Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years; in six weeks we celebrate three major holidays with the center focus around faith, family, friends and the future. There is no greater time of the year to share our faith, love our families and friends and plan to do it better in the New Year.
I had built a fire in the formal living room the other day when afterwards, my grandson walked out from his room and looked down and said, “Wow GP, how did you do that?” Amazing how children bring out the beauty of something we take for granted. The things in life we have experienced for years so easily become common.
I sat down some time after that moment to run through my heart and mind all the things that I have experienced and received through my life time and wanted to take in the love, joy and memories they have brought to me. I thought of my days as a child growing up in the mountains with very little. I would make my own toys to play with, or build tree forts, or catch “craw dads” in the creek. The simple things of life have made life more valuable than the conveyer belt feelings today’s world manufactures for us.
I ran through my mind the beautiful nostalgic Christmas movies like “It’s a Wonderful Life, Charlie Brown’s Christmas, Home Alone (smile) and so many more that spark such emotional memories spending time sitting with friends and family sharing the Holidays. Laughing with kids and grand kids, crying (again) during the emotional moments: and then to feel a little hand on your arm with a little voice, “Why are you crying GP?” Nothing in the whole world is more important than our Faith, Family and Future.
Like always, I take these six weeks at year’s end to recap my life, reevaluate what I have or have not done with regard to my purpose and goals. As I sit here writing you I want to say YOU are one of the Reasons for the Season. I want to say to you, you are important to Jenny and me. Like Clarence ( the angel in It’s a Wonderful Life) reminded George Bailey (Character Jimmy Stewart played) what life was all about, so has these past few weeks giving me my very own “Clarence” moment.
Please allow me to share my heart and say to you that there is nothing more important than our Faith in Jesus, Church family to share spiritual moments or worship, prayer and divine experiences with. I need, you need Jesus, prayer, worship and church. I need, you need other Christians to comfort, challenge, and care for you. I love my family more than life itself. My family is the most important part of my life. My children and grand children make life worth living and worth living better in 2011.
Please allow me to say thank you for your role and part you have played in my life that has made me who and what I am today. I want you to feel as well as know how much I love you and thank God for you. Take this moment to make a phone call, write a letter, send a card or email to your family and friends and tell them you love them. Envelope this time to get alone with God and say a prayer for your family, church and your future.
With all our hearts;
Pastors Tim & Jenny McClure
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The great Spanish philosopher, Jose' Ortega Gasset, reminded us that we human beings are the only creatures on the planet Earth that are born into a natural state of disorientation with our world. That is, while all other creatures are guided by instinct they are unaware, and they don't have the capacity to question other creatures. The human creature was given the godlike power to create his or her own life, good or bad. Each of us does exactly that, all the years of our lives.
Every day, we put in place actions and ideas that will determine the shape and substance of our tomorrow. For some, those ideas and actions lead inevitably to extraordinary achievement and rewards. For many they tend to lead to a kind of middle ground in which great numbers of people take their cues from each other, without question or consideration. And for some, those actions and ideas lead to repeated frustration and problems, and they spend their lives in the bottom layers of the socioeconomic pyramid.
Success or failure as a human being is not a matter of luck, circumstance, or fate. Success in life is not secured to a select few who without their choices just wake up successful. It's a matter of following a common laws God has sown into the earth.
Attitude has changed more lives, brought about more success stories, helped create more millionaires, and saved more careers and marriages than any other subject known to man. And rules we talk about apply to any situation, under any and all circumstances. We never have to say, "I wonder what will work in this particular situation." All we have to do is make these ideas our own. And we begin with what I call "The Magic Word: - ATTITUDE."
We all want good results from life, in our home, in our work, and in all our contacts with other people. The most important single factor that guarantees good results, day in, day out, all the months and years of our lives, is a healthy attitude! Attitude is the magic word.
Attitude is defined as "the position or bearing as indicating action, feeling or mood." And it is our actions, feelings or moods that determine the actions, feelings or moods of others. Our attitude tells the world what we expect in return. If it's a cheerful, expectant attitude, it says to everyone with whom we come in contact that we expect the best in our dealings with our world.
You see, we tend to live up to our expectations. And others give to us, as far as their attitudes are concerned, what we expect. Our attitude is something we can control. We can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day - in fact, we do just that, whether or not we realize it. And the people in our family - all the people in our world - will reflect back to us the attitude we present to them.
It is, then, our attitude toward life that determines life's attitude toward us. Cause and effect. Everything we say or do will cause a corresponding effect. If we're cheerful, glad to be experiencing this miracle of life, others will reflect that cheer back to us. We are the kind of people others enjoy being around.
You and I are responsible for our lives. You and I produce causes all day long, every day of our lives. The environment can return to us only a corresponding effect. That's why I say that each of us determines the quality of his or her own life. We get back what we put out.
Here's a way to evaluate the quality of your attitude in the past: Would you say that people tend to react to you in a smiling, positive manner, giving you friendly greetings when you appear? Your answer to that question will tell the story.
As soon as a person begins to change, his or her surroundings will change. And it works like this: great attitude, great results; good attitude, good results; fair, or average, attitude, fair, or average, result; poor attitude, poor results.
So each of us shapes his or her life. And to an altogether unexpected extent, the shape and texture, the quality or lack of quality, of our lives is determined by our habitual attitude. It sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not quite that easy. For most of us, learning this new habit takes time. But once it becomes a habit-knit part of our lives, our world will change as dramatically as it would if we would if were walking from a dark cave into the bright light of day.
Most people never think about their attitudes at all. For most of them, it's a matter of beginning each day in neutral. Their attitudes are neither good nor bad; they are poised to react to whatever stimuli they encounter. If the stimulus is good, they will reflect it; if it's bad, they will reflect that, too. They are chameleons, going through their days reacting to whatever confronts them. And these are the people of our environment. That's why it's so important for us to control our attitudes, to make sure they're excellent or good.
It was William James of Harvard University, the father of psychology in America, who said, "Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
By Dr Tim McClure
Every day, we put in place actions and ideas that will determine the shape and substance of our tomorrow. For some, those ideas and actions lead inevitably to extraordinary achievement and rewards. For many they tend to lead to a kind of middle ground in which great numbers of people take their cues from each other, without question or consideration. And for some, those actions and ideas lead to repeated frustration and problems, and they spend their lives in the bottom layers of the socioeconomic pyramid.
Success or failure as a human being is not a matter of luck, circumstance, or fate. Success in life is not secured to a select few who without their choices just wake up successful. It's a matter of following a common laws God has sown into the earth.
Attitude has changed more lives, brought about more success stories, helped create more millionaires, and saved more careers and marriages than any other subject known to man. And rules we talk about apply to any situation, under any and all circumstances. We never have to say, "I wonder what will work in this particular situation." All we have to do is make these ideas our own. And we begin with what I call "The Magic Word: - ATTITUDE."
We all want good results from life, in our home, in our work, and in all our contacts with other people. The most important single factor that guarantees good results, day in, day out, all the months and years of our lives, is a healthy attitude! Attitude is the magic word.
Attitude is defined as "the position or bearing as indicating action, feeling or mood." And it is our actions, feelings or moods that determine the actions, feelings or moods of others. Our attitude tells the world what we expect in return. If it's a cheerful, expectant attitude, it says to everyone with whom we come in contact that we expect the best in our dealings with our world.
You see, we tend to live up to our expectations. And others give to us, as far as their attitudes are concerned, what we expect. Our attitude is something we can control. We can establish our attitude each morning when we start our day - in fact, we do just that, whether or not we realize it. And the people in our family - all the people in our world - will reflect back to us the attitude we present to them.
It is, then, our attitude toward life that determines life's attitude toward us. Cause and effect. Everything we say or do will cause a corresponding effect. If we're cheerful, glad to be experiencing this miracle of life, others will reflect that cheer back to us. We are the kind of people others enjoy being around.
You and I are responsible for our lives. You and I produce causes all day long, every day of our lives. The environment can return to us only a corresponding effect. That's why I say that each of us determines the quality of his or her own life. We get back what we put out.
Here's a way to evaluate the quality of your attitude in the past: Would you say that people tend to react to you in a smiling, positive manner, giving you friendly greetings when you appear? Your answer to that question will tell the story.
As soon as a person begins to change, his or her surroundings will change. And it works like this: great attitude, great results; good attitude, good results; fair, or average, attitude, fair, or average, result; poor attitude, poor results.
So each of us shapes his or her life. And to an altogether unexpected extent, the shape and texture, the quality or lack of quality, of our lives is determined by our habitual attitude. It sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not quite that easy. For most of us, learning this new habit takes time. But once it becomes a habit-knit part of our lives, our world will change as dramatically as it would if we would if were walking from a dark cave into the bright light of day.
Most people never think about their attitudes at all. For most of them, it's a matter of beginning each day in neutral. Their attitudes are neither good nor bad; they are poised to react to whatever stimuli they encounter. If the stimulus is good, they will reflect it; if it's bad, they will reflect that, too. They are chameleons, going through their days reacting to whatever confronts them. And these are the people of our environment. That's why it's so important for us to control our attitudes, to make sure they're excellent or good.
It was William James of Harvard University, the father of psychology in America, who said, "Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
By Dr Tim McClure
What was the most fun I had this past year? __________________________________
What did I learn this past year? ____________________________________________
What did I change for good this past year? ___________________________________
What mistakes had the most positive impact on me this past year? ________________
What bad habits did I pick up this past year? _________________________________
What books had the biggest impact on me this past year? _______________________
What important projects would I like to complete this next year? _________________
What am I looking forward to in my personal life in this year? ___________________
What skills would I need that I do not to raise my personal life? __________________
What books will help me the most this year? _________________________________
How can I increase my service to others this year? ____________________________
What would I need to do to raise my spiritual life up another level? _______________
What one thing continually distracts me from becoming personally, spiritually better?
What are my greatest strengths? ___________________________________________
What are my greatest weaknesses? _________________________________________
Take the time to answer these in your own heart and begin preparing yourself to re-evaluate this past year and begin planning to set adjusted Goals for the New Year.
Dr Tim McClure
What did I learn this past year? ____________________________________________
What did I change for good this past year? ___________________________________
What mistakes had the most positive impact on me this past year? ________________
What bad habits did I pick up this past year? _________________________________
What books had the biggest impact on me this past year? _______________________
What important projects would I like to complete this next year? _________________
What am I looking forward to in my personal life in this year? ___________________
What skills would I need that I do not to raise my personal life? __________________
What books will help me the most this year? _________________________________
How can I increase my service to others this year? ____________________________
What would I need to do to raise my spiritual life up another level? _______________
What one thing continually distracts me from becoming personally, spiritually better?
What are my greatest strengths? ___________________________________________
What are my greatest weaknesses? _________________________________________
Take the time to answer these in your own heart and begin preparing yourself to re-evaluate this past year and begin planning to set adjusted Goals for the New Year.
Dr Tim McClure
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
As I was channel surfing on the TV this morning I came across a conversation on CNN where the correspondent was interviewing a Dan Savage (Gay activist). Savage was using some very hard words and strong opinions against those who disagree with his homosexual agendas. As I listened for just a few moments, it was very clear that this “Hate Speech – Crimes” issue flows both ways.
The more Savage spoke the more he spewed out some very harsh words against his opponents. I was caught up in his words, facial demonstrations and strong conclusive assumptions he berated “as a matter of fact.” No there was no one there representing “his opposition” to either offer their take or some kind of rebuttal to such harsh words Savage was propagating. Savage’s rhetoric was filled with very strong hatred towards those who opposed his agenda. My instant reaction was not to think in defensive notions, but to see and hear such hatred Savage was demonstrating. My thoughts were, “Hey Dan, this Hate bigotry goes both ways.
Allow me to offer a few suggestions to Dan Savage or to anyone concerned in this issue we see playing out in America. Dan Savage’s Gay life style is his business and personally I don’t really care. Whatever Dan wishes to chose for his sexual orientation is Dan’s business. Surprise, I am not even worried about it. Time and circumstances will dictate the outcome of anyone’s life style regardless who agrees or not. Dan suggestion of “crimes” committed by those who oppose the Gay community pales in comparison to those crimes from the Gay community against their own Gay community. (That’s another subject all by itself).
My observation is that people like Savage is not trying to live his homosexual life style in public, but rather forcing the public to condone it and join in to advocate it. I have found that the hate and abhorrent attitudes of people like Savage against those who disagree with them is more intolerant and aggressive than the crowds who oppose the Gay life style. Savage’s words showed no respect towards anyone who disagreed with him.
The issue as I see it from those who oppose Savage’s idea or cultural philosophy he wishes to impose upon culture is he wishes to “force educate” America in the ways, behavior and sexual acts of the gay lifestyle. And Savage insinuates that it is somehow “hate speech” to oppose his agenda or disagree with him.
My argument is that the very speech, assault and verbal aggression of Dan Savage were his own kind of “Hate speech” against those who disagree with him. As Savage may wish to defame those who disagree with him with very hard accusatory words, I can argue his guilt of “hate speech” against non-gays. I wish to ask Savage, why do you “hate” non-gay people or “religious” people? Why do you use “hate speech” against anyone who opposes you with threats of criminal prosecution? Mr. Savage, you can no more “force” me to accept your beliefs as I cannot force you to accept my beliefs. It comes down to CHOICE. You chose your life style, I will choose mine. But don’t come out and accuse me of “hate speech” if I write that I disagree with your philosophy. This “hate speech” attack goes both ways, not just YOUR way.
Dr Tim McClure
The more Savage spoke the more he spewed out some very harsh words against his opponents. I was caught up in his words, facial demonstrations and strong conclusive assumptions he berated “as a matter of fact.” No there was no one there representing “his opposition” to either offer their take or some kind of rebuttal to such harsh words Savage was propagating. Savage’s rhetoric was filled with very strong hatred towards those who opposed his agenda. My instant reaction was not to think in defensive notions, but to see and hear such hatred Savage was demonstrating. My thoughts were, “Hey Dan, this Hate bigotry goes both ways.
Allow me to offer a few suggestions to Dan Savage or to anyone concerned in this issue we see playing out in America. Dan Savage’s Gay life style is his business and personally I don’t really care. Whatever Dan wishes to chose for his sexual orientation is Dan’s business. Surprise, I am not even worried about it. Time and circumstances will dictate the outcome of anyone’s life style regardless who agrees or not. Dan suggestion of “crimes” committed by those who oppose the Gay community pales in comparison to those crimes from the Gay community against their own Gay community. (That’s another subject all by itself).
My observation is that people like Savage is not trying to live his homosexual life style in public, but rather forcing the public to condone it and join in to advocate it. I have found that the hate and abhorrent attitudes of people like Savage against those who disagree with them is more intolerant and aggressive than the crowds who oppose the Gay life style. Savage’s words showed no respect towards anyone who disagreed with him.
The issue as I see it from those who oppose Savage’s idea or cultural philosophy he wishes to impose upon culture is he wishes to “force educate” America in the ways, behavior and sexual acts of the gay lifestyle. And Savage insinuates that it is somehow “hate speech” to oppose his agenda or disagree with him.
My argument is that the very speech, assault and verbal aggression of Dan Savage were his own kind of “Hate speech” against those who disagree with him. As Savage may wish to defame those who disagree with him with very hard accusatory words, I can argue his guilt of “hate speech” against non-gays. I wish to ask Savage, why do you “hate” non-gay people or “religious” people? Why do you use “hate speech” against anyone who opposes you with threats of criminal prosecution? Mr. Savage, you can no more “force” me to accept your beliefs as I cannot force you to accept my beliefs. It comes down to CHOICE. You chose your life style, I will choose mine. But don’t come out and accuse me of “hate speech” if I write that I disagree with your philosophy. This “hate speech” attack goes both ways, not just YOUR way.
Dr Tim McClure
Monday, November 22, 2010
You have seen as I the pervasive sexual assault of men, women and even children on the television from the US Government TSA union workers. My instant reaction was, “I don’t believe this is actually happening.” But then over and over I read, heard and have seen the actual fondling of men, women and even children’s “private parts.” The stage of my emotions rose from shock to disturbed to flat out angry. Now with the TSA Government Union heads saying that if we opt out of the body scan and the sexual fondle we will be fined $11,000.00 and band from flying that day.
Angry is not the word for how I feel now. It is extreme bewilderment. I am asking myself now, “What has happen to my country? Where has the United States of America gone? I am now living in NAZI country.” Who in his wildest nightmare imagination would have ever dreamed that our America, our government would have ever come to this? What happen to our Civil liberties? What happen to our privacy? What happen to the Bill or Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America?
Where in the world is the ACLU at now? They are all up in your face if some kid prays at a Hill Billy School yard in the mountains, but they are silent as an Oyster when the TSA union worker fondles a child. Shocked? Dismayed? Angry? Amazing when you hear or watch the ACLU ultra left spokes person protest the placing of a cross on the road side with a “We’re protecting the rights of the public.” But you can’t find them a hundred miles from the TSA sexual assault in the airports across America.
Of course the ACLU, the George Soros groups, the Anti- America crowd wants us to be assaulted so we can begin “hating our country” like they do. No, I don’t hate America. No I’m not angry at America. No, I am not giving up on the United States of America. I am angry with George Soros and his ilk’s, the Unions, Socialist and American haters. I am upset at the Anti-US Constitution crowd. So what do we do you ask?
As for me, I am going to 1. Speak out against such debauchery like sexual organ search; 2. I am going to write every Congressman, Senator and government official in office and voice my extreme disgust and anger over such wickedness. 3. I am going to write BLOGS, post comments, and lift my voice, influence and talents against their evil. 4. Most importantly I am going to pray against the Sin and Satan who is the father of such blatant corruption (2 Chron. 7:14). 5. Encourage you and everyone I can to do the same as I am doing.
Dr Tim McClure
Angry is not the word for how I feel now. It is extreme bewilderment. I am asking myself now, “What has happen to my country? Where has the United States of America gone? I am now living in NAZI country.” Who in his wildest nightmare imagination would have ever dreamed that our America, our government would have ever come to this? What happen to our Civil liberties? What happen to our privacy? What happen to the Bill or Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America?
Where in the world is the ACLU at now? They are all up in your face if some kid prays at a Hill Billy School yard in the mountains, but they are silent as an Oyster when the TSA union worker fondles a child. Shocked? Dismayed? Angry? Amazing when you hear or watch the ACLU ultra left spokes person protest the placing of a cross on the road side with a “We’re protecting the rights of the public.” But you can’t find them a hundred miles from the TSA sexual assault in the airports across America.
Of course the ACLU, the George Soros groups, the Anti- America crowd wants us to be assaulted so we can begin “hating our country” like they do. No, I don’t hate America. No I’m not angry at America. No, I am not giving up on the United States of America. I am angry with George Soros and his ilk’s, the Unions, Socialist and American haters. I am upset at the Anti-US Constitution crowd. So what do we do you ask?
As for me, I am going to 1. Speak out against such debauchery like sexual organ search; 2. I am going to write every Congressman, Senator and government official in office and voice my extreme disgust and anger over such wickedness. 3. I am going to write BLOGS, post comments, and lift my voice, influence and talents against their evil. 4. Most importantly I am going to pray against the Sin and Satan who is the father of such blatant corruption (2 Chron. 7:14). 5. Encourage you and everyone I can to do the same as I am doing.
Dr Tim McClure
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Fear is actually Faith that something BAD is going to happen. Yes, even Christians can have fear or be afraid. Jesus often told his disciples to “Fear not or Be not afraid.” How is it that 12 of the most powerful men in the Bible could have fear? Simply because fear is the least common denominator of human weakness. We were born with the nature to fear. Fear in its good sense is a cautionary impulse. Fear can cause people to move with caution or at best with awareness. However, in most cases fear works for our bad or harm. Why? Because fear almost always takes on the negative perspective. Fear assumes the worse and believes the worse. Therefore the evil of fear is that one will automatically believe that bad will win over good. This is how Satan uses fear to work against the believer. Fear becomes the most dangerous human propensity in a Christians life. If a believer yields to fear, the believer will almost always fail in God’s purpose and plan for the believer’s life. Fear is your enemy, not your friend.
Faith is belief that something GOOD is going to happen. Faith is the opposite of fear. Because faith is the Spirit nature inside every human. If you yield to your faith tendencies you will always see the positive outcome of everything, no matter how difficult it may seem. Faith is the belief that good will prevail over bad. There is a silver lining behind every rough situation. Faith is the God vision that looks over or beyond the present issues of life that pull one down. Faith is confidence. Faith is assurance. Faith is optimism in its highest form. Faith never lives in the past, faith always lives for the now and the future. If faith looks back, it only does so to give testimony that something good will come tomorrow. Faith will only use yesterday to give evidence that God will make a way where there is no way.
Worry is the Motivation that Fear will win over faith. Worry is the inspiration for fear to take hold of every situation and make sure the negative will win. Hence worry is the sister to fear giving fear all the moment by moment support to assure fear wins. Worry is your enemy, not your friend. Worry is not caution, worry is confidence in fear. God over and over commands us not to worry: Phil 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Matt 6:25 Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.
Now that we have a good idea of Faith – Vs – Fear than let me offer a few suggestions on how to resist fear and cling to faith. First, fear is a feeling. Therefore as with all feelings, they are usually linked to previous associate conditioning. What does that mean? It means that somewhere in our past experiences we felt afraid during certain things we went through, such as falling, exploring the unknown, or going through something unexpected. Example: A child awakes in the middle of the night and looks over in the dark across the room and hears a noise, he becomes afraid. His mind begins to try and focus to find a reason for the noise in the dark and concludes it cannot be seen so therefore it is dangerous. The heart beats and the mind races to all sorts of bad conclusions, hence FEAR associated with a feeling. In order to overcome this, we must re-link the feelings of uncertainty to faith instead of fear. When you are afraid of the noise in the dark, turn the light on, look around and your mind will answer what it could not answer and conclude that there is nothing to be afraid of, hence a calm assurance – FAITH.
By Dr Tim McClure
Faith is belief that something GOOD is going to happen. Faith is the opposite of fear. Because faith is the Spirit nature inside every human. If you yield to your faith tendencies you will always see the positive outcome of everything, no matter how difficult it may seem. Faith is the belief that good will prevail over bad. There is a silver lining behind every rough situation. Faith is the God vision that looks over or beyond the present issues of life that pull one down. Faith is confidence. Faith is assurance. Faith is optimism in its highest form. Faith never lives in the past, faith always lives for the now and the future. If faith looks back, it only does so to give testimony that something good will come tomorrow. Faith will only use yesterday to give evidence that God will make a way where there is no way.
Worry is the Motivation that Fear will win over faith. Worry is the inspiration for fear to take hold of every situation and make sure the negative will win. Hence worry is the sister to fear giving fear all the moment by moment support to assure fear wins. Worry is your enemy, not your friend. Worry is not caution, worry is confidence in fear. God over and over commands us not to worry: Phil 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Matt 6:25 Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on.
Now that we have a good idea of Faith – Vs – Fear than let me offer a few suggestions on how to resist fear and cling to faith. First, fear is a feeling. Therefore as with all feelings, they are usually linked to previous associate conditioning. What does that mean? It means that somewhere in our past experiences we felt afraid during certain things we went through, such as falling, exploring the unknown, or going through something unexpected. Example: A child awakes in the middle of the night and looks over in the dark across the room and hears a noise, he becomes afraid. His mind begins to try and focus to find a reason for the noise in the dark and concludes it cannot be seen so therefore it is dangerous. The heart beats and the mind races to all sorts of bad conclusions, hence FEAR associated with a feeling. In order to overcome this, we must re-link the feelings of uncertainty to faith instead of fear. When you are afraid of the noise in the dark, turn the light on, look around and your mind will answer what it could not answer and conclude that there is nothing to be afraid of, hence a calm assurance – FAITH.
By Dr Tim McClure
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I have been listening to News clips here and there almost every day for the past few months about the National Debt. You don’t have to be a News junkie, politically astute or even slightly interested in the Nation’s economy to know that America’s economy is in the toilet. There are more the 20 million people who are unemployed today. Evidence from churches, agencies, businesses, industry and even the government have unveiled the statistics of just how devastating today’s economy in America is.
The fault of this nation’s economic may lays can be traced back to all the “Bailouts” starting back in 2009. The “AIG” bailout that cost every American citizen near $200 billion. The General Motors and Chrysler cost the American citizen over $100 billion counting the Union’s pension failures. Then add to that the “Bank Bailouts” that cost the American citizen over $1 Trillion. Add to that the US Government accepting TOTAL liability of almost all the BAD DEBT the corrupt banks created through scrupulous and fallacious dealings and the American citizen is in hock for some $4 Trillion. Some even suggest that when you count the interest, corruption and all the “sweet deals” over the next 10 years, American citizens is responsible to pay over $5 Trillion in DEBT.
Right now as I write and you read this blog, our Law Makers (Congress) and the Administration are negotiating to create a 2010 Budget (that they still do not have). The main focus and essential need is to STOP THE SPENDING craze from some maniacal politicians who are more interested in stuffing their pockets of $millions than working for you and me. The National Debt is the main concern in our nation’s economy for the sake to get American Businesses in shape to start hiring again.
The “National Debt” is the #1 issue and concern that MUST be fixed if our economy is ever to get back on its feet. Many highly educated and pros at this economy business are screaming that if we do not stop this spending abomination and balance the Budget, our money is headed for a fall. That means Inflation and Deflation. In simple terms to understand, if we don’t balance this ludicrous economic idiocy in our government, two or three years from now, a gallon of milk will cost $10, a pound of coffee could cost $25 and your rent could be $1500 for a two bedroom apartment. You say, there is no way I could afford that. Exactly, and neither can everyone else in America except the politicians, Bankers and the Money Moguls.
I propose that since the Banks, Wall Street and the Unions are the recipients of all the $Trillions of Bailout monies, make them pay the National Debt off. That’s right, sell off 10% of Wall Street Companies and take the money and pay off the debt. Force JP Morgan, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, General Motors, Chrysler, Union Pensions all contribute 10% of their profits and pay off the National Debt.
By Dr Tim McClure
The fault of this nation’s economic may lays can be traced back to all the “Bailouts” starting back in 2009. The “AIG” bailout that cost every American citizen near $200 billion. The General Motors and Chrysler cost the American citizen over $100 billion counting the Union’s pension failures. Then add to that the “Bank Bailouts” that cost the American citizen over $1 Trillion. Add to that the US Government accepting TOTAL liability of almost all the BAD DEBT the corrupt banks created through scrupulous and fallacious dealings and the American citizen is in hock for some $4 Trillion. Some even suggest that when you count the interest, corruption and all the “sweet deals” over the next 10 years, American citizens is responsible to pay over $5 Trillion in DEBT.
Right now as I write and you read this blog, our Law Makers (Congress) and the Administration are negotiating to create a 2010 Budget (that they still do not have). The main focus and essential need is to STOP THE SPENDING craze from some maniacal politicians who are more interested in stuffing their pockets of $millions than working for you and me. The National Debt is the main concern in our nation’s economy for the sake to get American Businesses in shape to start hiring again.
The “National Debt” is the #1 issue and concern that MUST be fixed if our economy is ever to get back on its feet. Many highly educated and pros at this economy business are screaming that if we do not stop this spending abomination and balance the Budget, our money is headed for a fall. That means Inflation and Deflation. In simple terms to understand, if we don’t balance this ludicrous economic idiocy in our government, two or three years from now, a gallon of milk will cost $10, a pound of coffee could cost $25 and your rent could be $1500 for a two bedroom apartment. You say, there is no way I could afford that. Exactly, and neither can everyone else in America except the politicians, Bankers and the Money Moguls.
I propose that since the Banks, Wall Street and the Unions are the recipients of all the $Trillions of Bailout monies, make them pay the National Debt off. That’s right, sell off 10% of Wall Street Companies and take the money and pay off the debt. Force JP Morgan, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, General Motors, Chrysler, Union Pensions all contribute 10% of their profits and pay off the National Debt.
By Dr Tim McClure
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
By now you have heard or seen the news about the pictures and video of the “missile” launch off the coast of California. Of course if you have heard any of the “Black Ops Media Ploy” you would have found yourself wondering what in the world is going on.
Military officials and other federal authorities don't appear to have a clue as to what the flying object could have been, so they say or want you to believe. Instead of identifying the phenomenon, the Pentagon would only deny responsibility for the missile. The Pentagon who can take a picture of your license plate number from 1200 satellites they have in space wants you and I to believe they have no clue what or who launched a missile just off the coast of Los Angeles.
The “so called Pentagon expert” John Pike said, “It looked like a missile launch, he said, because of an optical illusion.” Pike’s argument was: “"It was an unusually clear day," he said.” However, every picture reveals a almost vertical launch – spiral virtually straight up in the air – just like a rocket. Go look for yourself. Google it again and look at all the pictures for yourself. Whatever you do, DO NOT BELIEVE the “Black Ops Media Ploy.”
Pentagon spokesman Dave Lapan said: 'There is no evidence to suggest that this is anything else other than a condensation trail from an aircraft.' What is the government trying to hide? The “Black Ops Media” thinks that we the people are brain dead or mind numb robots. As if we haven’t seen a rocket launch before. As if we don’t know that an airplane DOES NOT leave a massive rocket plum behind it like a rocket does. Main reason is because rockets use hydrogen fuel, not highly refined gasoline we call “jet fuel.”
One thing we all can take home from this is the government and their “Black Ops Media Ploy” is banking on you and I being brain dead or just plain stupid to just buy whatever they decide to feed us. Truth is, with the age of the internet we “dumb public” is way ahead of the game today. We no longer are blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to information – especially the news. And NO, we don’t buy this “Black Ops Media Ploy” line about “We don’t have a clue” what it is. And also, by the way, you are in no danger from it either. Look at the words the government has used to feed you the public and tell me they are not hiding something. I’m not buying it.
By Dr Tim McClure
Military officials and other federal authorities don't appear to have a clue as to what the flying object could have been, so they say or want you to believe. Instead of identifying the phenomenon, the Pentagon would only deny responsibility for the missile. The Pentagon who can take a picture of your license plate number from 1200 satellites they have in space wants you and I to believe they have no clue what or who launched a missile just off the coast of Los Angeles.
The “so called Pentagon expert” John Pike said, “It looked like a missile launch, he said, because of an optical illusion.” Pike’s argument was: “"It was an unusually clear day," he said.” However, every picture reveals a almost vertical launch – spiral virtually straight up in the air – just like a rocket. Go look for yourself. Google it again and look at all the pictures for yourself. Whatever you do, DO NOT BELIEVE the “Black Ops Media Ploy.”
Pentagon spokesman Dave Lapan said: 'There is no evidence to suggest that this is anything else other than a condensation trail from an aircraft.' What is the government trying to hide? The “Black Ops Media” thinks that we the people are brain dead or mind numb robots. As if we haven’t seen a rocket launch before. As if we don’t know that an airplane DOES NOT leave a massive rocket plum behind it like a rocket does. Main reason is because rockets use hydrogen fuel, not highly refined gasoline we call “jet fuel.”
One thing we all can take home from this is the government and their “Black Ops Media Ploy” is banking on you and I being brain dead or just plain stupid to just buy whatever they decide to feed us. Truth is, with the age of the internet we “dumb public” is way ahead of the game today. We no longer are blind, deaf and dumb when it comes to information – especially the news. And NO, we don’t buy this “Black Ops Media Ploy” line about “We don’t have a clue” what it is. And also, by the way, you are in no danger from it either. Look at the words the government has used to feed you the public and tell me they are not hiding something. I’m not buying it.
By Dr Tim McClure
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. Have you ever wondered if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits? Have you ever wondered if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes? You and I don't propose a federal budget, politicians do. You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations, elected politicians do. You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does. You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does. You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.
So how did the United States economy fall through the floor and is the worse economy since the 1930’s? How has our nation’s unemployment rise to 21+% (real humans that are out of work)? How has today’s politicians – our government spent $1,400,000,000,000.00 (1.4 Trillion) MORE than our government has taken in? The present government is spending $300 billion MORE each month than they are taking in. The numbers today is that the United States DEBT is over $13 Trillion. That means each family in America is responsible for over $120,000. That is enough to buy a nice house.
MY POINT is that the corruption and domestic collapse that America is forced to try and wade through is and has been caused by the government powers that be. Our job losses and economic meltdown didn’t come from outer space. The excessive spending of the Federal Government didn’t happen because of bad weather. The men and women in government, state wide and nationwide are to blame.
Therefore, this week’s election is a mirror of the anger, frustration and “We have had enough” attitude of the American people have spoken. And the fact is, the giant has awaken and is not going away just because of one election. Unions, Special Interests, Corporate Greed and Power Grabs have raised their hand up against the American people. They have shown their ugly face and are at war with US – We the People. Now – We the People have noticed and WE are fighting back.
My prayer is that the election is not over, but has just begun. My challenge is that We the People take this momentum and increase it until the Fat Cats on Wall Street, the corrupt Bankers in the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bribed politicians are all exposed. And my challenge is that We the People educate ourselves until we NO LONGER tolerate the destruction of our nation and our families.
By Dr Tim McClure
So how did the United States economy fall through the floor and is the worse economy since the 1930’s? How has our nation’s unemployment rise to 21+% (real humans that are out of work)? How has today’s politicians – our government spent $1,400,000,000,000.00 (1.4 Trillion) MORE than our government has taken in? The present government is spending $300 billion MORE each month than they are taking in. The numbers today is that the United States DEBT is over $13 Trillion. That means each family in America is responsible for over $120,000. That is enough to buy a nice house.
MY POINT is that the corruption and domestic collapse that America is forced to try and wade through is and has been caused by the government powers that be. Our job losses and economic meltdown didn’t come from outer space. The excessive spending of the Federal Government didn’t happen because of bad weather. The men and women in government, state wide and nationwide are to blame.
Therefore, this week’s election is a mirror of the anger, frustration and “We have had enough” attitude of the American people have spoken. And the fact is, the giant has awaken and is not going away just because of one election. Unions, Special Interests, Corporate Greed and Power Grabs have raised their hand up against the American people. They have shown their ugly face and are at war with US – We the People. Now – We the People have noticed and WE are fighting back.
My prayer is that the election is not over, but has just begun. My challenge is that We the People take this momentum and increase it until the Fat Cats on Wall Street, the corrupt Bankers in the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bribed politicians are all exposed. And my challenge is that We the People educate ourselves until we NO LONGER tolerate the destruction of our nation and our families.
By Dr Tim McClure
Friday, October 29, 2010
• 1 Cor 12:28 – diversities of tongues
• 1 Cor 13:1 – tongues of Men and of Angels
• Acts 2:4 = 1st received Holy Spirit = tongues
• Joel 2:28 = prophesied this would happen
• Is 28:11 = prophesied this would happen
• Mark 16:17 shall speak with new tongues
• Acts 10:46-47 for they heard them speak with tongues
• Acts 19:6 spoke with tongues
• 1 Cor 12:10 divers kinds of tongues
• 1 Cor 12:28-30 – how to facilitate the gift of tongues
• 1 Cor 14:23 – must be orderly with purpose
• 1 Cor 14:2-4 = edification 1 Cor 14:14 my spirit prays.
• Jude 1:20 praying in the Holy Ghost
• 1 Cor 14:39 – forbid not to speak with tongues
• God originated tongues in Gen 1 (God said).
• Gen 11:1 One Language – one speech
• Gen 11:7 God confounded their language
• Tongues originated for God to communicate with us and we with others.
• 1 Cor 13:1 – tongues of Men and of Angels
• Acts 2:4 = 1st received Holy Spirit = tongues
• Joel 2:28 = prophesied this would happen
• Is 28:11 = prophesied this would happen
• Mark 16:17 shall speak with new tongues
• Acts 10:46-47 for they heard them speak with tongues
• Acts 19:6 spoke with tongues
• 1 Cor 12:10 divers kinds of tongues
• 1 Cor 12:28-30 – how to facilitate the gift of tongues
• 1 Cor 14:23 – must be orderly with purpose
• 1 Cor 14:2-4 = edification 1 Cor 14:14 my spirit prays.
• Jude 1:20 praying in the Holy Ghost
• 1 Cor 14:39 – forbid not to speak with tongues
• God originated tongues in Gen 1 (God said).
• Gen 11:1 One Language – one speech
• Gen 11:7 God confounded their language
• Tongues originated for God to communicate with us and we with others.
Monday, October 25, 2010
If you see a man standing on Mt Everest, Know for certain that he didn’t fall there. There has never been a man or woman that has accidently graduated from college. None of us woke up one day and realized we were who we are and where we are at.
Success doesn’t come because you are lucky. Miracles don’t come to us by mistake. Salvation is not random. Freedom doesn’t come uninvited. You ask, What is my point? Who we are, where we are at this day in our life is from a series of Beliefs and Behaviors we’ve adopted whether consciously or unconsciously aware of it.
Whether we premeditated, planned or orchestrated our actions and our behavior has brought us to where we are and who we have become. No one accidently becomes a success or a failure. NO, God doesn’t decide who succeeds or who fails – WE DO. God does NOT decide who gets saved and who gets lost, WE DO. “It is not the will of God that any should be lost but that all come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9). “It is God’s will that you be healed” (Mark 1:39-40).
It is our faith that makes us whole (Mark 5:34). It is our faith that saves us (Luke 7:50). It is our faith that gets us access to God (Rom 5:2). It is heresy to slander God in saying that GOD makes people sick, GOD causes people to suffer or GOD makes people go to hell without their choice. It is a lie against God to suggest that God causes EVIL to happen to people without their choice or behavior.
My Point is that if we are ever going to enjoy salvation, we must “repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). If we want to change any aspect of our life it will be by design. It will be from a set of teachings, Songs, Movies, Friends, Associations, Books we read, and Influences that WE receive by our will, whether consciously or unconsciously. Our choices make us who we are and where we end up in life.
By Dr Tim McClure
Success doesn’t come because you are lucky. Miracles don’t come to us by mistake. Salvation is not random. Freedom doesn’t come uninvited. You ask, What is my point? Who we are, where we are at this day in our life is from a series of Beliefs and Behaviors we’ve adopted whether consciously or unconsciously aware of it.
Whether we premeditated, planned or orchestrated our actions and our behavior has brought us to where we are and who we have become. No one accidently becomes a success or a failure. NO, God doesn’t decide who succeeds or who fails – WE DO. God does NOT decide who gets saved and who gets lost, WE DO. “It is not the will of God that any should be lost but that all come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9). “It is God’s will that you be healed” (Mark 1:39-40).
It is our faith that makes us whole (Mark 5:34). It is our faith that saves us (Luke 7:50). It is our faith that gets us access to God (Rom 5:2). It is heresy to slander God in saying that GOD makes people sick, GOD causes people to suffer or GOD makes people go to hell without their choice. It is a lie against God to suggest that God causes EVIL to happen to people without their choice or behavior.
My Point is that if we are ever going to enjoy salvation, we must “repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). If we want to change any aspect of our life it will be by design. It will be from a set of teachings, Songs, Movies, Friends, Associations, Books we read, and Influences that WE receive by our will, whether consciously or unconsciously. Our choices make us who we are and where we end up in life.
By Dr Tim McClure
Thursday, October 14, 2010
I Jn 4:9-10 In this was manifested the love of God toward us. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us.
I was raised in a home where my daddy didn’t express very much emotion or shown love toward my mother; at least not in front of me. I grew up without the affection made manifest. There was very little outward affection given to my mother and sister from my father.
I grew up in a time where it seemed the “man” thing was not to “Show” your affection toward your wife in public, or affection toward your children. “You’ll spoil them” they said. I was told by men to play the “macho” guy. Not to let your feelings show. If you did, you were weak.
I remember a man years ago who I won to the Lord, baptized and prayed him, his wife and two children through to the Holy Ghost. This dilapidated home of a man, woman and two kids was far from a family or a home.
After working with the man for a year, I started working on his wife. After a year, she received the Holy Ghost and I baptized her. Before she ever came around, he would want to counsel with me all the time about what he should do about his wife. He had marriage problems as she would go out on the night. She never showed him any attention, never wanted to clean the house, stay home, do anything with him, etc. It was bad.
One day, I asked him what he was doing to win her affection. He looked at me as if I was crazy. “What do you mean, what am I doing to win her?” I means, are you complementing her or buying her flowers to show you love her? Are you cleaning the house, helping out with the kids homework or just spending some time each evening with her? Are you being the kind of Christian man that would make her want to be a Christian?” “I couldn’t do that.” Why? I asked. “If I did that, she would become spoiled and rotten and then expect it from me all the time.” Well of course she would you lush lug! What do you think Christianity is all about?” No wonder she showed him no affection. Who wishes to romance a dead fish? I can just see her friend asking her; “What are you doing tonight? O nothing, I’m just having dinner with a manikin.”
Jesus said it well; “Here in is love.” What? That real love, the kind of love that so effects people that it demands a response is the kind of love that shows up in our lives. Here is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us. This is to say that the real way that we are to ever receive love is to first give love. It’s the Law of Sowing and Reaping. If you sow it, God will grow it. If you want friends, you have to be a friend.
What is it that you are wanting? Are you looking for love? Wishing for a relationship? If so, then you need to be the magnet that will attract the very person or relationship you are seeking. You can’t be a silent, stuck up person and attract a loving person. If you are looking for a serious relationship, you can’t act like a “one night stand.”
Whatever it is that you are looking for or desiring, you will have to manifest that very thing. If you want to attract money, you can’t be selfish. If you want people to be nice to you, you must stop being mean. If you want help, you can’t be rude. Become the very thing you want to become and you shall attract that which you desire.
By Dr Tim McClure
I was raised in a home where my daddy didn’t express very much emotion or shown love toward my mother; at least not in front of me. I grew up without the affection made manifest. There was very little outward affection given to my mother and sister from my father.
I grew up in a time where it seemed the “man” thing was not to “Show” your affection toward your wife in public, or affection toward your children. “You’ll spoil them” they said. I was told by men to play the “macho” guy. Not to let your feelings show. If you did, you were weak.
I remember a man years ago who I won to the Lord, baptized and prayed him, his wife and two children through to the Holy Ghost. This dilapidated home of a man, woman and two kids was far from a family or a home.
After working with the man for a year, I started working on his wife. After a year, she received the Holy Ghost and I baptized her. Before she ever came around, he would want to counsel with me all the time about what he should do about his wife. He had marriage problems as she would go out on the night. She never showed him any attention, never wanted to clean the house, stay home, do anything with him, etc. It was bad.
One day, I asked him what he was doing to win her affection. He looked at me as if I was crazy. “What do you mean, what am I doing to win her?” I means, are you complementing her or buying her flowers to show you love her? Are you cleaning the house, helping out with the kids homework or just spending some time each evening with her? Are you being the kind of Christian man that would make her want to be a Christian?” “I couldn’t do that.” Why? I asked. “If I did that, she would become spoiled and rotten and then expect it from me all the time.” Well of course she would you lush lug! What do you think Christianity is all about?” No wonder she showed him no affection. Who wishes to romance a dead fish? I can just see her friend asking her; “What are you doing tonight? O nothing, I’m just having dinner with a manikin.”
Jesus said it well; “Here in is love.” What? That real love, the kind of love that so effects people that it demands a response is the kind of love that shows up in our lives. Here is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us. This is to say that the real way that we are to ever receive love is to first give love. It’s the Law of Sowing and Reaping. If you sow it, God will grow it. If you want friends, you have to be a friend.
What is it that you are wanting? Are you looking for love? Wishing for a relationship? If so, then you need to be the magnet that will attract the very person or relationship you are seeking. You can’t be a silent, stuck up person and attract a loving person. If you are looking for a serious relationship, you can’t act like a “one night stand.”
Whatever it is that you are looking for or desiring, you will have to manifest that very thing. If you want to attract money, you can’t be selfish. If you want people to be nice to you, you must stop being mean. If you want help, you can’t be rude. Become the very thing you want to become and you shall attract that which you desire.
By Dr Tim McClure
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Larry Hagman, the actor who played the villainous J.R. Ewing in the 1980s TV show "Dallas,'' has won his case that he was victimized by Citigroup Inc., and the bank was ordered to pay over $11 million in damages. The total award includes $10 million in punitive damages that Citi must pay to charities selected by Hagman, $1.1 million in compensatory damages and nearly $440,000 in legal fees.
Hagman, who also played astronaut Anthony Nelson in "I Dream of Jeannie'' in the 1960s TV show filmed in Cocoa, FL had requested $1.35 million in damages. He could not be reached for comment. Hagman accused Citi in May 2009 of a breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract, fraud by misrepresentation and omission, failure to supervise and violation of federal and state law, according to the ruling by an arbitration panel of FINRA, a self-regulatory body of the U.S. financial industry.
The allegations stemmed from unspecified securities held in Citi accounts, as well as the purchase of a life insurance policy. Hagman received the unusually large award after the arbitrators found Citigroup Global Markets "engaged in serious misconduct,'' meeting FINRA's standards for punitive damages, the ruling said.
This is a great sign across American people who had invested in securities schemes created by major Banks and Holding institutions. This is a fire across the bow that Banks and Securities firms who created bogus or fraudulent schemes can and should be held accountable. If you made an investment into some form of “Securities investment” and have lost big in your portfolio or lost your investment as a whole, you should contact your attorney and allow him / her to check and see if you have a case to suit and get your money back.
Dr Tim McClure
Hagman, who also played astronaut Anthony Nelson in "I Dream of Jeannie'' in the 1960s TV show filmed in Cocoa, FL had requested $1.35 million in damages. He could not be reached for comment. Hagman accused Citi in May 2009 of a breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract, fraud by misrepresentation and omission, failure to supervise and violation of federal and state law, according to the ruling by an arbitration panel of FINRA, a self-regulatory body of the U.S. financial industry.
The allegations stemmed from unspecified securities held in Citi accounts, as well as the purchase of a life insurance policy. Hagman received the unusually large award after the arbitrators found Citigroup Global Markets "engaged in serious misconduct,'' meeting FINRA's standards for punitive damages, the ruling said.
This is a great sign across American people who had invested in securities schemes created by major Banks and Holding institutions. This is a fire across the bow that Banks and Securities firms who created bogus or fraudulent schemes can and should be held accountable. If you made an investment into some form of “Securities investment” and have lost big in your portfolio or lost your investment as a whole, you should contact your attorney and allow him / her to check and see if you have a case to suit and get your money back.
Dr Tim McClure
Monday, October 4, 2010
I am more energized about personal success, growth and economic blessings now more than ever. God has opened my eyes to the "Biblical Entrepreneur" revelation. This divine insight has spawned a whole new sage of wisdom and passion.
In the Bible there is a story about a Wise man who saved an entire city from an invading army. However, the wise man was not remembered because he was poor (Eccl 9:15). Think of it, the ability to save a whole city but because of his poverty, his inability to influence reduced his divine wisdom to naught.
Here we are millenniums from that Wise man and still poverty restricts the greatest truth known to man - truth of the gospel of salvation. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." But without the means to spread that truth, deliver that truth and propagate that truth, what can such a truth do for a dying city?
What if you were given the ability to not only know the truth but the means by which to move mountains, save cities and transform lives? What if such a powerful opportunity, such profound information that could pour into your life a 1000 ideas, principles, tools, inspirations, and methods that would manifest itself as more money than you could spend? What if such knowledge and information would cost you your life? Would you give it? Of course you would. What if it only cost you a year's wage, would you sacrifice for it? Who wouldn’t? What if it cost only something as giving up soft drinks - that's right, Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, or Sprite? What if I said to you, I will give you enough knowledge and wisdom that could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, would you be willing to give up a Coke a day?
Of course you would. What fool would not quit something that does him or her no physical good for information that would literally transform their lives, their family and their future? No one is that stupid to say no to such an offer - or would they?
A Coke can cost about $1.65 per can or bottle in your local 7-11, or drug store. I don't know anyone who drinks soft drinks who only drinks ONE a day (7 a week). For about the same cost: $1.65 a day you can have access to 1000's of articles, dozens of video and audio tutorials and access to a team of Entrepreneurs with a VISION to help you reach your Entrepreneur potential.
In the Bible there is a story about a Wise man who saved an entire city from an invading army. However, the wise man was not remembered because he was poor (Eccl 9:15). Think of it, the ability to save a whole city but because of his poverty, his inability to influence reduced his divine wisdom to naught.
Here we are millenniums from that Wise man and still poverty restricts the greatest truth known to man - truth of the gospel of salvation. Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." But without the means to spread that truth, deliver that truth and propagate that truth, what can such a truth do for a dying city?
What if you were given the ability to not only know the truth but the means by which to move mountains, save cities and transform lives? What if such a powerful opportunity, such profound information that could pour into your life a 1000 ideas, principles, tools, inspirations, and methods that would manifest itself as more money than you could spend? What if such knowledge and information would cost you your life? Would you give it? Of course you would. What if it only cost you a year's wage, would you sacrifice for it? Who wouldn’t? What if it cost only something as giving up soft drinks - that's right, Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, or Sprite? What if I said to you, I will give you enough knowledge and wisdom that could make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, would you be willing to give up a Coke a day?
Of course you would. What fool would not quit something that does him or her no physical good for information that would literally transform their lives, their family and their future? No one is that stupid to say no to such an offer - or would they?
A Coke can cost about $1.65 per can or bottle in your local 7-11, or drug store. I don't know anyone who drinks soft drinks who only drinks ONE a day (7 a week). For about the same cost: $1.65 a day you can have access to 1000's of articles, dozens of video and audio tutorials and access to a team of Entrepreneurs with a VISION to help you reach your Entrepreneur potential.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thirty years ago my wife Jenny and I drove into Melbourne, Florida with my then two children, Chanda and Tim Jr with our youngest daughter Aleena to be born here five years later. Even though I spent four years of discipleship training under our pastor Dr RJ McIntyre in Baltimore, MD and four years of pastoral training in Jacksonville, FL under our pastor Will Cohorn, I was still only twenty five years old. I had eight quality intensive years of ministry training along with being raise up as a preacher’s kid (PK) of my Baptist preacher father.
I had under the tutorage of great men of God birthed evangelism, bus, kids, youth, music and drama ministries in Baltimore for four years and in Jacksonville for another four years. My wife and I had won dozens of souls to Christ in those eight years and rooted many families in the church. I preached at the Baltimore Centennial Celebration before 87,000 people and held “revivals” in several states. We taught near 100 Bible studies but even after great ministry successes, I came to Melbourne with one prayer; “Lord I can’t do this without you.”
30 years ago when I came to Melbourne, I said I did not come to build the biggest church in Melbourne, but I came to IMPACT. I then and now more than ever want to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, not simply put on a show. 30 years later, we have baptized 3875 and have seen 3583 to receive the Holy Ghost here in Melbourne alone. This is not counting the many thousands in 32 different countries around the world. To God be the glory.
30 years ago, our ministry was a mere infant. We grew into a toddler and then a young man as a church. We grew from infantile craze to a deeper appreciation of people and their needs. From gossip to glory, from selfishness to sacrifice and from appearance to anointing. No, we are not finished yet, but we’re no longer childish. What constitutes spiritual maturity in a church?
John offers us an insight in 1 John 2:11-13 when he explains we have three stages of maturity: Babies, Young men and Fathers. Babies can’t care for themselves; they need others to provide for them, watch over them and keep them safe from hurting themselves. Babies are very selfish in nature, needing full attention almost 24/7. The church as a child cries, What can God do for me? Then the church grows into young men; where they can care for themselves, ambitious and very strong working towards their careers. The church as young men cries, What can God do through me?
Then the church must become Fathers, but very few (in my opinion) ever reach this stage. Fathers no longer live for themselves, or strive for things. Fathers are all about their children. They work, strive and quest for legacy, not legitimacy. Fathers don’t care what others say about them, but they care totally about their offspring. The church as Fathers cries, What can God do? I have only meet a few churches and ministries that have ever come to Fatherhood status. I’m not simply talking about starting other churches; I’m talking about taking upon them the Father’s Mantle.
Now that we have reached our 30th Anniversary, we find ourselves walking into the Temple to pick up the Bible like we’ve never done before and read, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel” (Luke 4:18). Jesus was 30 when he was classified as a Grown Man and anointed to go… Heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the poor and preach the gospel to the world. I feel like Promiseland has now entered the stage of our Fatherhood. Now we are accepting our new mantle and Fathering fathers to have children to raise them to be young men. We are accepting the Adult stage of the Anointing.
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
You are invited to help us celebrate our 30 years Founder's Anniversary of Promiseland Church and Pastor Tim & Jenny McClure.
September 2010 – Church – Theme for September, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Sept 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – Steps: Walk to Maturity - Wednesday @ 7 PM
Sept 11 – Never Forget 9-11 – Prayer & Family day – Dare to Care
Sept 18-19 – Anniversary 30 – Bishop W Malcolm, Prophet W Pugh, Pastor N Brooks:
Saturday 6 PM – Sunday 10:30 AM. We’re celebrating 30 years – Founding Promiseland.
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
I had under the tutorage of great men of God birthed evangelism, bus, kids, youth, music and drama ministries in Baltimore for four years and in Jacksonville for another four years. My wife and I had won dozens of souls to Christ in those eight years and rooted many families in the church. I preached at the Baltimore Centennial Celebration before 87,000 people and held “revivals” in several states. We taught near 100 Bible studies but even after great ministry successes, I came to Melbourne with one prayer; “Lord I can’t do this without you.”
30 years ago when I came to Melbourne, I said I did not come to build the biggest church in Melbourne, but I came to IMPACT. I then and now more than ever want to demonstrate the Kingdom of God, not simply put on a show. 30 years later, we have baptized 3875 and have seen 3583 to receive the Holy Ghost here in Melbourne alone. This is not counting the many thousands in 32 different countries around the world. To God be the glory.
30 years ago, our ministry was a mere infant. We grew into a toddler and then a young man as a church. We grew from infantile craze to a deeper appreciation of people and their needs. From gossip to glory, from selfishness to sacrifice and from appearance to anointing. No, we are not finished yet, but we’re no longer childish. What constitutes spiritual maturity in a church?
John offers us an insight in 1 John 2:11-13 when he explains we have three stages of maturity: Babies, Young men and Fathers. Babies can’t care for themselves; they need others to provide for them, watch over them and keep them safe from hurting themselves. Babies are very selfish in nature, needing full attention almost 24/7. The church as a child cries, What can God do for me? Then the church grows into young men; where they can care for themselves, ambitious and very strong working towards their careers. The church as young men cries, What can God do through me?
Then the church must become Fathers, but very few (in my opinion) ever reach this stage. Fathers no longer live for themselves, or strive for things. Fathers are all about their children. They work, strive and quest for legacy, not legitimacy. Fathers don’t care what others say about them, but they care totally about their offspring. The church as Fathers cries, What can God do? I have only meet a few churches and ministries that have ever come to Fatherhood status. I’m not simply talking about starting other churches; I’m talking about taking upon them the Father’s Mantle.
Now that we have reached our 30th Anniversary, we find ourselves walking into the Temple to pick up the Bible like we’ve never done before and read, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel” (Luke 4:18). Jesus was 30 when he was classified as a Grown Man and anointed to go… Heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the poor and preach the gospel to the world. I feel like Promiseland has now entered the stage of our Fatherhood. Now we are accepting our new mantle and Fathering fathers to have children to raise them to be young men. We are accepting the Adult stage of the Anointing.
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
You are invited to help us celebrate our 30 years Founder's Anniversary of Promiseland Church and Pastor Tim & Jenny McClure.
September 2010 – Church – Theme for September, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Sept 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – Steps: Walk to Maturity - Wednesday @ 7 PM
Sept 11 – Never Forget 9-11 – Prayer & Family day – Dare to Care
Sept 18-19 – Anniversary 30 – Bishop W Malcolm, Prophet W Pugh, Pastor N Brooks:
Saturday 6 PM – Sunday 10:30 AM. We’re celebrating 30 years – Founding Promiseland.
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Friday, August 20, 2010
David’s head snapped around with a grimacing look upon his face as he heard such vile and filth against his God echoing across the valley. “Who is that” David demanded from those on the front line of the battle? “That is Goliath, the giant” said one solder. After hours of political feuds with his fellow kinsmen, Davis was sickened by the plethora of excuses.
David spent most of the day trying to argue his case for doing something to retaliate against the twisted insults against his nation and his God. David meet one listless frivolity after another until he could take the indifference no longer. Everything in his soul and body wished to do something, even if it would cost him his very life. David in dire frustration screamed, “Is there not a cause?” (1 Sam 17:29).
There comes a time when sitting back waiting for someone else to do something will not do. There comes a moment in one’s life that he or she must rise up and take a stand whether anyone else will or will not do so. There are some things in our lives that are worth giving our time, energy, money and even our lives to defend. Look around us, our nation is in pearl. The spiritual soul of our cities is being sucked in by one corrupt influence after another. Lies, deceptions are lurking behind every corner. Someone must stand up and make a commitment to the cause of truth.
In 1900, India was a waste land of human debris. Poverty, sickness and starvation was the norm. The British Empire had ruled over India for centuries and was doing little to nothing to EMPOWER the people to a better life, mindset or economy. History records the British Empire did nothing but “strip India of its recourses and soul.”
Until a man by the name of Mahatma Gandhi came to the forefront. To this day, you can drive through Dali and see massive posters with his picture on it. But Gandhi has been dead for years. But his Vision is alive and well.
Gandhi painted a picture upon the minds of his fellow Indians of a FREE India. However, even with the Vision, it took the fellow poor, broken peasants to rise up and SEE the vision for themselves, their families, and their future.
How could poor, broken and weak people with nothing - make a difference? By catching the Vision, Gandhi showed them and rose up a people to bring it to pass. The people marched, protested and raised their voices until Freedom came.
Let me ask you – What do you SEE when you drive into the parking lot of your church? What do you see when you walk through the church doors? What do you see when you walk into the auditorium? What do you see when you see when you look into the faces of the many family members, coworkers, neighbors and friends?
I see hurting, needing, and hungry men and women everywhere who is waiting for someone to show them a brighter picture of life. Today, all around us we see so many who are hurting, broken and lost because of the economy, anxiety and a bleak future. Today is the day for we to step out to the forefront of the battle like David and cry, “Is there not a cause to commitment?
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
Funny How…
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what bias newspapers write, but question what the Bible record.
Funny how everyone expects to go to heaven while they live like the devil.
Funny how people will read a magazine but can’t find time to read the Bible.
Funny how most spend hours a day talking about people but less than a minute talking to God.
Funny Church Bulletins
* The Fasting & Prayer Conference next week, meals included.
* The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
* Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
* Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
August 2010 – Commitment – Theme for August, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 – Back to Basics classes every Wednesday @ 7 PM
Aug 14 – Youth Outing – Teen’s Theme Park Fun Day
Aug 20, 22 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
Aug 27-29 Dr Rita Twiggs – “In My Shoes” Conference @ Promiseland: for info: – Church groups welcome Friday & Saturday
Sept 18-19 – Anniversary 30 – Bishop W Malcolm, W Pugh, N Brooks @ Promiseland:
Saturday 6 PM – Sunday 10:30 AM. We’re celebrating 30 years of Pastoring.
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
David spent most of the day trying to argue his case for doing something to retaliate against the twisted insults against his nation and his God. David meet one listless frivolity after another until he could take the indifference no longer. Everything in his soul and body wished to do something, even if it would cost him his very life. David in dire frustration screamed, “Is there not a cause?” (1 Sam 17:29).
There comes a time when sitting back waiting for someone else to do something will not do. There comes a moment in one’s life that he or she must rise up and take a stand whether anyone else will or will not do so. There are some things in our lives that are worth giving our time, energy, money and even our lives to defend. Look around us, our nation is in pearl. The spiritual soul of our cities is being sucked in by one corrupt influence after another. Lies, deceptions are lurking behind every corner. Someone must stand up and make a commitment to the cause of truth.
In 1900, India was a waste land of human debris. Poverty, sickness and starvation was the norm. The British Empire had ruled over India for centuries and was doing little to nothing to EMPOWER the people to a better life, mindset or economy. History records the British Empire did nothing but “strip India of its recourses and soul.”
Until a man by the name of Mahatma Gandhi came to the forefront. To this day, you can drive through Dali and see massive posters with his picture on it. But Gandhi has been dead for years. But his Vision is alive and well.
Gandhi painted a picture upon the minds of his fellow Indians of a FREE India. However, even with the Vision, it took the fellow poor, broken peasants to rise up and SEE the vision for themselves, their families, and their future.
How could poor, broken and weak people with nothing - make a difference? By catching the Vision, Gandhi showed them and rose up a people to bring it to pass. The people marched, protested and raised their voices until Freedom came.
Let me ask you – What do you SEE when you drive into the parking lot of your church? What do you see when you walk through the church doors? What do you see when you walk into the auditorium? What do you see when you see when you look into the faces of the many family members, coworkers, neighbors and friends?
I see hurting, needing, and hungry men and women everywhere who is waiting for someone to show them a brighter picture of life. Today, all around us we see so many who are hurting, broken and lost because of the economy, anxiety and a bleak future. Today is the day for we to step out to the forefront of the battle like David and cry, “Is there not a cause to commitment?
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
Funny How…
Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.
Funny how we believe what bias newspapers write, but question what the Bible record.
Funny how everyone expects to go to heaven while they live like the devil.
Funny how people will read a magazine but can’t find time to read the Bible.
Funny how most spend hours a day talking about people but less than a minute talking to God.
Funny Church Bulletins
* The Fasting & Prayer Conference next week, meals included.
* The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'
* Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
* Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
August 2010 – Commitment – Theme for August, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
Aug 7, 14, 21, 28 – Back to Basics classes every Wednesday @ 7 PM
Aug 14 – Youth Outing – Teen’s Theme Park Fun Day
Aug 20, 22 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
Aug 27-29 Dr Rita Twiggs – “In My Shoes” Conference @ Promiseland: for info: – Church groups welcome Friday & Saturday
Sept 18-19 – Anniversary 30 – Bishop W Malcolm, W Pugh, N Brooks @ Promiseland:
Saturday 6 PM – Sunday 10:30 AM. We’re celebrating 30 years of Pastoring.
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
His face was contorted and his eyes glared with no real focus. “What are you looking at?” Sarah, Sam’s wife asked. “Nothing, I’m just thinking” Sam replied. Was Sam really thinking? Joey gazed into space as he stared hard out the class room window. “Joey, stop day dreaming and get to work” Mrs. Aliceson barked. How is it that adults are awarded praise for “thinking,” while a child is rebuked for “day dreaming?” Thinking! What is it?
Thoughts, what are thoughts? Thoughts are defined as “the act or process of thinking. The product of thinking I find that a little funny. Thoughts are the product of thinking and thinking the act of creating thoughts. It reads like a Merry-go-round. Bare in mind, thinking creates thoughts and thoughts are the product of thinking, which nothing of the above definition leaves a man’s mind. What is thinking, as defined, than nothing short of “day dreaming?”
Often we hear of men and women these days who just sit around doing nothing but letting their minds “wonder.” They are “thinking” we say. The truth is; they are “day dreaming.” They are “spinning their wheels” we say. If I’m not mistaken, the automobile which spins its wheels is “stuck” and is really going nowhere.
What are “thoughts?” When we read of men in the Bible who “thought,” they almost inevitably got into trouble. When Abraham was asked why he lied about Sarah being his sister instead of his wife, he said “Because I thought” (Gen 20:11). When Balak, King of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel, the Bible reveals that this evil was generated from “I thought” (Num 24:11). Ironically, the name Balak means “waster, emptying” (Lockyer, All of the Men of the Bible, 65).
The Hebrew word for “thought” is ‘amar, which can mean “suppose.” A good name for “thoughts” is supposition. A great truth can be gained from this truth. Those who like Balak, waste their time “supposing” something to be that is not, believing something is fact that is a lie, are in deed wasting their life away on emptiness.
When Naaman “supposed” that the Pastor Elishia would simply come to church and say a few words and he’d be healed, and didn’t, “Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought” (II Kg. 5:11). When David was on the bottom of depression and at the point of backsliding, he admitted, “When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me” (Ps. 73:16). David’s dilemma was all caused by the turning of the brain, supposition.
Now then after we have proven, “thoughts,” as we understand them, are not virtuous, let me explain future. Thinking as we have come to understand it is little more than meditation, churning our brain activity. “Mauling it over in the mind” is what we have called it. This kind of “thinking” is not true thinking. It is nothing more than a seed bed for mental imaginations.
We have learned that the devil uses the power he has to put thoughts into our minds. The Bible reveals that Satan is the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). The word “air” here is better defined as “subconscious.” Satan can not read our minds, but he can put thoughts and imaginations into our minds. This is why we are commanded “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). Therefore, thoughts roaming free can be a base for the devil to generate “assumptions, wanderings, imaginations and visions which oppose the word of God.
Notice, when Job began to fear, trouble came to him. Job latter confessed, “In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. 15 Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up” (Job 4:13-15). We read in the first chapter of Job that it was the devil that brought those “thoughts” and visions of torment in the night. Uncontrolled thoughts have power to create visions and imaginations which can be bad to one’s emotions.
Paul said it well, “When I was a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor. 13:11). The real true way of thinking is to “Write” your thoughts down, or “Speak” your thoughts. Spoken and written thoughts are the way God created in the beginning. What was in the mind of God in the beginning, he spoke it out. Jesus said, “It is written.” Real thinking must be done with a pen or with words.
The next time you start “thinking,” pull out a pen and start writing, you’ll be surprised what you put on paper. The next time you start having “thoughts,” speak it out and hear for yourself if it is of God or not. “Keep thy heart (thoughts) with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).
Thoughts, what are thoughts? Thoughts are defined as “the act or process of thinking. The product of thinking I find that a little funny. Thoughts are the product of thinking and thinking the act of creating thoughts. It reads like a Merry-go-round. Bare in mind, thinking creates thoughts and thoughts are the product of thinking, which nothing of the above definition leaves a man’s mind. What is thinking, as defined, than nothing short of “day dreaming?”
Often we hear of men and women these days who just sit around doing nothing but letting their minds “wonder.” They are “thinking” we say. The truth is; they are “day dreaming.” They are “spinning their wheels” we say. If I’m not mistaken, the automobile which spins its wheels is “stuck” and is really going nowhere.
What are “thoughts?” When we read of men in the Bible who “thought,” they almost inevitably got into trouble. When Abraham was asked why he lied about Sarah being his sister instead of his wife, he said “Because I thought” (Gen 20:11). When Balak, King of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel, the Bible reveals that this evil was generated from “I thought” (Num 24:11). Ironically, the name Balak means “waster, emptying” (Lockyer, All of the Men of the Bible, 65).
The Hebrew word for “thought” is ‘amar, which can mean “suppose.” A good name for “thoughts” is supposition. A great truth can be gained from this truth. Those who like Balak, waste their time “supposing” something to be that is not, believing something is fact that is a lie, are in deed wasting their life away on emptiness.
When Naaman “supposed” that the Pastor Elishia would simply come to church and say a few words and he’d be healed, and didn’t, “Naaman was wroth, and went away, and said, Behold, I thought” (II Kg. 5:11). When David was on the bottom of depression and at the point of backsliding, he admitted, “When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me” (Ps. 73:16). David’s dilemma was all caused by the turning of the brain, supposition.
Now then after we have proven, “thoughts,” as we understand them, are not virtuous, let me explain future. Thinking as we have come to understand it is little more than meditation, churning our brain activity. “Mauling it over in the mind” is what we have called it. This kind of “thinking” is not true thinking. It is nothing more than a seed bed for mental imaginations.
We have learned that the devil uses the power he has to put thoughts into our minds. The Bible reveals that Satan is the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). The word “air” here is better defined as “subconscious.” Satan can not read our minds, but he can put thoughts and imaginations into our minds. This is why we are commanded “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). Therefore, thoughts roaming free can be a base for the devil to generate “assumptions, wanderings, imaginations and visions which oppose the word of God.
Notice, when Job began to fear, trouble came to him. Job latter confessed, “In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, 14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. 15 Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up” (Job 4:13-15). We read in the first chapter of Job that it was the devil that brought those “thoughts” and visions of torment in the night. Uncontrolled thoughts have power to create visions and imaginations which can be bad to one’s emotions.
Paul said it well, “When I was a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Cor. 13:11). The real true way of thinking is to “Write” your thoughts down, or “Speak” your thoughts. Spoken and written thoughts are the way God created in the beginning. What was in the mind of God in the beginning, he spoke it out. Jesus said, “It is written.” Real thinking must be done with a pen or with words.
The next time you start “thinking,” pull out a pen and start writing, you’ll be surprised what you put on paper. The next time you start having “thoughts,” speak it out and hear for yourself if it is of God or not. “Keep thy heart (thoughts) with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).
Sunday, July 18, 2010
FREE LOVE – The biggest Paradox of the last Century. The two words in the same sentence, Free and Love is a joke. Let alone using Free as an adjective describing the noun LOVE. It’s as false as saying “Dry Water.” Just as Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton didn’t charge the world to use their discovery, did not mean that their discovery came FREE. The cost and value of such wisdom is priceless and extremely expensive to those who invested life to discover it. Even though we hold it free.
However, those who have dared to use Einstein’s Theory of Relativity without the reality that such expensive knowledge has brought the world to a near peril. This single piece of FREE knowledge has cost and is still costing the world $trillions (Nuclear Weapons).
Trying to teach a parent to give a child love unconditionally will cost that parent his life. For I as a Preacher of the Bible or counseling Psychologist try and teach a man or woman to love their spouse unconditionally will advise them in the Art of Sacrifice.
“For God so loved the world that he gave…” is still the most expensive “unconditional Love” known to the world. True, it cost YOU nothing for God to LOVE you unconditionally. It cost YOU nothing for God to display his love when you were unloving. Yes, it is true, “God loved us in while we were yet sinners” (Rom 5:8). When we could not love him, he loved us. Not because we deserved it but when we were at our worse. “Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6).
However, even when Jesus loved and gave his life for us, yet his death could have or would have done us NO good unless we would have RECEIVED his gift. “And whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
What are you saying pastor? I’m saying that LOVE, true love is real. It is not mere words on a card. It is not a flower in a vase. True love is blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, true love and selfishness cannot be in same room. Unconditional love is expensive. It is self sacrificing and can hurt. But the rewards are unparallel.
Every Blessing comes with Brokenness. Every gift comes with a price. Every love comes with a sacrifice. It is impossible for me to give or receive “Unconditional Love” by itself. I must RECEIVE unconditional love if it is to impact me. God can give unconditional love, but it will never reach me until I Receive it. The condition is “Whosoever believes.” The dynamics work in the Ebb and Flow. “We love him because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
There is no greater subject in all the world like that of LOVE. Love is the greatest feeling for feeling. Love is the eternal motive and cause for all creation. Love is seen in the father’s eyes and the mother’s embrace. Love is known by many and craved by all. Love is the most common subject yet one of the most perplexing subject.
Love has been the cause of wars and the cause of peace. Love has been the death to many and the life of most. Love is seen in the face of a two year old with his daddy. Love, true love is WORSHIP. To love God is to worship God. “Great love has no one than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus loved you so much he did MORE than just TALK. He GAVE – his all.
By Dr Tim McClure
However, those who have dared to use Einstein’s Theory of Relativity without the reality that such expensive knowledge has brought the world to a near peril. This single piece of FREE knowledge has cost and is still costing the world $trillions (Nuclear Weapons).
Trying to teach a parent to give a child love unconditionally will cost that parent his life. For I as a Preacher of the Bible or counseling Psychologist try and teach a man or woman to love their spouse unconditionally will advise them in the Art of Sacrifice.
“For God so loved the world that he gave…” is still the most expensive “unconditional Love” known to the world. True, it cost YOU nothing for God to LOVE you unconditionally. It cost YOU nothing for God to display his love when you were unloving. Yes, it is true, “God loved us in while we were yet sinners” (Rom 5:8). When we could not love him, he loved us. Not because we deserved it but when we were at our worse. “Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom 5:6).
However, even when Jesus loved and gave his life for us, yet his death could have or would have done us NO good unless we would have RECEIVED his gift. “And whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
What are you saying pastor? I’m saying that LOVE, true love is real. It is not mere words on a card. It is not a flower in a vase. True love is blood, sweat and tears. Therefore, true love and selfishness cannot be in same room. Unconditional love is expensive. It is self sacrificing and can hurt. But the rewards are unparallel.
Every Blessing comes with Brokenness. Every gift comes with a price. Every love comes with a sacrifice. It is impossible for me to give or receive “Unconditional Love” by itself. I must RECEIVE unconditional love if it is to impact me. God can give unconditional love, but it will never reach me until I Receive it. The condition is “Whosoever believes.” The dynamics work in the Ebb and Flow. “We love him because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19).
There is no greater subject in all the world like that of LOVE. Love is the greatest feeling for feeling. Love is the eternal motive and cause for all creation. Love is seen in the father’s eyes and the mother’s embrace. Love is known by many and craved by all. Love is the most common subject yet one of the most perplexing subject.
Love has been the cause of wars and the cause of peace. Love has been the death to many and the life of most. Love is seen in the face of a two year old with his daddy. Love, true love is WORSHIP. To love God is to worship God. “Great love has no one than this that a man would lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus loved you so much he did MORE than just TALK. He GAVE – his all.
By Dr Tim McClure
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Promiseland Newsletter 7-10
Where did the phrase, “The American Dream” come from? If you give any attention to the liberal media today, you will believe that “The American Dream” is all about greed, corporate corruption and the evils of capitalism. However, if you take some time and research the real history and find the facts, you will find that the origin of “The American Dream” dates back over a century before Independence Day, July 4, 1776.
In fact, the phrase “American Dream” can be discovered in cottage prayer meetings and campfire stories from the hundreds of thousands of peasants who were nothing more than slaves to the Barons and Land Lords of Europe. Stories are written of many who would tell of Bible Prophecy of a land that “flowed with milk and honey” in opportunity for the common man to own his own home. Sermons in the hidden corners of cities all across Europe compared going to America like God’s people being freed from Egyptian slavery and going to the Promiseland. Songs and Hymns were written of going to the “Glory land” and being “Set free.” Years later those without knowledge of the original singer’s social plight thought the songs were about heaven. But biographies and writings revealed their songs were about freedom.
For centuries, and even millenniums before America was discovered, all of Europe’s people were held in slavery to the tyrannical rule of the Barons, Land Lords, Aristocrats and Bankers. The few elites who owned everything had made it illegal for the common people to own property. Only the few who lorded over the rest controlled all the land, business, trade and money till no one outside their circle could “get a piece of the pie.” No average common person could even start a business, nor even buy property if they had the means. Only the Nobles declared that they had the rightful heir of all the land and no one outside their heirs could ever own it.
The same historical evidence is found in Babylon, Persia, Egypt and literally every continent on planet earth throughout Bible history, let alone world history. Every continent during the past 5000 years has suffered slavery at the hands of tyrants from Asia, Persia, Africa, Europe and the Slovaks. No, it is neither right nor just, but every land has been enslaved by those who had the power and control over the land. If you owned land, you were in control. If you did not own property, business or freedom, you were a slave to those who did.
When America was discovered and opportunity was broadcasted to any European that they could own their own land, build their own house and farm their own land if they dared to take the trip. Hundreds of thousands risked their lives and many thousands died all to take the risk to own their own land. – So they could be FREE. Hence, “The American Dream” was named. For once in over a thousand years a peasant could change the destiny of his family.
The original American Dream was born from the hearts of common people who took the risk to change the course of their future. That dream is still alive today. Yes, we still are enslaved by the tyrannical suppressive “Barons, Bankers and Government Lords” through their tight grip on Real Property, Business and Exchange. But unlike many places around the globe, in America one can still take the risk of Owning his own property, start his own business and become free from being a slave to the “Owners” by becoming an “Owner” himself. If you can Dream it, you can become it. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE.”
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
What’s in Heaven you failed to ask for?
Henry a good church member died and went to heaven. Saint Peter meet him at the Gates to welcome him. Took him to his mansion. Peter said, get settled in and I’ll come back in an hour and show you around. Henry was stunned, beautiful mansion, heaven, this is great. Peter picked him up and was taking him around seeing family, ministers, church folks – came by an amazing Hugh opulent gothic building. “What is that?” Would you like to see? Yes. Walking through with as far as the eye could see everything imaginable from gifts, treasures, miracles etc. Wow, whose is all this? No one’s. Why? It was all laid up for you but you never asked for it.
Proverbs to live by:
Kindness, a language deaf people can hear and blind can see
Of all the things you wear, a happy face is most appealing
Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often
When looking for faults use a mirror, not binocular
Having a sharp tongue can cut your own throat
July 2010 – Opportunity – Theme for July, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
July 4 – American Dream illustrated sermon @ Promiseland 10:30 am
July 7, 14, 21, 28 – Recovery from Ruin classes every Wednesday @ 7 PM
July 11 – Couple’s Social – Food, Fellowship, Fun @ CafĂ© – 6 PM
July 16, 18 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
July 18 – “Antshillvania” Children’s Musical @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
July 31 Back to School Concert @ Brother’s Park 4-8 PM Games, Food, etc.
Aug 1 – Raise the Roof – Prophet Tony Hall @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Where did the phrase, “The American Dream” come from? If you give any attention to the liberal media today, you will believe that “The American Dream” is all about greed, corporate corruption and the evils of capitalism. However, if you take some time and research the real history and find the facts, you will find that the origin of “The American Dream” dates back over a century before Independence Day, July 4, 1776.
In fact, the phrase “American Dream” can be discovered in cottage prayer meetings and campfire stories from the hundreds of thousands of peasants who were nothing more than slaves to the Barons and Land Lords of Europe. Stories are written of many who would tell of Bible Prophecy of a land that “flowed with milk and honey” in opportunity for the common man to own his own home. Sermons in the hidden corners of cities all across Europe compared going to America like God’s people being freed from Egyptian slavery and going to the Promiseland. Songs and Hymns were written of going to the “Glory land” and being “Set free.” Years later those without knowledge of the original singer’s social plight thought the songs were about heaven. But biographies and writings revealed their songs were about freedom.
For centuries, and even millenniums before America was discovered, all of Europe’s people were held in slavery to the tyrannical rule of the Barons, Land Lords, Aristocrats and Bankers. The few elites who owned everything had made it illegal for the common people to own property. Only the few who lorded over the rest controlled all the land, business, trade and money till no one outside their circle could “get a piece of the pie.” No average common person could even start a business, nor even buy property if they had the means. Only the Nobles declared that they had the rightful heir of all the land and no one outside their heirs could ever own it.
The same historical evidence is found in Babylon, Persia, Egypt and literally every continent on planet earth throughout Bible history, let alone world history. Every continent during the past 5000 years has suffered slavery at the hands of tyrants from Asia, Persia, Africa, Europe and the Slovaks. No, it is neither right nor just, but every land has been enslaved by those who had the power and control over the land. If you owned land, you were in control. If you did not own property, business or freedom, you were a slave to those who did.
When America was discovered and opportunity was broadcasted to any European that they could own their own land, build their own house and farm their own land if they dared to take the trip. Hundreds of thousands risked their lives and many thousands died all to take the risk to own their own land. – So they could be FREE. Hence, “The American Dream” was named. For once in over a thousand years a peasant could change the destiny of his family.
The original American Dream was born from the hearts of common people who took the risk to change the course of their future. That dream is still alive today. Yes, we still are enslaved by the tyrannical suppressive “Barons, Bankers and Government Lords” through their tight grip on Real Property, Business and Exchange. But unlike many places around the globe, in America one can still take the risk of Owning his own property, start his own business and become free from being a slave to the “Owners” by becoming an “Owner” himself. If you can Dream it, you can become it. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you FREE.”
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, see my blog):
What’s in Heaven you failed to ask for?
Henry a good church member died and went to heaven. Saint Peter meet him at the Gates to welcome him. Took him to his mansion. Peter said, get settled in and I’ll come back in an hour and show you around. Henry was stunned, beautiful mansion, heaven, this is great. Peter picked him up and was taking him around seeing family, ministers, church folks – came by an amazing Hugh opulent gothic building. “What is that?” Would you like to see? Yes. Walking through with as far as the eye could see everything imaginable from gifts, treasures, miracles etc. Wow, whose is all this? No one’s. Why? It was all laid up for you but you never asked for it.
Proverbs to live by:
Kindness, a language deaf people can hear and blind can see
Of all the things you wear, a happy face is most appealing
Action speaks louder than words, but not nearly as often
When looking for faults use a mirror, not binocular
Having a sharp tongue can cut your own throat
July 2010 – Opportunity – Theme for July, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
July 4 – American Dream illustrated sermon @ Promiseland 10:30 am
July 7, 14, 21, 28 – Recovery from Ruin classes every Wednesday @ 7 PM
July 11 – Couple’s Social – Food, Fellowship, Fun @ CafĂ© – 6 PM
July 16, 18 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
July 18 – “Antshillvania” Children’s Musical @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
July 31 Back to School Concert @ Brother’s Park 4-8 PM Games, Food, etc.
Aug 1 – Raise the Roof – Prophet Tony Hall @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Monday, July 5, 2010
God Wins $11 Million Sweepstakes
The other twenty million finalists might as well give up. One of the gold-sticker-laden sweepstakes entry forms and magazine sales pitches that show up just about weekly in most Americans' mailboxes was sent to God.
American Family Publishers sent its computer generated entry form to “God of Bushnell” at the Bushnell Assembly of God; a church in central Florida. “God, we’re searching for you. You’ve been positively identified as our $11 million Mystery Millionaire” – the form read.
The fine print showed the Creator was merely a finalist, but the letter encouraged him to try his luck. “Imagine the looks you’d get from your neighbors: Well don’t just sit there God, come forward now and claim your prize” the marketing letter said.
Bill Brack, the church’s pastor told the Tampa Tribune that he had not yet decided whether the church would “enter God’s name in the sweepstakes.” Pastor Brack said, “Truth is, God already has $11 million dollars” as he chuckled.
Laugh out loud – I know it sure would be one of the funniest headlines ever read: “God Wins $11 Million from Sweepstakes.” I’m sure that wouldn’t be the first crazy news headline we’ve ever seen, but it would sure be one of the best ones.
By Dr Tim McClure
American Family Publishers sent its computer generated entry form to “God of Bushnell” at the Bushnell Assembly of God; a church in central Florida. “God, we’re searching for you. You’ve been positively identified as our $11 million Mystery Millionaire” – the form read.
The fine print showed the Creator was merely a finalist, but the letter encouraged him to try his luck. “Imagine the looks you’d get from your neighbors: Well don’t just sit there God, come forward now and claim your prize” the marketing letter said.
Bill Brack, the church’s pastor told the Tampa Tribune that he had not yet decided whether the church would “enter God’s name in the sweepstakes.” Pastor Brack said, “Truth is, God already has $11 million dollars” as he chuckled.
Laugh out loud – I know it sure would be one of the funniest headlines ever read: “God Wins $11 Million from Sweepstakes.” I’m sure that wouldn’t be the first crazy news headline we’ve ever seen, but it would sure be one of the best ones.
By Dr Tim McClure
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Longtime Washington journalist Helen Thomas abruptly retired Monday as a columnist for Hearst News Service when she was caught on video disseminating her anti-Semitic slander of Israel. Following her remarks the White House denounced Helen’s slander. Even her press corps colleagues disassociated themselves from her. Thomas apologized for her comments that were captured on video and have spread widely on the Internet. On the May 27 video, Thomas says Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine," suggesting they go to Germany, Poland or the U.S. Hearst announced her retirement, effective immediately, shortly after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks "offensive and reprehensible."
Nesenoff, the man who caught Helen’s slander on tape told Yahoo news on Monday that he hadn't known of Thomas's views on the Middle East and was "shocked" by her comments. When Nesenoff asked Thomas whether she was familiar with the history of the region, Thomas mentioned to Nesenoff that she is of Arab background. Amazing how most of her media colleagues align their views with Helen Thomas almost 95% was forced to take a stand against her beliefs.
Fact is that most of the bias mainstream media takes a hard left against Israel, yet they know the public is over 80% for the nation of Israel and their struggle to survive. Even Brit Hume said that sitting beside Helen for many years in the White House briefing media room said “Helen has said comments like that all the time I knew her.” How is it then that the far left media and “American Journalism” philosophy can slander Israel and Christianity when they think no one is listening, but when they get out in public, they pretend they believe something else? Truth is, every now and then, they slip up and let their true beliefs show.
My real concern is if Helen Thomas and her media colleagues can slip up and show their true beliefs about Israel, what or should I say, when will they show their true beliefs about Christianity and Christians? If Helen can with an ugly anti-Semitic tone say the Jews should be cast out of Israel and taken back to Germany, when will she and her kind say that all Christians should be taken out of the United States? The fearful thought is, Helen represents all of American mainstream media – the voice of the “so called news.” All I can say is, God help us:
By Dr Tim McClure
Nesenoff, the man who caught Helen’s slander on tape told Yahoo news on Monday that he hadn't known of Thomas's views on the Middle East and was "shocked" by her comments. When Nesenoff asked Thomas whether she was familiar with the history of the region, Thomas mentioned to Nesenoff that she is of Arab background. Amazing how most of her media colleagues align their views with Helen Thomas almost 95% was forced to take a stand against her beliefs.
Fact is that most of the bias mainstream media takes a hard left against Israel, yet they know the public is over 80% for the nation of Israel and their struggle to survive. Even Brit Hume said that sitting beside Helen for many years in the White House briefing media room said “Helen has said comments like that all the time I knew her.” How is it then that the far left media and “American Journalism” philosophy can slander Israel and Christianity when they think no one is listening, but when they get out in public, they pretend they believe something else? Truth is, every now and then, they slip up and let their true beliefs show.
My real concern is if Helen Thomas and her media colleagues can slip up and show their true beliefs about Israel, what or should I say, when will they show their true beliefs about Christianity and Christians? If Helen can with an ugly anti-Semitic tone say the Jews should be cast out of Israel and taken back to Germany, when will she and her kind say that all Christians should be taken out of the United States? The fearful thought is, Helen represents all of American mainstream media – the voice of the “so called news.” All I can say is, God help us:
By Dr Tim McClure
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I think everyone knows the old most often quoted phrase; “Come on down.” It was the famous one liner used by Bob Barker with the old TV Game Show, “The Price is Right.” Originally the TV game show began in 1956, but was made famous when CBS re-released the show with their new host, Bob Barker. Barker with his infectious smile would sing the chant as the crowd erupted into applause; “Come on down.” The idea was to choose one of the audience members to take the challenge to come play the game and guess the price of whatever item, from a box of soap to an automobile. If the contestant won, he or she could win what was behind the curtain.
Throughout our lives, we all have had similar challenging settings. There we were, sitting in the audience of life, gazing over the lure of possibilities and as our eyes dance with excitement, we heard the challenging call, “Come on Down.” Now I know I’m over dramatizing the setting, but you get the picture. Fact is, every one of us is absolutely sitting in the arena of life and before us are real challenging opportunities. Truth is from day to day, we don’t know if opportunities will call our name that day or not, but there we sit. Ready or not, we will be required to respond to the challenge. Whether that challenge is choices with friends, college, career or entrepreneurship, we will face them with choices at hand. What we do with those opportunities could define if we win or lose, but we will have to choose.
Please allow me to provoke your mind to the notion that choices are not bad. Opportunities are the very things that make our life challenging, exciting and even great. Yes, I agree that such challenges can bring pain and problems, but even a turtle has to stick his neck out to get ahead. Abraham heard the challenging call that day from God – “Get up and get out.” Yes, it was exciting, but it also was fearful. Moses head the challenging call coming from a burning bush and yes, he too faced some very difficult situations, but Oh, what an opportunity! David heard the call in the voice of a Giant. John the Baptist heard the challenge in the wilderness. Paul heard the challenge from a thundering cloud. But all took the challenge.
Your challenging call might not sound or look so dynamic as Abraham, Moses or Paul, but I promise you – it will be. To these many I have brought to your attention and many hundreds more I have not, their challenging call afforded them great opportunities that not only won them their prize, but thousands of others too. Please hear me when I say to you, your challenging opportunity is not simply a “Game,” it is your life, your future. If you could close your eyes long enough to peek into your future and see what God has prepared for you, you would wave your arms with screams as opportunity calls your name. Don’t just sit there, jump up and run down to the stage of opportunity and allow God to reveal to you from behind his curtain what he has prepared to give you. Your prize is in your opportunities – Take the Challenge.
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, check out my blog):
Father committed to riding the horse
Jonas took his son off on a “Father – Son” outing to developing some important bonding and use life to teach his son about commitment. The father was standing by the horse explaining to his son just how he was to hold on to the reigns, if not hold on to his neck but whatever you do, don’t let go. Commit to ride until she stops. The father climbed upon the horse to give a visible demonstration and all of a sudden the horse instantly jerked into a back and forth – seemingly gallop. The father was seated on the horse sideways and about fell off. He banged his head on the horse’s head, he was about to jump off when he remembered, “Commitment.” He held on for dear life. Jerking back and forwards, he held on until the horse came to a stop. Banged up, mouth bleeding, arm skinned up, his son standing there eyes wide open when all of a sudden the Wal-Mart manager walked up and said, “Sir those are for kids to ride.”
Proverbs to live by:
The Ten Commandments . . . is not a multiple choice question
Minds are like parachutes, they function only . . . . when open
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails
Some folks won't look up . . . until they are flat on their backs
Hard work is the yeast that raises the dough
June 2010 – Opportunity – Theme for June, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
June 2, 9, 16, 23 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
June 6 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland CafĂ© – 6 PM
June 18, 20 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
June 19 – Men-Boys Outing @ Howard Futch Bch Park: 10am – 4pm
June 20 Father’s Day – Promiseland 10:30 AM
July 4 – Freedom Tribute – Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
I think everyone knows the old most often quoted phrase; “Come on down.” It was the famous one liner used by Bob Barker with the old TV Game Show, “The Price is Right.” Originally the TV game show began in 1956, but was made famous when CBS re-released the show with their new host, Bob Barker. Barker with his infectious smile would sing the chant as the crowd erupted into applause; “Come on down.” The idea was to choose one of the audience members to take the challenge to come play the game and guess the price of whatever item, from a box of soap to an automobile. If the contestant won, he or she could win what was behind the curtain.
Throughout our lives, we all have had similar challenging settings. There we were, sitting in the audience of life, gazing over the lure of possibilities and as our eyes dance with excitement, we heard the challenging call, “Come on Down.” Now I know I’m over dramatizing the setting, but you get the picture. Fact is, every one of us is absolutely sitting in the arena of life and before us are real challenging opportunities. Truth is from day to day, we don’t know if opportunities will call our name that day or not, but there we sit. Ready or not, we will be required to respond to the challenge. Whether that challenge is choices with friends, college, career or entrepreneurship, we will face them with choices at hand. What we do with those opportunities could define if we win or lose, but we will have to choose.
Please allow me to provoke your mind to the notion that choices are not bad. Opportunities are the very things that make our life challenging, exciting and even great. Yes, I agree that such challenges can bring pain and problems, but even a turtle has to stick his neck out to get ahead. Abraham heard the challenging call that day from God – “Get up and get out.” Yes, it was exciting, but it also was fearful. Moses head the challenging call coming from a burning bush and yes, he too faced some very difficult situations, but Oh, what an opportunity! David heard the call in the voice of a Giant. John the Baptist heard the challenge in the wilderness. Paul heard the challenge from a thundering cloud. But all took the challenge.
Your challenging call might not sound or look so dynamic as Abraham, Moses or Paul, but I promise you – it will be. To these many I have brought to your attention and many hundreds more I have not, their challenging call afforded them great opportunities that not only won them their prize, but thousands of others too. Please hear me when I say to you, your challenging opportunity is not simply a “Game,” it is your life, your future. If you could close your eyes long enough to peek into your future and see what God has prepared for you, you would wave your arms with screams as opportunity calls your name. Don’t just sit there, jump up and run down to the stage of opportunity and allow God to reveal to you from behind his curtain what he has prepared to give you. Your prize is in your opportunities – Take the Challenge.
By Dr. Tim McClure (for more articles, check out my blog):
Father committed to riding the horse
Jonas took his son off on a “Father – Son” outing to developing some important bonding and use life to teach his son about commitment. The father was standing by the horse explaining to his son just how he was to hold on to the reigns, if not hold on to his neck but whatever you do, don’t let go. Commit to ride until she stops. The father climbed upon the horse to give a visible demonstration and all of a sudden the horse instantly jerked into a back and forth – seemingly gallop. The father was seated on the horse sideways and about fell off. He banged his head on the horse’s head, he was about to jump off when he remembered, “Commitment.” He held on for dear life. Jerking back and forwards, he held on until the horse came to a stop. Banged up, mouth bleeding, arm skinned up, his son standing there eyes wide open when all of a sudden the Wal-Mart manager walked up and said, “Sir those are for kids to ride.”
Proverbs to live by:
The Ten Commandments . . . is not a multiple choice question
Minds are like parachutes, they function only . . . . when open
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails
Some folks won't look up . . . until they are flat on their backs
Hard work is the yeast that raises the dough
June 2010 – Opportunity – Theme for June, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
June 2, 9, 16, 23 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
June 6 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland CafĂ© – 6 PM
June 18, 20 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
June 19 – Men-Boys Outing @ Howard Futch Bch Park: 10am – 4pm
June 20 Father’s Day – Promiseland 10:30 AM
July 4 – Freedom Tribute – Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Friday, May 28, 2010

We are amazing creature, we human beings. Born with the ability to stare truth in the face and not see a blessed thing. Our presence has graced the presence of earth for more than 10,000 years, and if you calculate Adam’s time (un-time) then it may well be millions. And yet, just 500 short years ago we thought the world was flat. And just a little more than 100 years ago we didn’t think we could get off the grown and fly. This begs to question, just what timeless truths are we still missing? Please allow me to suggest that I think I know what at least one of them is. In fact, we’ve all poked fun at it. Let me ask, have year heard the statement; “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it?” Please indulge me; do you believe it’s true? How many of us have spent some real time to figure out exactly why this could be true?
Friday, May 7, 2010

Just when I think I have learned all there is to learn concerning money, about giving tithes and offerings- bam, I discover volumes of Scriptures about money I never knew before. It’s amazing how controlling “money” is in the lives of so many. I put in words of a poem:
“Dug from the mountainside, washed from the glen. Servant am I or master of men.
Steal me I curse you, earn me I bless you. Grasp me or hoard me, Others shall possess you.
Live for me, die for me. Covet me, take me. Angel or Devil I am what you make me.”
Someone wrote: “Money will buy: A bed but not sleep. Books but not brains. Food but not appetite. Finery but not beauty. A house but not a home, Luxuries but not culture. Medicine but not health. Amusements but not happiness. A crucifix but not a Savior. A church but not a heaven.”
It was Jesus who sat over on the side and observed how people gave in the offering. While he was doing so, he called the attention of his disciples to watch and learn as well (Mark 12:41-33). It was the widow’s mite, the smallest coin, compared to the rich man’s bag of gold that Jesus used to teach his disciples a lesson. The amount that people gave wasn’t what captured my attention. It was that Jesus sat over in the corner and observed what people gave. And what is more unique was that Jesus took time to teach his disciples about the giving process. It mattered so much to Jesus of how and what proportion did people give that he sat aside and observed.
A person has departed from God if they are not giving tithes and offerings (Mal. 3:7). God revealed how one is robbing God if he fails to pay his tithes & offerings. Think of this. What should it matter, you might ask? According to Lev 1:4, God told Moses to tell the people that when they gave of their offerings, God would account their giving as of giving of themselves. Meaning, that when we give our tithes or an offering, God records it as if we gave our very person. Why is that? Because God knew that we exchange our time, talent and life’s blood to work in exchange for money. Therefore, when we give our money, we in essence are giving our very life. No wonder Jesus watched people give.
Tithes and offering giving is an institution God created. All that have is a gift from God and belongs to God in the first place. God said, “Return to me and I will return to you. We asked, how shall we return to you? And God said, you shall return to me in your giving of your tithes and offerings” (Mal 3:7). Wow, giving was the act of our spiritual reconnection to God. Tithing is an act of love and thanksgiving for material things received from God's Creation. Tithing is an act of confession of obligations to God who has been your helper in time of need.
Tithing is the key to divine blessings. Jacob left Canaan empty and returned with much cattle and many servants after he started tithing. If God gets His part, He said he would bless the rest. Truth is, when we give the tithe, the remaining 90% will go further under the blessing of God, than 100% being cursed (Mal. 3:10, Lu. 6:38, 2 Cor. 9:6). When people follow God’s method of tithes and offerings, church ministries are freed to fulfill their purpose. When tithes and offerings are practiced, it is a blessing to the church and unchurched alike.
One who does not tithe does not consider any of the above things mentioned, they are not grateful, don't feel obligated to God, cares nothing for His cause, recognizes no higher authority than himself, doesn’t count God's blessing significant. Those who fail to tithe not only robs God but hinders the spread of the gospel. God's work requires money, tithes and offerings are God's way of financing the gospel. How much money would a public school system receive if it depended on the passing of a hat at a local PTA meeting to pay the bills? How would our county government make out if it depended on our taking up a collection at Memorial and Independence Day parades?
C.S. Lewis said of the early church, "I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more that we can spare, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc, is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small."
A certain family had gone to church and on the way home the father criticized the sermon, the mother found fault with the organist, and the eldest daughter talked about the singing. But the subject was suddenly dropped when the small boy of the family said, "Daddy, I think it was mighty good program for a nickel."
“God, break to the needy sweet charity's bread, for giving is living, the angel said.
And must I be giving again and again? My peevish and pitiless answer ran.
oh, no said the angel, piercing me through, Just give till the Lord stops giving to you.”
By Dr. Tim McClure
Boy writes letter to God for $100
A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00. When the postal authorities received the letter to God , they decided to send it to the President. The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill. The letter went out with the $5 from the White House letterhead. The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read: Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, the next time, do not use or send it through Government, those crooks deducted $95.00 in taxes.
You know you’re a Mother when: Happy Mother’s Day
You automatically tie everything in a double-knot.
You actually start to like the smell of strained carrots mixed with applesauce.
You weep through the scene in Dumbo when his mom is taken away.
You spend a half hour searching for your sunglasses that are on your head.
You find yourself humming the Barney song as you do the dishes.
You are out for a nice romantic meal with your husband, enjoying some real adult conversation, when suddenly you realize that you've reached over and started to cut up his steak!
May 2010 – Financial Breakthrough – Theme for May, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
May 5, 12, 19, 26 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
May 2, 9, 16, 23 – Antshillvania Children’s Musical practice every Sun. mornings
May 9 – Mother’s Tribute – Women’s Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
May 14, 16, 30 – Fusion groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
June 4 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland CafĂ© – 6 PM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The typical family would spend time together in their back yard, playing games and eating fresh grilled hamburgers. The most famous place families spend time together is at the neighborhood park. However, the most desired place for our family to spend together is at the mall, or shopping center. Browsing through stores is a family affair for the McClure's. The three most prominent stores our family spends the most time in are clothing, book, and toy stores.
The first store my wife, Jenny, heads for is the clothing department store. My three children and I follow close behind my wife as if we were on a guided tour, exploring the variety of sales and special deals. It doesn't take long till each family member is engulfed in his or her own particular world of clothing My wife heads right for the little girl section with Aleena, our seven year old, hand in hand, scouting out the latest. Timmy, my sixteen year old "man", explores the latest power looks of hats, shirts, and gym gear. Chanda, our nineteen year fashion model, smothers herself in an array of cool frills, and the latest up-beat conservative fashions. We eventually came together and compared our findings. After a couple of hours and two hundred dollars, we're ready to move on. At least I am.
The next prominent store the family heads for is the book store. It's a good thing that the whole family loves books, or it could a division of a great relationship. I could easily spend all day looking through books, titles, topics, ideas, and yes, pictures. The family can just walk past a book store and my seven year old, will grab my arm, and say, "No daddy, no, not the book store." Our family experiences some of the greatest fun together, sharing jokes from joke books and the latest from the comics. The funniest of all is the subliminal new age section. We'll roll in laughter, as I read a line or two from one of the far out philosophies of the latest new age advocates.
The family's fun day can not conclude until we visit the toy store. Some may think that toy stores are for kids only, but there not. My wife usually sights the famous proverb to me: "The only difference between men and boys, is the price of their toys." I must admit, the toy store is the greatest cure for the problem with the generation gap. Our family never fails to hit it off at the toy store. The games and toys we take with us, provide months of entertainment at home.
Thank God for clothes, book, and toy stores. For our family, spending time at the mall, or shopping center is a great family affair.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It felt as if the walls were caving in on me as I walked down the long, narrow hall leading to the psychiatric ward extension of Wuesthoff Hospital. I was there to visit George Robinson, who was court ordered to receive psychiatric treatment. A creepy feeling overcame me when the security guard locked the door behind me. Shock overwhelmed me as I stared into the faces of what looked like three hundred neurotic deranged human beings. Even though I had only spoken to George a few times prior to this visit, I was there at his request. I came to help him overcome his sixteen years of alcohol addiction. As I walked through the crowd, looking for George, I saw people engaging in elaborate conversations with the walls, while others stared silently into space. Paranoia eased from me when a few "normal" people nodded and said hello. I remember thinking as I looked across the Ward, "this is the curse of addiction." If nothing else gave me reason to thank God I was not a drug addict, that experience did. As I gazed at the crowd of men and women, young and old, it became evident to me that drug addiction destroys the mind, separates families, and leaves the addict functionally helpless.
One of the first things alcohol and other drugs do to a person's mind is destroy virtually millions of irreplaceable brain cells. (According to the Center for Drug and Alcohol Treatment of America). From my experience at Wuesthoff Psychiatric Ward, I did not need many facts or statistics to prove to me that drug addiction destroys the mind. Drug addiction is a slow death, according to Dr. John B. James of Johns Hopkens Alcohol Research Center in Baltimore, Maryland. It was clear to me, after talking with George Robinson, that sixteen years of alcoholism had almost stripped him of his self worth and esteem. Even his conversation seemed to jump from one subject to another. I found it hard to make sense of what he was trying to say. It was evident that drug addiction was a psychological curse.
Another way that I saw drug addiction as a curse was the way it separated families. As I talked to George that day, he revealed to me that his addiction had driven a deep wedge between him and his father. George confessed that he lost every friend that he ever had. Drugs had destroyed almost every promising relationship George ever had. At thirty years of age, George Robinson had no real friends, no plans of marriage, no children, and no loving relationship with his mother or father. I was a preacher he had only met four or five times, and he said that I was the only one he could call for help. This brought new meaning to the latest government reports that found drug addiction to be one of the leading causes for divorce in America.
Finally, not only does drug addiction destroy the mind and relationships, it also renders the addict virtually helpless in securing a meaningful future. George Robinson had a bachelor's degree in agriculture. He was a skilled carpenter, a wind surfing champion, and a very skillful surfboard designer. George, at one time, owned a very successful surfboard manufacturing business, and alcohol addiction had taken it all away. I didn't need all the facts and figure that day to convince me that drug addiction would destroy a man's future success. If George was ever to enjoy a successful future, alcohol would have to go. Clearly, drug addiction was a curse to him.
It took George eight months of hard work to overcome his addiction. After nine years of drug free living, George Robinson has his right mind, is happily married and is a successful businessman in Melbourne, Florida. My experience with helping George overcome his addiction has revealed to me, the unforgettable curse of addiction.
One of the first things alcohol and other drugs do to a person's mind is destroy virtually millions of irreplaceable brain cells. (According to the Center for Drug and Alcohol Treatment of America). From my experience at Wuesthoff Psychiatric Ward, I did not need many facts or statistics to prove to me that drug addiction destroys the mind. Drug addiction is a slow death, according to Dr. John B. James of Johns Hopkens Alcohol Research Center in Baltimore, Maryland. It was clear to me, after talking with George Robinson, that sixteen years of alcoholism had almost stripped him of his self worth and esteem. Even his conversation seemed to jump from one subject to another. I found it hard to make sense of what he was trying to say. It was evident that drug addiction was a psychological curse.
Another way that I saw drug addiction as a curse was the way it separated families. As I talked to George that day, he revealed to me that his addiction had driven a deep wedge between him and his father. George confessed that he lost every friend that he ever had. Drugs had destroyed almost every promising relationship George ever had. At thirty years of age, George Robinson had no real friends, no plans of marriage, no children, and no loving relationship with his mother or father. I was a preacher he had only met four or five times, and he said that I was the only one he could call for help. This brought new meaning to the latest government reports that found drug addiction to be one of the leading causes for divorce in America.
Finally, not only does drug addiction destroy the mind and relationships, it also renders the addict virtually helpless in securing a meaningful future. George Robinson had a bachelor's degree in agriculture. He was a skilled carpenter, a wind surfing champion, and a very skillful surfboard designer. George, at one time, owned a very successful surfboard manufacturing business, and alcohol addiction had taken it all away. I didn't need all the facts and figure that day to convince me that drug addiction would destroy a man's future success. If George was ever to enjoy a successful future, alcohol would have to go. Clearly, drug addiction was a curse to him.
It took George eight months of hard work to overcome his addiction. After nine years of drug free living, George Robinson has his right mind, is happily married and is a successful businessman in Melbourne, Florida. My experience with helping George overcome his addiction has revealed to me, the unforgettable curse of addiction.
Monday, April 12, 2010
12 Ingredients of a Perfect Day

Time is the most valuable commodity in your life. Time is more valuable than money, things, stuff, goods or prestige. If you lose your house, you can always get another one. If you lose your friends, you can make new ones. If you lose your time, you can never replace it. Cherish your time above everything that is given to you.
Energy is powerful substance you have been given with regard to your assignment. If you learn your purpose, educate yourself to accomplish it and network all the friends and family to assist you, but you run out of the energy to follow through, all your resources’ become in vain. You must always be conscious of your energy level – measured by passion, health, excitement, ambition and activity.
1. PURPOSE – what is that single most definite purpose in life that you were place on earth to accomplish? Why were you born? If you cannot articulate that in detail, then list the Single most important thing that you MUST do this year. What is it that you want to DO, ACCOMPLISH, HAVE, REACH this year? What is that one thing that you and you alone can and must do? Start with this. Every day of your life must be centered on your PURPOSE. If you don’t, you’ll spend a lifetime of doing stuff that matters NOTHING to you or yours. “To this end was I born and for this purpose I came (John 18:37).
2. PRAYER – converse with God daily about what it is that HE wants of you and for you. Never start a day without first “checking in with God.” It is a major mistake to go to God after you messed up something, asking his help to FIX it, than it is to go to God before you DO for direction on what and how to live. Prayer is getting the mind of Christ before your thoughts so you can KNOW what and how to do. “Everything by prayer (Phil 4:6).
3. PRESCRIPTION – To lay down as a guide or rule of action, to direct the use of something as a remedy. A written direction: (medical term = plan of cure). A LIST of what you want to accomplish towards your ultimate goal. Prescription is meant as preparation. Put all the stuff you want to accomplish on paper and sift through it before you plan. “Steps of a good man are order by God (Ps 37:23).
4. PLAN – written down outline or steps you must take to get you to your desired goal. This “plan” should only be two or three things per day that you MUST accomplish. Never write out more than three things. If you were able to accomplish just one a day, in one year, you would have accomplished 365 powerful plans – steps that took you towards your ultimate purpose in life. “Failing to Plan is a sure Plan to Fail.” “Set your house in order (Isa 38:1).
a. WRITE down your plan of action: “Success Schedule, To Do List, Action Plan, etc. but whatever you call it, you must write it down:
5. PRIORITIZE - Every plan must have some order to it of priority or you will simply move with your plan in mind – thinking you are getting things done. Obviously, you must put the first and most important thing you HAVE to do this day or else – if you are going to be successful with your time and energy. Place the first things first. If you have 10 things down on your list and stayed busy all day and all you did was drive, drycleaner, grocery, gas, mop, etc., but failed to DO your purpose, you will have wasted your day. “Seek first the Kingdom (Matt 6:33
6. ORGANIZE – Put your plan down in an order, such as 1, 2, 3, or by Hours, or Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Action, Phone calls, Paper, etc. There is no way that your purpose, plan or priority will become a reality unless you organize it. You must put your purpose down in an ORDERLY fashion. What to do first?
7. NETWORK – Above communication, you need to network. Networking means touch bases with all those in your life you NEED in order to accomplish your single most definite purpose in life. Communicate with everyone you need to, connect with your mentor (person or paper), recap what your superiors have put in your IN box, ask, ask, ask what it is that you need, they demand, etc. = success.
8. EDUCATE – Every day should always have in it a book, audio or some source of tool that ADDS value to your Spirit, Soul and Body. If you are not GROWING daily, you are SHRINKING. Always keep a book, audio lesson, article, memory, etc. on your person, car, bathroom, work, etc. so you can access it when you have the time. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). “You shall know the truth, make you free (John 8:32). Use your activities, failures, short falls and successes to educate you also. Recap your day and learn from it.
9. EXERCISE – Your brain will only last as long as your body. Your health is the key to your endurance. Physical health is paramount to your emotional health. If your body is sluggish, so will be your brain. 8 minutes a day of some form of exercise can and will keep you on the top 10% of the world. Stretch, Move & use your daily routine to exercise: Squats, Pick-up, Posture, Leg movements, etc.
10. FELLOWSHIP – unlike networking, fellowship is for human development. While networking is meant for your purpose success, fellowship is for your personal success. Fellowship is with your spouse, children and friends. Fellowship is used to recap priorities, assist you with keeping things in perspective. Fellowship forces you to accomplish your purpose with others in mind, not a selfish motive.
11. ENTERTAIN – We all need to Replenish our mind from the daily depletion. Entertainment is a time to laugh, reprise, refuel, and refresh your soul and mind. Some can use exercise as entertainment while others use reading a book. Some use a hobby while others use sports or show. Mix it up if you can.
12. REST – Proper sleep will add up to 8 years to your life. Babies need 10-12 hours, youth need 8-10 hours and adults 6-8 hours of sleep. Each hour before midnight is worth more than 2 hours after midnight. If you sleep 10-12 hours and wake up, you will be sluggish all day. Why? Unhealthy. “Come aside and rest (Mark 6:31). I will give you rest (Matt 11:28).
By Dr Tim McClure
Energy is powerful substance you have been given with regard to your assignment. If you learn your purpose, educate yourself to accomplish it and network all the friends and family to assist you, but you run out of the energy to follow through, all your resources’ become in vain. You must always be conscious of your energy level – measured by passion, health, excitement, ambition and activity.
1. PURPOSE – what is that single most definite purpose in life that you were place on earth to accomplish? Why were you born? If you cannot articulate that in detail, then list the Single most important thing that you MUST do this year. What is it that you want to DO, ACCOMPLISH, HAVE, REACH this year? What is that one thing that you and you alone can and must do? Start with this. Every day of your life must be centered on your PURPOSE. If you don’t, you’ll spend a lifetime of doing stuff that matters NOTHING to you or yours. “To this end was I born and for this purpose I came (John 18:37).
2. PRAYER – converse with God daily about what it is that HE wants of you and for you. Never start a day without first “checking in with God.” It is a major mistake to go to God after you messed up something, asking his help to FIX it, than it is to go to God before you DO for direction on what and how to live. Prayer is getting the mind of Christ before your thoughts so you can KNOW what and how to do. “Everything by prayer (Phil 4:6).
3. PRESCRIPTION – To lay down as a guide or rule of action, to direct the use of something as a remedy. A written direction: (medical term = plan of cure). A LIST of what you want to accomplish towards your ultimate goal. Prescription is meant as preparation. Put all the stuff you want to accomplish on paper and sift through it before you plan. “Steps of a good man are order by God (Ps 37:23).
4. PLAN – written down outline or steps you must take to get you to your desired goal. This “plan” should only be two or three things per day that you MUST accomplish. Never write out more than three things. If you were able to accomplish just one a day, in one year, you would have accomplished 365 powerful plans – steps that took you towards your ultimate purpose in life. “Failing to Plan is a sure Plan to Fail.” “Set your house in order (Isa 38:1).
a. WRITE down your plan of action: “Success Schedule, To Do List, Action Plan, etc. but whatever you call it, you must write it down:
5. PRIORITIZE - Every plan must have some order to it of priority or you will simply move with your plan in mind – thinking you are getting things done. Obviously, you must put the first and most important thing you HAVE to do this day or else – if you are going to be successful with your time and energy. Place the first things first. If you have 10 things down on your list and stayed busy all day and all you did was drive, drycleaner, grocery, gas, mop, etc., but failed to DO your purpose, you will have wasted your day. “Seek first the Kingdom (Matt 6:33
6. ORGANIZE – Put your plan down in an order, such as 1, 2, 3, or by Hours, or Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Action, Phone calls, Paper, etc. There is no way that your purpose, plan or priority will become a reality unless you organize it. You must put your purpose down in an ORDERLY fashion. What to do first?
7. NETWORK – Above communication, you need to network. Networking means touch bases with all those in your life you NEED in order to accomplish your single most definite purpose in life. Communicate with everyone you need to, connect with your mentor (person or paper), recap what your superiors have put in your IN box, ask, ask, ask what it is that you need, they demand, etc. = success.
8. EDUCATE – Every day should always have in it a book, audio or some source of tool that ADDS value to your Spirit, Soul and Body. If you are not GROWING daily, you are SHRINKING. Always keep a book, audio lesson, article, memory, etc. on your person, car, bathroom, work, etc. so you can access it when you have the time. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). “You shall know the truth, make you free (John 8:32). Use your activities, failures, short falls and successes to educate you also. Recap your day and learn from it.
9. EXERCISE – Your brain will only last as long as your body. Your health is the key to your endurance. Physical health is paramount to your emotional health. If your body is sluggish, so will be your brain. 8 minutes a day of some form of exercise can and will keep you on the top 10% of the world. Stretch, Move & use your daily routine to exercise: Squats, Pick-up, Posture, Leg movements, etc.
10. FELLOWSHIP – unlike networking, fellowship is for human development. While networking is meant for your purpose success, fellowship is for your personal success. Fellowship is with your spouse, children and friends. Fellowship is used to recap priorities, assist you with keeping things in perspective. Fellowship forces you to accomplish your purpose with others in mind, not a selfish motive.
11. ENTERTAIN – We all need to Replenish our mind from the daily depletion. Entertainment is a time to laugh, reprise, refuel, and refresh your soul and mind. Some can use exercise as entertainment while others use reading a book. Some use a hobby while others use sports or show. Mix it up if you can.
12. REST – Proper sleep will add up to 8 years to your life. Babies need 10-12 hours, youth need 8-10 hours and adults 6-8 hours of sleep. Each hour before midnight is worth more than 2 hours after midnight. If you sleep 10-12 hours and wake up, you will be sluggish all day. Why? Unhealthy. “Come aside and rest (Mark 6:31). I will give you rest (Matt 11:28).
By Dr Tim McClure
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Promiseland Newsletter 4-10

If anyone dares step into a Spirit filled church or listen to a dynamic speaker, be he a preacher or motivational speaker, one will hear something along the line of pressing through where ever they are right now and into where they wish to be. “Press toward the mark of the high calling of God” Paul admonishes. “Forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before” Paul again challenges. Jesus even proclaimed, “No one who has put his hand to the plow and looked back is fit for the Kingdom.”
Webster attempt to define Breakthrough as “an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare, an act of breaking through an obstacle, a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique.” I must admit that after 18 years of growing up in a Baptist preacher’s home and the next 36 years in Pentecost, I have heard 200-300 sermons on “Breakthrough.” However, far too little was given to me of a “step by step” practical system or explained principle of exactly HOW to experience a genuine “Breakthrough.” I’ve heard cheesy gimmicks like, “Turn around three times and shout Jesus.” Or, “tonight if you will just stand on your feet and dance for Jesus, you will dance you way out.” Sorry, but the most common on Christian Television would be something like; “You can give your way into your breakthrough.”
Please, the last thing I wish to do is to offend anyone who holds dear to some of those moments of spiritual euphoria. Maybe it just comes from my years of practical experience and decades of Biblical knowledge, but no one can read very far into the Bible and not acknowledge that God is not some hap-hazard, off the cuff weirdo. God has designed a planet, solar system and universe that has more laws of nature and universe than it seems we can discover. If I have found anything about God in my past 54 years of life circumference about God is He works according to principle.
I have found that if one is going to actually experience a “Breakthrough” in anything of their life, spiritual, relational, emotional, physical or financial, one MUST learn the absolute fundamental principles of HOW to experience such a breakthrough. I call it the “Science of Breakthrough.” If one is going to break through the obstacle of health that is holding one back from health, proper weight, free from disease, then one will be forced to activate the Biblical principles that guarantee such a break through. Such as the Law of Faith (Rom 3:27). The Law of your Mind (Rom 7:23). Such principles as Jesus explained, “I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23).
Please, can we grow up? Stop this foolishness of spin around three times, jump up and down and shout NO at the devil and you will get your breakthrough. I’m not against your shouting or jumping. I do that and love it. But to suggest that our human antics or aerobics will break through the obstacle of sin, Satan or stupid is absurd. It will take nothing less than the absolute laws of God to retrieve the particular “breakthrough” that we need. Let us learn, love and leverage the divine Science of Breakthrough and live the life God intended us to on the other side of whatever it is that’s holding you back.
By Dr. Tim McClure
A Quick Recipe for A Church Split
Take two good rumors, add a little spice, beat in several old accusations, pour in several dissatisfied church members, season to taste and then beat until firm. Spread out the mixture as far as possible throughout the church (the fact that it is thin is okay). Bake at a high temperature until you think it’s done. Serve when ready. This is a meal that should never be found upon our plate.
Proverbs to live by:
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks
Life is not so much a matter of position as of disposition.
The best vitamin for making friends: B-1.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
Seek joy in what you give not what you get.
April 2010 – Breakthrough – Theme for April, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
April 4 – Easter Play - In the Shadow of the Cross – 10:30 am – Promiseland
April 7, 14, 21, 28 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
April 11 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland CafĂ© – 6 PM
April 16-18 – Fellowship groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
April 24 – Take a Stand @ Lipscomb St Park – call Kent 321- 750-9925
April 25 – Generation Changers Youth Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
May 9 – Mother’s Tribute – Women’s Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
If anyone dares step into a Spirit filled church or listen to a dynamic speaker, be he a preacher or motivational speaker, one will hear something along the line of pressing through where ever they are right now and into where they wish to be. “Press toward the mark of the high calling of God” Paul admonishes. “Forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before” Paul again challenges. Jesus even proclaimed, “No one who has put his hand to the plow and looked back is fit for the Kingdom.”
Webster attempt to define Breakthrough as “an offensive thrust that penetrates and carries beyond a defensive line in warfare, an act of breaking through an obstacle, a sudden advance especially in knowledge or technique.” I must admit that after 18 years of growing up in a Baptist preacher’s home and the next 36 years in Pentecost, I have heard 200-300 sermons on “Breakthrough.” However, far too little was given to me of a “step by step” practical system or explained principle of exactly HOW to experience a genuine “Breakthrough.” I’ve heard cheesy gimmicks like, “Turn around three times and shout Jesus.” Or, “tonight if you will just stand on your feet and dance for Jesus, you will dance you way out.” Sorry, but the most common on Christian Television would be something like; “You can give your way into your breakthrough.”
Please, the last thing I wish to do is to offend anyone who holds dear to some of those moments of spiritual euphoria. Maybe it just comes from my years of practical experience and decades of Biblical knowledge, but no one can read very far into the Bible and not acknowledge that God is not some hap-hazard, off the cuff weirdo. God has designed a planet, solar system and universe that has more laws of nature and universe than it seems we can discover. If I have found anything about God in my past 54 years of life circumference about God is He works according to principle.
I have found that if one is going to actually experience a “Breakthrough” in anything of their life, spiritual, relational, emotional, physical or financial, one MUST learn the absolute fundamental principles of HOW to experience such a breakthrough. I call it the “Science of Breakthrough.” If one is going to break through the obstacle of health that is holding one back from health, proper weight, free from disease, then one will be forced to activate the Biblical principles that guarantee such a break through. Such as the Law of Faith (Rom 3:27). The Law of your Mind (Rom 7:23). Such principles as Jesus explained, “I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith” (Mark 11:23).
Please, can we grow up? Stop this foolishness of spin around three times, jump up and down and shout NO at the devil and you will get your breakthrough. I’m not against your shouting or jumping. I do that and love it. But to suggest that our human antics or aerobics will break through the obstacle of sin, Satan or stupid is absurd. It will take nothing less than the absolute laws of God to retrieve the particular “breakthrough” that we need. Let us learn, love and leverage the divine Science of Breakthrough and live the life God intended us to on the other side of whatever it is that’s holding you back.
By Dr. Tim McClure
A Quick Recipe for A Church Split
Take two good rumors, add a little spice, beat in several old accusations, pour in several dissatisfied church members, season to taste and then beat until firm. Spread out the mixture as far as possible throughout the church (the fact that it is thin is okay). Bake at a high temperature until you think it’s done. Serve when ready. This is a meal that should never be found upon our plate.
Proverbs to live by:
A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks
Life is not so much a matter of position as of disposition.
The best vitamin for making friends: B-1.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
Seek joy in what you give not what you get.
April 2010 – Breakthrough – Theme for April, 10:30 AM Sunday’s
April 4 – Easter Play - In the Shadow of the Cross – 10:30 am – Promiseland
April 7, 14, 21, 28 – APEX classes for all leaders & ministry involved @ 7 PM
April 11 – Couple’s Social – Mark Gungor @ Promiseland CafĂ© – 6 PM
April 16-18 – Fellowship groups – @ a place near you – call 321-216-8030
April 24 – Take a Stand @ Lipscomb St Park – call Kent 321- 750-9925
April 25 – Generation Changers Youth Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
May 9 – Mother’s Tribute – Women’s Sunday @ Promiseland 10:30 AM
Promiseland Church
1855 Lansing St. Melbourne, FL 32935
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