Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I was driving home from a trip the other day when I heard a clip of “so called news” on the radio that quoted: ‘Many people have turned to exercise to lose weight and get healthier, but EXPERTS say that exercise can cause death.” 

Crazy isn’t it? I have heard all kinds of “Nutty professor” advice from these “Experts” – so called that want to get another face time in the spotlight.  I heard one that said; “More Americans have turned to vitamins to supplement their nutritional health, but experts say that vitamins can be harmful…”   I know you have heard the daily barrage of “Experts say” – but who exactly are these EXPERTS?

I have been hearing these quackery commercials (news so called) spew out their “expert” advice for more than 40 years.  Amazing, more than 90% of the “experts” are anonymous.  And those who offer a name come mainly from University study geeks who have never been past the college parking lot of the real world.

I know, I am a tad bit sarcastic with these “so called experts” but when they spout off such stupidity I just can’t sit back and let it go unchallenged.  Hear me out: I can prove my stand easily.  Have you ever sat and watch a TV commercial trying to sell you on taking their DRUG that can help with your cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression, etc?  And then at the end of their commercial, they give you this list of 50 side effects on how this drug has been found to cause and even KILL you?  BUT, the experts say it may help with your ingrown toenail.

The next time you hear any “news, commercial” or otherwise anonyms “Expert” trying to sell you something, just count the number and severity of side effects and think of my rant and your good dose of COMMON SENSE.

© 2012 By Dr Tim McClure

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


John McDevitt, an Army reservist who served for one year in Afghanistan is staging a protest outside of a local Bank of America branch in Utica, New York after he claims the bank refused to reimburse him for supposedly fraudulent charges he incurred while on two weeks leave in Athens, Greece, a local NBC affiliate, WKTV reports.

McDevitt says he was charged more than $25,000 by an Athens nightclub even though he claims he only bought a few drinks there, but BOA's investigation has concluded that he'll have to take the charges up with the Greek Nightclub if he hopes to recoup the lost funds, according to WKTV. McDevitt says he planned to use that money for his daughter's wedding but now, he will have to use another credit card and go in debt.

Personally, I don’t doubt at all that a Nightclub in Greece stole his money, seeing that the nation of Greece is in the worst economic state of all the nations of Europe. It doesn’t take an economics professor to see that Greece is one of the worst nations to visit let alone use your ID or credit card information.

LESSON: However, whether McDevitt spent $25,000 on a drunken, stupid night or the Greece Nightclub stole from him, we must walk away from the lesson STAY AWAY FROM NIGHTCLUBS. I mean, come on now! Especially these days where we hear of Identity thief is happening 24 hours a day. And worse, VISA and MasterCard just reported they were HACKED and millions of card information was stolen.

Moral of this story is; 1) stay away from places that attract criminals; 2) When using your credit card or ID, never let it out of your sight and; 3) Check your online bank / credit card accounts every day – especially when you are in another country. Ask me how I know!!!

© 2012 by Dr Tim McClure

Monday, April 2, 2012


Another “Snake Oil Remedy” quack has come forward trying to get “we the people” to buy their modern “so called drug science.” Dr David B Agus, professor of Southern California wrote in his book, The End of Illness some of the most bizarre “remedies” to prevent and or cure cancer.

Agus suggests that if a woman would wear comfortable shoes she would have a less chance of dying from cancer. This kind of “Snake Oil” indoctrination is just one of the failure deception of modern day “so called” medical science. What kind of “medical science” is suggesting what kind of shoes you should or should not wear will prevent cancer?

Agus also sites some bizarre elusive study by some research group (who is funded by pharmaceutical company) that taking vitamins may cause cancer. This is blatant evidence that modern day “so called medical science” is either brain dead or their hidden agenda is obvious in wanting the public NOT to live in health.

Any amateur person who has read just one article about human health knows that our biological system feeds on and essentially must live on minerals and vitamins. And for any “so called medical professional” to suggest that taking vitamins will cause cancer is the worst kind of “Snake Oil Remedy” quack.

Truth; it is such modern day “so called medical science” that is ALL about proscribing and forcing the human population to take their drugs for life all in the name of “staying healthy. For every ONE Snake Oil Quack like Agus, there are hundreds of real health professionals who can and have done ten thousand scientific research proving the REAL medicinal and health benefits of vitamin supplements and exercise. Additionally there are tens of thousands of evidence that DRUGS KILL; whether sold by drug dealers on the streets or in the doctor’s office.

FACT: there has been hundreds of thousands of people who have DIED by drug prescriptions and under a doctor’s “care” in a single year in America and NOT even 100 has died from taking vitamins in TEN YEARS. Next time you see a “Prescription drug” advertisement on the television, listen to the 30 side effects – even death that one will suffer from taking their “prescription drug.”

And these people want to preach to me about what shoes to wear and why I should NOT take vitamins!!! Sorry “Doc” go sell your Snake Oil Remedy to someone else. I will match up MY health against yours and anyone of your patients any day of the week. And I attribute my health to godly living, happiness, great family, taking VITAMINS and exercise – and NEVER TAKING DRUGS from the streets or doctor’s office.

© 2012 Dr Tim McClure