Friday, September 25, 2009
My wife, Jenny gave me a new VISA card that was sent to us. I took it and proceeded to cut it up. Aleena (six years old at the time) was shocked and wanted me to stop. I told her, “Learn this well while you’re young.” I said, “If a man made only $300.00 a week, but spent $500.00 that week, what happens?” Aleena thought and said, “He had to steal.” I thought it was a good answer, but I explained how we couldn’t live beyond our means. We must spend only within what we make, not on what we borrow. Our society has allowed itself to fall into a trap. The trap is the debt system of purchasing our wants. I am sorry to say that Christians have not avoided this trap either.
We are constantly being tempted by advertisements showing us large selections of very appealing cars, home furnishings, vacations, and almost everything else we might want. We can have it with "easy payments" they advertise. We can see the world on a "buy now, pay later" plan. Our Lord was certainly aware of the problems of borrowing. So aware, in fact, in His charge to His people, God pleads with us to "listen obediently to the voice of the Lord your God" (Deut. 15:5-6). What does He want us to hear? He is commanding us not to spend beyond our means. Why is it so important that God Himself commands His people to live within their means? He tells us in verse 6: so that (the lenders) "will not rule over you." It is not God's plan that we should become a slave to our debtors (Prov. 22:7).
A man is charged to love the Lord, his wife, and his family, then his neighbor as he loves himself. The love of money is the root of all evil. However, when a man is in debt he finds himself thinking too often of his money problems. I have been told that, for most of us, money occupies approximately 50 percent of our thoughts (Matt. 6:24). As our debt grows, our allegiance to debt increases, and our thought time for the Lord and family decreases. Our problems begin to compound and we wonder what has happened to the blessing of the Lord regarding our marriage and walk with God.
If one makes only $300.00 a week (net), he must plan a budget that spends only $280.00 a week, (less than what he makes). The greatest problem with far too many Christians who say they cannot afford to pay tithes is that they are living beyond their means. They invest in a debt more than they have the income to pay for it. If you only make $300.00 a week, you cannot pay tithes, offerings, rent, food, car, gas, utilities, phone, clothes, and then go out and buy on credit a new stereo, weight machine, vacation, and make application for a Master Card and VISA. If you borrow and live on $425.00 a week, while you’re only making $300.00, somewhere out there you’re going to have more bills than you can pay.
Our budget we make of spending must be below what we make if we are to ever stay above our debt. One of the greatest sins men and women make today is when they get a raise they instantly raise their cost of living higher. We cannot spend more than we make. And if we get a raise, we should never go out and plan to buy more and live higher. This “spend - get” craze has destroyed more marriages, homes and Christians than any other demon. Read up on budgeting and learn how to “Live within your means.”
Monday, September 21, 2009
The first time he stepped into the ring, Muhammad Ali was told he was too scrawny to be a boxer. Never allow other people's failed dreams cloud your ambition. Just because they quit, gave up and believed the lies, NEVER allow you to hear it let alone believe it. "Nothing can stop what they imagined to do" (Gen 11:6). Dream baby, dream. Never allow anyone or anything deter you from dreaming your dreams. All of Joseph’s family, even his father rejected his dreams as legitimate. Literally every move Joseph made and every day he lived he faced excessive opposition to his dreams. Why, we ask? Simple, your dreams are about your future, not your past. If you ever get God to speak to you, it will ONLY and always be about your future, never about your past. If you ever hear the devil talk to you, he will always talk to you about your past and never about your future. Why? Satan is scared of your future, but loves to harass you about your past. Listen, get up and step into that ring and Dream baby dream.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Twenty nine years ago, my family and I moved to Melbourne and founded Bible Truth Church. I moved here without the assistance, help or support of any denomination, ministry or organization. I rented a house, 1057 Byrd St, turned on the utilities and had only $500 left in the bank. I put an ad in the paper for my business; “Truth painting, for the job you can trust” and in 2 weeks I was working. I then put an ad in the paper for evangelism, “FREE HBS in the convenience of your own home 254-5777.” And Johnny Flores called that week where we landed our first Bible study who became our first two converts.
I joined the Chamber of Commerce, introduced myself to every civic leader, business & Christian radio. I contracted to paint the WWBC – NCN complex in Cocoa for exchange of radio time daily, Monday through Friday. We became known throughout the county. I rented the Eau Gallie Women’s Club (only Sunday AM & PM) for $200 a month. Small store fronts went for $1200 a month. One year later I added Tuesday nights for an additional $200 a month. We had to set up and tear down for every service for four years. In our second year I put $5000 down on 1.7 acres at Lansing St. One year later Norman took a loan for $5000, and the rest came up with $5000. I applied and maxed out 5 credit cards for $35,000 and I paid them off and an additional $15,000 in cash to build our first building. For the first five years, my company paid my salary, mission trips and building of the church building. The 20 - 25 tithe paying members paid the utilities, rent, outreach and some expense.
We moved into our new church building in July 1984. The next year I had signs all over the church; 100 for our goal in attendance. On our big Sunday we had 99 people. I wanted to go out and get a dog so I could say we had a 100. I then went full time for the church and worked my painting business on the side. In 1986 we experienced great growth. January 1986 we had 27 to receive the Holy Spirit & join baptized. In July 1986 we had 120 to receive the Holy Spirit & 50 join the church. By the end of 1986, our record attendance was 180. 10 years later, we had 4 bus routes, baptizing many every week and over 600 one Easter. Since then, we have records of over 3800 baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.
From 1984 through 1994 we started Bible Truth Academy, Class of Ministries discipleship class every Tuesday, Outreach almost every Saturday, Bible Truth Institute once a week, two Sunday services, Thursday midweek service, and Saturday night prayer. We bought the adjoining 4 acres and years later started plans for building our existing church. Through years of corruption from local governments, three times the banks we were using went bankrupt, two of our General contractors failed, 12 subcontractors failed and $1.2 million later, we moved in to our new auditorium in January 2003 as Promiseland Church. The devil did not want the Vision of a Promiseland to come to past. But persistence, faithfulness and undying commitment of a few with their relentless faith, we did it and we’re still here.
“Through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God. Through it all I’ve learned to depend upon His Word.” I have found that it cost to be a savior. Jesus faced the worse kind of trials, tests and even death. Yes, it seems lies come cheap, sin is easy, apathy is a piece of cake, but building a real church will cost everything you are and have.
This brings me to the call and reason of this letter. This coming weekend, we’re celebrating 29 years of pastoring, Promiseland’s existence and a dynamic spiritual journey. We are having Pastor Steven Sledge from the Potter’s House Church of Bishop TD Jakes to come preach this year’s Anniversary Conference. I’m asking everyone to make sure your whole family, friends and as many as you can get to be in service this Saturday night 6 PM and Sunday morning 10:30 AM for a “Stand on your feet shouting” celebration. We only do this once a year and this is your time to say with your presence that you belong to Promiseland and you support the Vision of this ministry.
Some may say that economic times are tough, but I say without God, church or a covering, you don’t know what tough would look like. I will be the first to say that if it were not for Jesus, salvation, the Holy Spirit baptism, Promiseland and a spiritual covering, I would not have a life.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Celebrating 29 Years of Ministry
As I sit here now reminiscing our first experience twenty nine years ago in coming to Melbourne, Florida it causes my soul to recapitulate my nights of prayer that lead me to this city to start a church in the first place. The very short of a fabulous (longer) story began in a daily prayer in my bedroom each night. At the end of my Pastoral studies in Jacksonville, Florida. One night the Lord spoke the name “Melbourne” to my spirit. And yes, my first reaction was, “No Lord, I am not a missionary and though Australia would be an exciting adventure, missionary work is not me. Nights later I spent hours looking through the east coast of USA for a city named Melbourne. I must confess, I had a burning passion to go back up to the North East to start a church, not Florida. Weeks later, my family and I spent a weekend in Melbourne to “feel out the city.” Obviously, we fell in love with the beautiful tropical landscape.
Our second visit months later was the sure win. Sunday early evening as we drove away from Melbourne on I-95, I had to pull the car over for the tears were so full in my eyes, I could not see to drive. Jenny and I sat there in the car and held each other and weep before the Lord knowing Melbourne was the city and this was the time. In the summer of 1980, I moved my family to Melbourne. I had to stay in Jacksonville a few weeks to finish up contracting jobs I had.
In the first year I gave every Friday night to God in prayer till the sun came up for souls. I told God I was not here for me but for the Kingdom of God. Only a few months passed till I had a radio broadcast – FREE, taught Home Bible Studies, baptized a few families, secured a building and birthed a church. Our first Sunday morning we had 13 and that night we had 30. Just a year later we had already had baptized 30 people and filled with the Holy Spirit. Just this year I combed through the records and found the lists of baptisms and numbers of people who had been filled with the Holy Spirit. The numbers of people who had come to the altar to give their heart to Christ were too many to record from Sunday to Sunday. Twenty nine years later, we’ve had over 3800 to be baptized and over 4200 to receive the Holy Spirit let alone the near 8000 that gave their heart to Christ.
I have traveled to 48 of the 50 states and have documented hundreds of well known mega churches that had not in the entire history of their church baptized more than a few hundred, though they boasted of 1000’s in service each week. I have interviewed more than a 100 church leaders, administrators, leadership staff of churches over 3000 in membership and many if not most could not verify that they had baptized 5% of their congregation. It’s one thing to build a growing church (an admirable feat), but another thing all together to actually transform souls from the trenches of hell to the halls of heaven. Today, proven statistics reveal that all the mega churches combined do not secure more than 3% of the whole Christian church membership in America. Most pastors wish their church was a mega church if for nothing else than to afford them economic ability to fulfill their vision. However, 98% of mega churches became a mega enterprise at the depletion of surrounding churches. Membership exchange is not growth, revival nor evidence of God’s anointing.
These past 29 years have written a many of epic novels on the hearts and souls of tens of thousands with regard to the simple ministry of a poor country boy and his lovely wife. I’ve traveled to over 32 countries preaching the gospel. I’ve spoken in 42 of the 50 states. I have seen thousands of thousands of people come to the altar and pray. Miracles after miracles and revivals after revivals have shocked my humble life. The hundreds of men, women and young people who have given their life, blood, sweat and tears through these past 29 years can only give witness to the absolute dynamics of the Word of God. Nothing or no one can garner such a follow-ship for near three decades. We’ve had five times as many to quit, leave and move away as we have saved. But as the gospel song writer sings it, “Through it all, through it all I’ve learned to depend upon his word.”
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