Time is the most valuable commodity in your life. Time is more valuable than money, things, stuff, goods or prestige. If you lose your house, you can always get another one. If you lose your friends, you can make new ones. If you lose your time, you can never replace it. Cherish your time above everything that is given to you.
Energy is powerful substance you have been given with regard to your assignment. If you learn your purpose, educate yourself to accomplish it and network all the friends and family to assist you, but you run out of the energy to follow through, all your resources’ become in vain. You must always be conscious of your energy level – measured by passion, health, excitement, ambition and activity.
1. PURPOSE – what is that single most definite purpose in life that you were place on earth to accomplish? Why were you born? If you cannot articulate that in detail, then list the Single most important thing that you MUST do this year. What is it that you want to DO, ACCOMPLISH, HAVE, REACH this year? What is that one thing that you and you alone can and must do? Start with this. Every day of your life must be centered on your PURPOSE. If you don’t, you’ll spend a lifetime of doing stuff that matters NOTHING to you or yours. “To this end was I born and for this purpose I came (John 18:37).
2. PRAYER – converse with God daily about what it is that HE wants of you and for you. Never start a day without first “checking in with God.” It is a major mistake to go to God after you messed up something, asking his help to FIX it, than it is to go to God before you DO for direction on what and how to live. Prayer is getting the mind of Christ before your thoughts so you can KNOW what and how to do. “Everything by prayer (Phil 4:6).
3. PRESCRIPTION – To lay down as a guide or rule of action, to direct the use of something as a remedy. A written direction: (medical term = plan of cure). A LIST of what you want to accomplish towards your ultimate goal. Prescription is meant as preparation. Put all the stuff you want to accomplish on paper and sift through it before you plan. “Steps of a good man are order by God (Ps 37:23).
4. PLAN – written down outline or steps you must take to get you to your desired goal. This “plan” should only be two or three things per day that you MUST accomplish. Never write out more than three things. If you were able to accomplish just one a day, in one year, you would have accomplished 365 powerful plans – steps that took you towards your ultimate purpose in life. “Failing to Plan is a sure Plan to Fail.” “Set your house in order (Isa 38:1).
a. WRITE down your plan of action: “Success Schedule, To Do List, Action Plan, etc. but whatever you call it, you must write it down:
5. PRIORITIZE - Every plan must have some order to it of priority or you will simply move with your plan in mind – thinking you are getting things done. Obviously, you must put the first and most important thing you HAVE to do this day or else – if you are going to be successful with your time and energy. Place the first things first. If you have 10 things down on your list and stayed busy all day and all you did was drive, drycleaner, grocery, gas, mop, etc., but failed to DO your purpose, you will have wasted your day. “Seek first the Kingdom (Matt 6:33
6. ORGANIZE – Put your plan down in an order, such as 1, 2, 3, or by Hours, or Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Action, Phone calls, Paper, etc. There is no way that your purpose, plan or priority will become a reality unless you organize it. You must put your purpose down in an ORDERLY fashion. What to do first?
7. NETWORK – Above communication, you need to network. Networking means touch bases with all those in your life you NEED in order to accomplish your single most definite purpose in life. Communicate with everyone you need to, connect with your mentor (person or paper), recap what your superiors have put in your IN box, ask, ask, ask what it is that you need, they demand, etc. = success.
8. EDUCATE – Every day should always have in it a book, audio or some source of tool that ADDS value to your Spirit, Soul and Body. If you are not GROWING daily, you are SHRINKING. Always keep a book, audio lesson, article, memory, etc. on your person, car, bathroom, work, etc. so you can access it when you have the time. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). “You shall know the truth, make you free (John 8:32). Use your activities, failures, short falls and successes to educate you also. Recap your day and learn from it.
9. EXERCISE – Your brain will only last as long as your body. Your health is the key to your endurance. Physical health is paramount to your emotional health. If your body is sluggish, so will be your brain. 8 minutes a day of some form of exercise can and will keep you on the top 10% of the world. Stretch, Move & use your daily routine to exercise: Squats, Pick-up, Posture, Leg movements, etc.
10. FELLOWSHIP – unlike networking, fellowship is for human development. While networking is meant for your purpose success, fellowship is for your personal success. Fellowship is with your spouse, children and friends. Fellowship is used to recap priorities, assist you with keeping things in perspective. Fellowship forces you to accomplish your purpose with others in mind, not a selfish motive.
11. ENTERTAIN – We all need to Replenish our mind from the daily depletion. Entertainment is a time to laugh, reprise, refuel, and refresh your soul and mind. Some can use exercise as entertainment while others use reading a book. Some use a hobby while others use sports or show. Mix it up if you can.
12. REST – Proper sleep will add up to 8 years to your life. Babies need 10-12 hours, youth need 8-10 hours and adults 6-8 hours of sleep. Each hour before midnight is worth more than 2 hours after midnight. If you sleep 10-12 hours and wake up, you will be sluggish all day. Why? Unhealthy. “Come aside and rest (Mark 6:31). I will give you rest (Matt 11:28).
By Dr Tim McClure