Back in the early 1990's when Bill Clinton was running for president, many of the "left wing" media covered for Clinton's exposure with his sexual expiates by suggesting “Character doesn’t matter” with regard to leadership. News organizations like CNN, NBC, CBS and the New York Times all reported the same mantra; “Character doesn’t matter.” After eight years of Clinton’s administration, being impeached for lying and a host of other “character” flaws, the media still turned their heads. However, after Clinton left office, the nation was slammed with one corruption after another from Wall Street and Corporate executives that to this day our nation is still suffering. Now in 2009 with over $10 Trillion in debt and twice that lost in scandals, corruption and fraud who would dare recant the mantra, “Character doesn’t matter?” Let me ask you, who would you rather stay and watch your 3 year old little girl, a man with no character, or a man with impeccable character? Yeah, I thought you’d say “Character DOES matter.”
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