Your life, success or failure, happy or anxious, Energetic or docile, Going the right way or the Wrong way greatly depends on Who or What is Influencing you. Please hear me today: Your life will get no better than the people you hang out with. This past week, you could turn nowhere without seeing, hearing or reading about Michel Jackson. Sad,
Sad, after $100’s of Millions and this is who he is? And the corrupt media who damned him, attack him, scorn him a couple years ago, now they want to let us think they LOVE him. “O such an Icon.” They destroyed him and now they want to take credit for him. Filthy devils! Look around at what a twisted, perverted and corrupt life Hollywood, Washington DC, Paris and the rest have to offer. I would never want their $100’s Millions if I had to live that kind of life. None of them know what LOVE is. The bar songs, Rock, Country, Pop, etc. all offer so much depression. Is it any wonder “The wages of Sin is Death?” As I pondered these thoughts this past week, my personality wanted to rebuke, while my intellect wanted to teach and my passion wanted to encourage. After pondering this, my passion won out. Please, hear my heart:
Why do we blindly believe what the Masses do, say, think, act? The disciples came to Jesus and said, “The Pharisees were offended when you said that everyone is defiled by what he says & what he does. Jesus said; “Every plant that my heavenly Father doesn’t plant shall be plucked up. Let them alone, they are Blind leaders of the blind and both shall fall into the ditch” (Matt 15:12-14). Why is it cool just because everyone else is doing it? Hey, someone ask, why is getting drunk cool. Hey, someone needs to ask why pushing dope your only way out. Why can’t you push a business? Why do you believe what you see on TV? Why is it that we are told to follow the crowds only to find our lives STUCK in traffic? “Shut up and punch the clock, they say. Mary, you are not coloring in the lines. Charles, you didn’t write about the story I gave you.”
Isa 56:10-12 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, dumb dogs who cannot bark; sleeping, stuck, loving to slumber. 11 They’re selfish and teachers who don’t understand: they’re all about themselves. 12 Come they say, I’ll get wine, whiskey; we’ll get drunk and tomorrow we’ll do it all over again. STUCK
Many of us are Desiring & Dreaming one thing, but Listening & Watching another. We can’t pray for a happy marriage and hang out with people who destroyed every relationship they’ve been in. We can’t dream and hope for prosperity and listen to family bash the wealthy. We can’t wish for health while confessing your sicknesses and showing off our pill collection like it’s a badge of honor. Stop listening to the media’s mantra trying to program your mind to be against success, prosperity, health and purity. For example, they bemoan; “Is that one of those get rich schemes?” OK, let me ask, If you had a choice to work HARD for 50 years to accumulate $500,000 extra in investments, or you had a choice to work HARD for 5 years to accumulate $500,000 in investments, which would you choose? Of course we all would chose the five year choice. Isn’t it corrupt that the media and government will slam entrepreneurs who devise a plan, idea, system, or product that helps a person make money on their own, saying, “They are trying to scam the public.” At the same time the media and government set up a State Lottery and STILL $billions from the public. Hey, shake yourself, stop, get out of the line of the Pied Piper. He’s taking you down to the end of the road to dump you off in the river to drown.
Let me encourage you to turn off the News, become extremely selective to the shows you watch. Never watch a movie the media “Critics” praise (they’re usually perverted, twisted and evil). Yes, and turn off the stupid radio filled with some of the worse depressing, demoralizing songs any human could hear. Please hear me, make a commitment to be very selective to watch, listen to and read only the kinds of stuff that will grow you, succeed you, bless you, encourage you, make you healthier, happier and wiser. Find the people that ARE where you want to go and make friends with them. Back away from the “so called” friends who’s lives are messed up. Step back long enough and see what the parties, drugs (streets or prescription), alcohol, and promiscuity leads you too. On the other hand, take a good look at the passionate business minded, entrepreneurs, philanthropist, missions minded people are doing and see how their lives have turned out and go there. Stop, look around at the traffic jam you maybe in and make a choice today to GET OUT OF THE TRAFFIC JAM.
Sad, after $100’s of Millions and this is who he is? And the corrupt media who damned him, attack him, scorn him a couple years ago, now they want to let us think they LOVE him. “O such an Icon.” They destroyed him and now they want to take credit for him. Filthy devils! Look around at what a twisted, perverted and corrupt life Hollywood, Washington DC, Paris and the rest have to offer. I would never want their $100’s Millions if I had to live that kind of life. None of them know what LOVE is. The bar songs, Rock, Country, Pop, etc. all offer so much depression. Is it any wonder “The wages of Sin is Death?” As I pondered these thoughts this past week, my personality wanted to rebuke, while my intellect wanted to teach and my passion wanted to encourage. After pondering this, my passion won out. Please, hear my heart:
Why do we blindly believe what the Masses do, say, think, act? The disciples came to Jesus and said, “The Pharisees were offended when you said that everyone is defiled by what he says & what he does. Jesus said; “Every plant that my heavenly Father doesn’t plant shall be plucked up. Let them alone, they are Blind leaders of the blind and both shall fall into the ditch” (Matt 15:12-14). Why is it cool just because everyone else is doing it? Hey, someone ask, why is getting drunk cool. Hey, someone needs to ask why pushing dope your only way out. Why can’t you push a business? Why do you believe what you see on TV? Why is it that we are told to follow the crowds only to find our lives STUCK in traffic? “Shut up and punch the clock, they say. Mary, you are not coloring in the lines. Charles, you didn’t write about the story I gave you.”
Isa 56:10-12 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, dumb dogs who cannot bark; sleeping, stuck, loving to slumber. 11 They’re selfish and teachers who don’t understand: they’re all about themselves. 12 Come they say, I’ll get wine, whiskey; we’ll get drunk and tomorrow we’ll do it all over again. STUCK
Many of us are Desiring & Dreaming one thing, but Listening & Watching another. We can’t pray for a happy marriage and hang out with people who destroyed every relationship they’ve been in. We can’t dream and hope for prosperity and listen to family bash the wealthy. We can’t wish for health while confessing your sicknesses and showing off our pill collection like it’s a badge of honor. Stop listening to the media’s mantra trying to program your mind to be against success, prosperity, health and purity. For example, they bemoan; “Is that one of those get rich schemes?” OK, let me ask, If you had a choice to work HARD for 50 years to accumulate $500,000 extra in investments, or you had a choice to work HARD for 5 years to accumulate $500,000 in investments, which would you choose? Of course we all would chose the five year choice. Isn’t it corrupt that the media and government will slam entrepreneurs who devise a plan, idea, system, or product that helps a person make money on their own, saying, “They are trying to scam the public.” At the same time the media and government set up a State Lottery and STILL $billions from the public. Hey, shake yourself, stop, get out of the line of the Pied Piper. He’s taking you down to the end of the road to dump you off in the river to drown.
Let me encourage you to turn off the News, become extremely selective to the shows you watch. Never watch a movie the media “Critics” praise (they’re usually perverted, twisted and evil). Yes, and turn off the stupid radio filled with some of the worse depressing, demoralizing songs any human could hear. Please hear me, make a commitment to be very selective to watch, listen to and read only the kinds of stuff that will grow you, succeed you, bless you, encourage you, make you healthier, happier and wiser. Find the people that ARE where you want to go and make friends with them. Back away from the “so called” friends who’s lives are messed up. Step back long enough and see what the parties, drugs (streets or prescription), alcohol, and promiscuity leads you too. On the other hand, take a good look at the passionate business minded, entrepreneurs, philanthropist, missions minded people are doing and see how their lives have turned out and go there. Stop, look around at the traffic jam you maybe in and make a choice today to GET OUT OF THE TRAFFIC JAM.