The same could be commercial-ed to the church. Every week I feel like walking around the church and ask, “Can you hear me now?” 2009 is a VERY different world than 30, 40 years ago with regard to the church and preaching. With the cacophony of noise competing for the attention of every person, young or old alike these days, every pastor has a Mt Everest to climb every Sunday. Let me ask you, “Can you hear me now?” I know that everything from family, friends, work responsibilities, neighbors, TV, temptation, frustrations, regrets, and an over whelming bur roughs of mess is competing for everyone’s attention. And one hour a week is supposed to suffice to hear a clear voice of God? I don’t think so. So what is the answer? First, “Can you hear me now?” Every morning purpose yourself to HEAR God beyond every noise that competes for your attention. Before walking out of your house have a season of prayer and devotion that will clear your head for God to maintain your attention. Prepare yourself in advance to hear a voice of God on Sunday and Wednesday. Go early and take 5 minutes to ask God to speak to you. “Can you hear me now?”
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