Monday, May 25, 2009


Please find the answer to the "Real Stimulus Package that works." Instead of giving $trillions of dollars to comanies and government agencies that will squander the money on lavish parties, women, bonuses, kickbacks and corruption schemes, use the following plan. You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan: There are 40 million working people in America who is over 50 years of age. Give each of them $1 million in severance pay with the following stipulations:

1) They MUST retire. 40 million job openings: Unemployement problem fixed.

2) They MUST buy a new American automoble. Auto industry problem fixed.

3) They MUST buy a house or pay off their mortgage. Mortgage / home market fixed.

If more money if needed to pay for this, just have all the Republicans and Democrat Congressmen and Senators to pay their taxes. That should do it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


You’ve heard of or read the verse that reads: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them” (Matt 18:20). I have heard this verse of Scripture miss-quoted and miss translated my whole life. The typical translation sounds like this; “I know there is only a couple of us here, but the Bible says where two or three are gathered together, God is here.” For years many has justified their not attending church by trying to site this passage as their excuse. Truth is the verse has nothing to do with “attending church.” The focus is on a fellow Christian sinning against another Christian and refusing to repent. The instructions are given in Matthew 18:15-20 to address the sins of a fellow believer. The final step is to take the offending believer before the whole church to repent and if he will not, then the leadership is to separate the offending believer from the church. Like a disease, you must cut the disease out of the body in order to save the body. You do not save the disease and lose the body. And when the action is taken by the church leadership and the church body to separate the offending believer, Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered (pass judgment) in my name (representing me) there will I be in the midst of them (I will stand behind their judgment against the defiant offending member.” The passage is about authority, not church attendance.

Friday, May 15, 2009


You’ve heard the age old saying, “Winners never quit and Quitters never win.” Though the principle maybe true in one degree, but in simple truth, the saying is not true. Quite the contrary. True winners will quit a lot of things that they are not good at or a lot of things that hinder their single most definite purpose in life. Take most of the world famous athletes who climbed to the top of their game. Many if not most of them were good at a lot of sports. But they had to quit virtually all of them except the single one they became the best at. True “Winners” will have to quit many distracting things they would easily enjoy, but if they pander to the dozen’s of interrupting side lines, they would never have become the best at the one thing they are known as the best. Yes, you will have to QUIT most things in order to focus on ONE thing if you are to master that single most definite purpose in life. So, quit procrastinating and get to what you do best. So quit dealing with stupid things and concentrate on the few smart things. So quit conversating with negative people and only commune with the positive. You get my point?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Keep your face in the Sunshine

There was a man who walked by a major construction site and asked one of the workers who was hauling cement on his back, “What are you doing here? What’s it look like, I’m carrying cement.” He walked further and asked another, “What are you doing here? We’re building a building.” The man walked further and asked yet another, “What are you doing here? My friend, we are building a Cathedral for God.” What does your attitude tell others what you’re building? Helen Keller said it well, “Keep your face to the sunshine and you can’t see the shadows.”