property, Business and Exchange. But unlike many places around the globe, in America one can still take the risk of Owning his own property, start his own business and become free from being a slave to the “Owners” by becoming an “Owner” himself. If you can Dream it, you can become it. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE.”
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog): http://drtimmcclure.blogspot.com

What’s in Heaven you failed to ask for?
Henry a good church member died and went to heaven. Saint Peter meet him at the Gates to welcome him. Took him to his mansion. Peter said, get settled in and I’ll come back in an hour and show you around. Henry was stunned, beautiful mansion, heaven, this is great. Peter picked him up and was taking him around seeing family, ministers, church folks – came by an amazing Hugh opulent gothic building. “What is that?” Would you like to see? Yes. Walking through with as far as the eye could see everything imaginable from gifts, treasures, miracles etc. Wow, whose is all this? No one’s. Why? It was all laid up for you but you never asked for it.

Proverbs to live by:
Kindness, a language deaf people can hear and blind can see
Of all the things you wear, a happy face is most appealing
Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often
When looking for faults use a mirror, not binocular
Having a sharp tongue can cut your own throat

July 2010 – Opportunity – Theme for July, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
July 4 – American Dream illustrated sermon @ Promiseland 10:30 am
July 7, 14, 21, 28 – Recovery from Ruin classes every Wednesday @ 7 PM
July 11 – Couple’s Social – Food, Fellowship, Fun @ Café – 6 PM
July 16, 18 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
July 18 – “Antshillvania” Children’s Musical @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
July 31 Back to School Concert @ Brother’s Park 4-8 PM Games, Food, etc.
Aug 1 – Raise the Roof – Prophet Tony Hall @ Promiseland 10:30 AM

Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935

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